THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Who Was There?

  • 23 BCC owners
  • Two lawyers
  • John Tight, CEO of Campbell Property Management
  • All BOD members except Paolo DiPrima

What Got Done?

  • ·         Seawall repairs for $71,440 (with an additional $10,000 possible) was approved.
  • ·         New roof for Rec 2 at $32,175 (or maybe more) approved.
  • ·         Established new rule that BOD members must submit a written request to review Association records.  Requests go to BOD President then routed to manager who is responsible for over-sight.  (What, no more BOD member mad dashes out of the office clutching owners' personal info?)

BCC  Documentation Amendments Dog & Pony Show
Two lawyers from the Association's law firm and the CEO of our management company (Campbell Property Management) were at the meeting.  These hired guns were brought in  to support the proposed Documentation changes.  It's proposed that we institute fairly drastic rental restrictions and reduce the number of owners needed for making future amendments. Reception from the audience was mixed, particularly about allowing future Declaration amendments to be made by 241 owners. 
According to the Board, a grand total of 250 amendment proxies had been received as of the night of the meeting.  The Board was unable to state definitively the percentage pro and con (so far) for the proposed 3 amendments.
Blogger's Comments

In your blogger's opinion:

1.    It was a mistake to combine the rental restriction amendments with the reduction in needed votes on the same ballot.  Rental restrictions may or may not be a good idea (see #2).  Reducing the number of votes required for future Documentation changes is a very bad idea.

2.    Explanations for why rental restrictions are desirable have been vague and unconvincing.  Insurance costs will go up?  How much will that cost each of us?  FHA mortgages won't be available to would be buyers?  How many sales are presently financed by FHA loans?  Renters make undesirable neighbors?  Were renters responsible for our numerous past acts of  vandalism?

3.    The BOD's sales effort on this amending effort has been poor to non-existentOnly 23 owners attended this meeting.  Only 250 proxies returned to date.  Not a good indication that  480 legitimate "pro" proxies will be obtained in order to change anything.

4.    Two lawyers and the CEO of our management company attended this meeting and presumably will be paid for their time.  How much more time, effort and money will be squandered?
 5.  So, now we have a new "rule" that a Board member must submit a written request to inspect Association records.  Designed to prevent a repeat of the "alleged" copying and removal of some owners' files by Saundra Zubko in 2010?  Nope, it was dreamed up because BOD member Bruno wanted to review the amendment proxy ballots.  If this vote is honest, there should be no reason to delay or deny any BOD member or owner access to the proxies.  Another BOD member previously stated that a suggestion to rig the election was made to him.  What are the chances that this voting will be recorded honestly?  (Item added 6/17.)

6.   It's often impossible for the audience to hear the Board's discussion.  BOD members don't use the PA system microphones, and when they do, the feedback hum blots out any speech.  This is unacceptable and probably a violation of Florida law.   


Anonymous said...

Your highlighted in red "reason" isn't quite right. Yes, Bruno is the culprit alright but for a whole different reason.


Of OOURSE he wanted to be on the BOD -what a wonderful opportunity to be able to get in there ahead of all the other realtors!

Baretta360 said...

I just love it when people who do not have knowledge, nor the education resort to miss truths and personal attacks. The truth IS that 718.110.(13) does NOT allow for an Association to restrict ANY OWNER from their rights regarding the renting of their unit PERIOD. 718 in addition states that a Director cannot be restricted from performing their fiduciary responsibilities. In addition, ANY OWNER has the right to inspect any and ALL documentation. The Association must provide such within 5 business days or suffer a $50.00 fine for each and EVERY day after the 5 day rule. PERIOD.

Cant Fix Stupid said...

Awwwww ... Baretta360 must be a FEMALE. The poor thing has so many "periods".

Knowlesitall said...

Saundra Zubco and Rochelle (the realtor) were in the office for weeks going through the files and changing the whole interview committee process and rules! I guess the was OK. Rochelle also stored her furniture in the apt across from the office while Saundra was on the Board. Rochelle is the one that does not even have to have her buyers INTERVIEWED! The new man Bruno is not with them so they are making it as difficult as possible for him to do anything for the community. Rochelle is the realtor who demands "favors". People do not know the truth in here and listen to the Houstons, Zubkco's and the like. Can't fix stupid just showed "her colors" again and again.

Anonymous said...

The new guy was chummy with Colleen? You are a horse's behind. Keep your eye on the "birdie" at home.

The Shadow Knows said...

Addressing Charlies Owner versus Renters
Cables for the TV"s were cut and pulled out at Rec #4.
Was it a renter? No! It was a BCC director.
Tires slashed on car of newly elected BCC /director.
Was it a renter? Very doubtful it was a renter.
Tables broken down in Rec #2. Was it a renter or a Director
who bragged that he planned on doing it for revenge. Was it a renter who destroyed plantings at the garden area, throwing the turtles, and birds around, and pulling up newly planted plants. No, she admitted to the police that she did it and is an owner.
Was it a renter who bought clothing on the SRD credit card. No, it was the CEO of the SRD. Several cars broken into, money stolen, Again, an owner, bragged that he did it. An owner bought a foreclosure and BCC PAID the $10,000 alien. Was it a renter who stole 9 owners Social Security numbers from the office? No it was an owner and Board of Director. Was it a renter who set Rec #1 on guessed it. There is a picture circulating showing an owner leaving the building as the smoke was coming out of the roof, while it was burning. The picture was not of a renter! Did a renter steal important and irreplaceable records from the office. No, Not-ta, was a Director.
These are the same people who are trying to tell us how renters are to blame for everything bad at BCC. Don't believe them.

Anonymous said...

No Director EVER had to have written permission to look at the files. This same Board is the one that gets on and then tries to control every human in BCC. Talk about skeletons in the closet. How do these characters get on to rule BCC. Can the Director only request one per month. That will be next. Rochelle has access to the files, to be sure. Like who is up for foreclosure, so she can jump on them for a listing. We know this to be ture. I have to agree with Knowlesitall.

Fly on the Wall said...

For the Record:
No 1. BCC allows rentals. To some buyersk this is attractive for certain reasons. Family illness and unable to come in season.
New job for a certain period of time, etc.
There were MANY foreclosures in BCC. The investors stepped in "to save the day" and BCC was able to continue to pay the bills with the investors maintenance payments. Had BCC not allowed renters, our maintenance would have skyrocketed. Now, this Board wants to make it as difficult as possible for the landlords to rent the units. Even though SOME on the Board say they will be protected, they, then, state the Landlords will go on a "Waiting List" after their units are empty for 60 days. This is a "smoke and mirrors" tactic. The interview committee can deny the lease with no questions answered as to why they are denied. This Boards actions are very disturbing and fringe on being illegal.
What could be the consequences? It appears it would be "empty units, foreclosures, and non-payment of maintenance.Realtors are not treated well and conversely, they will avoid BCC because of denials by the interview committee.

History Buff said...

TO: The Shadow, Old Gezzer, Knowsitall - and all those other cutesy aliases written by the same person (who also writes under Anonymous) - you keep asking HOW DID THESE (expletive deleted) BAD GUYS GET BACK ON THE BOARD???

Well, it certainly wasn't by a rigged Election this time (not like when YOU rigged the 2003 Election!) - the whole show was run by the lawyers!

It was the BCC VOTERS - the MAJORITY - who returned these people to the Board.

Not surprising, when you consider the complete disaster inflicted on BCC by the prior three Boards.

And LOOK what they've achieved so far! They got rid of the "BIMBO-VIRUS" in the Office, and got rid of that sorry excuse for a lawyer who said it was okay to ignore our Documentation and allow Land Trusts and motorcycles.

You keep writing the same old crap over and over. When are you going to realize that people simply DON'T GIVE A DAMN about all that past history? It's results TODAY that count. A lot of today's owners weren't even around when all that shit happened.

But, small-minded fool that you are, you don't realize that you're making them look better and better all the time, compared with what we went through for three years.

You've managed all on your lonesome to turn a respected Blog into a slam-book for your mean-minded toilet overflow writing - simply because you don't DARE to e-mail stuff like you used to. Remember when Vicky complained to Bud at Candidates' Night two years ago about "not keeping a tighter rein on his Board member who was sending out volumes of e-mails full of lies and garbage" - yep! that was YOU she was referring to. Now you can do it with impunity on Charlie's Blog and say outrageous stuff and get away with it. You don't fool any of us - we know who it is - but we're not too sure just why Charlie lets you do it. He's lost readership because of it.

Just remember - you're not the ONLY one in here who is a History Buff ...

Anonymous said...

Give it a break Joyous. We know it is you when you start talking about plants and police being called. with all your ..... you make it eesy to spot you.You have a list a mile long of complaints. Right now Saundra runs the board, makes decisions who can rent or own here and budget decisions. Should we ask her where the aud it is for this year? The one that we are supposed to have done yearly? Where is it????

Anonymous said...

•Associations with revenues of more than $400,000 must produce an audit.

Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAMs) are required by Florida Law to issue financial reports timely. The association's required to provide the year-end financial report to owners or let them know it’s available to them free of charge as outlined below:
•Condominium Association have 120 days after the fiscal year ends.

Anonymous said...

History Buff:
How come your election was run by lawyers and Bud still got more votes than the final count said. He will get back on when DBPR gets finished.
The one that told the new board how to rig the amendment election is the same one that rigged the 2003 election and you of all people know that! Oh great rigger.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we looked forward to the "snowbirds" that would rent for 3 or 4 months in the winter?
What happens now. Is there a waiting list? Can they make plans? This Board should be ashamed of them selves. some of these people have been coming here for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Now we have a lawyer that says its OK to steal social security numbers from the office for revenge! He blessed hiring a private investigator as well. Who is he working for?

Joyous Burkart said...

Charlie, I am sure you started the blog with well intentions, but look what happened when you publish whines and grips from some residents like below.

What makes a woman become obsessed about another woman?
I always say its one simple thing. They see something within that woman they wish they can be, have, and or say. If you have an issue with another women, and it stems from jealousy, then it is something that she wishes she could have or do.
Some people thrive on drama and misery.There are people out there who only function when sad. Bev Houston is one of them.They don't know happiness cause they don't allow themselves to be..Everything is complaints and made up stories about others and woe is me. She has demeaned almost everyone that lives here. She hates the lawyers, the DBPR, the Office personnel, the Directors,among many others.

What makes a woman become obsessed about another woman?
Envy and intimidation. When all else fails, they usually resort to "crazy-making"- when the perpetrator is threatened (namely by the target's intellect), and goes out of their way to smear their name and misrepresent the target. When your stuff is together, you best believe there will be some wackjobs out to derail your 'movement.' I am not the only person Bev Houston has been infatuated with over the years. It seems to be her make-up to demonstrate these personality flaws. It appears she wants to be called down on her behavior, (maybe for the attention). This probably will be the end result before she goes off the deep end. My accomplishments speak for themselves..Joyous Burkart

Baretta said...

Changing the leasing documents in the office to reflect what is stated in the proposed amendments BEFORE said amendments are actually passed is a direct violation of 718.110(13). This as well of the fact that this board would have such audacity to do so, AND actually revise the rules and regulations by adding additional wording to suit their cause or agenda without having it on an agenda to be passed by the board is totally out of control. STRIKE SIX.

Baretta said...

This may not be baseball with "three strikes and you're out..... This board thinks it's bowling! Wrong attitude and the wrong agenda for BCC.

Baretta said...

Trouble is....... Some of these board member's truly believe that they think they are introducing this legislation to benefit the members, but have proven beyond all doubt, that these members have been throwing "gutter balls" at the cost of over $12,0000 plus illegal legal fees for their "attempts" to change the documents to suit their needs. ........WAKE UP and see what they are dishing out to you people.!!!

Anonymous said...

Hip HIp Hooray! I totally agree with Joyous. Stories of fanatical , lies, etc. have all been told about Houston.
Good for her for addressing that sad sack of a female.
She stron to leave her name..I am not!

Charles Pukit said...

Sent in a comment and don't see it on the blog? Probably it was a personal attack on someone that was rejected. This amendment discussion seems to have brought out the worst in some folks. Straighten up and play nice!

Kevin F said...

Mr. Pukit: this may very well be my last comment on your Blog. It has changed far too much over the months. It's now irrelevant and extremely negative.

Your last statement about rejecting "personal attack" comments is an oxymoron.

You would have NO Blog if you didn't print such personal attack tripe.

Obviously, people don't seem to share your opinions on what is important here in BCC (i.e. Amendment proxy) and what is not. This Blog is similar to those annoying TV commercials that attempt to sell us a "solution" for a hyped-up "problem" that doesn't exist (the expandable "Pocket Hose" springs to mind).

It would seem that the Blog now exists only to allow you and Joyous Burkart (whether she actually signs her name, uses a whole slew of artful aliases and even signs "Anonymously") to make constant personal attacks on people such as Saundra, Bev and Rochelle, among others. I can only subscribe to the belief that you support her wholly in these attacks and thus allow her free rein.

AND it's a wonderful way for YOU to make attacks too - witness the RE-RUNS of the personal attacks on Sam and Saundra for the last two Elections. That should have been beneath your dignity, Mr. Pukit.

You, sir, are the pot calling the kettle black.

I can't remember the last time you actually gave credit where it is due - but you Do love to constantly criticize and predict doom and gloom. People (unless they are of the same ilk as you and Joyous) simply can't handle a constant diet of negativity.

The only way you can possibly revive and save your Blog is to refuse to print such drivel, and anyone making a comment other than on the item under discussion, simply does NOT get printed. I thought all that sort of nasty remarks was supposed to go under "Rants and Raves"???

CPR and Life Support won't keep the Blog alive much longer under the direction it's going. It's been corrupted by the wrong people and their attitudes.

I, for one, am sorry to see this happen. May the Blog Rest In Peace.
But, of course, this comment isn't controversial, and therefore may never be printed and see the light of day.

Charles Pukit said...

We'll miss you "Kevin".

Kevin said...

Joyous Burkart



Just as the Jewish people should never forget the Holocaust, we residents should not forget the Directors of the past and what they did. The following letter was written, IN PART, by a resident to:
Saundra Zubko Jan. 20, 2010, who was running for the Board. The full letter is in the blog.
5. You speak of the dissolution of the Special Recreation Board and again make misstatements as to what actually transpired and who was involved. You conveniently ignore the occurrence during this period where you used Special Recreation District funds for your personal purchases. If you are not going to allow "mistakes" by those who oppose you how can you justify them for yourself?
7. How you can defend the Comcast Contract negotiations is beyond me. Once again, then President Sam Slota operated in his "lone wolf" fashion and struck a deal months before the topic was ever raised publicly at an open Board meeting. This community is not the personal fiefdom of the Board- each of the owners has an equal stake and an equal right to be heard. I for one would like a full, written explanation of exactly what occurred during this process.
8. While you personally have just recently been appointed to the current Board of Directors, and cannot be held responsible for their actions prior to your appointment, you certainly can be held responsible for the most disgusting action I have seen since living at Bay Colony Club. The hiring of a Private Investigator whose duties are clouded in secrecy is outrageous. I am totally flabbergasted that this Board would waste the money of this community participating in what to me is a Gestapo tactic. Just who is going to be investigated and who and what will be done with the information that is compiled. If for no other reason it is my hope that those who voted for this scurrilous proposal.
Bill Walker, Building 8.

Baretta said...

The hits just keep on coming!!!

New Owner said...

I want to thank Bruno, the new Director for speaking so nicely to me after the last meeting. You can be reassured he is not in "their" camp. I sure hope he runs in the next election, He surely will get my vote.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure BCC will be next!,0,3466584.story

Baretta said...

That will certainly NOT be the ONLY law suits that will be knocking on BCC's door.

Baretta said...

EVERYONE....Ask your BOD what law suits and the total law suits the Association has at this time! I'll bet you that they total exceeds the total for the past two years. And if they do not Tell you.......I will. You're friend, Baretta.

Baretta said...

What REALLY happened at Rec 1 ??? Documented details coming soon. "Pictures circulating"?? OH YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

Enough Is Enough! said...

Good God! Now we have "Wiki-Leaks" Baretta, promising and promising (for MONTHS!) to "reveal all" - DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT PEOPLE SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN NOW AND DIDN'T THEN? Rec 1 is beautiful compared to the other Recs - let's burn THEM down and improve!

And NOW we have "Joan of Arc" ... um ... I DON'T think so ... didn't Joan get burned at the stake? Hey - good idea! (Of course, she became a "saint" - pronounced SANE-t - in THIS case, pronounce it with the "N" at the end instead of in the middle - MUCH closer to the truth!)

Doom - gloom - really, sick folks - do you really think we live our lives with "bated breath" waiting for your next stunning revelation of "past horrors" we've dumped in the archives and forgotten?

On the other hand, YOU idiots are living in the past and can't bring yourselves into the present. GET CURRENT AND UP-TO-DATE.

When are you going to realize that what YOU want DOESN'T MAKE A BIG FAT RAT'S ASS TO THE EST OF US? (Of course, everyone's entitled to an opinion - but we're SICK TO DEATH of hearing yours ALL THE TIME and having it shoved down our throats!

With you weirdos, it's like living in an insane asylum with the inmates trying to take over the running of things. If you don't like living here - MOVE OUT. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Deep Throat said...

Deep throat says:
Its people like you, followers,that just follow, and have no ideas for the community. If the gang does wrong, you just forget about it. Expect to pay for those lawsuits coming up because of Directors playing Hitler.

Anonymous said...

Talking about Mr. Bruno on the Board.Don't you have that mixed up. Rochelle, the realtor, is the one who gets leads from the office and has for years. She is always in the office with Sandra going through the files.Her clients do not even have to be interviewed.
You are talking about two different people.