THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady (by phone), Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis (by phone), Danielle Harrell, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith,.

Board Members Absent:

Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees: 41 (est.)

Elimination of Open Forum: President Bullock announced that there would no longer be an “Open Forum” at BOD meetings because “it violates Florida Sunshine laws.”  (Not an agenda itemAn open forum is only a violation if it is done outside the official meeting.  It could legally be restricted to 15 minutes maximum and included as an agenda item.  Nice going Wilbur, another maneuver to muzzle the owners and listen to no voice other than your own!)

Approval of 3/24 Agenda:: Approved unanimously (Not an agenda item)

Introduction of Committees: Ticket – Harriet Gustafson, Landscaping –Joyous Burkart, Planning/Capital Improvements – Gordon Houston, Rules & Regs – Danielle Harrell, Screening – Russ Parrot, Dock Master – Jim Gordon

Board Meeting (2/21) Minutes: Unanimously approved as read.  (Mystery motion on “Communication Between Board Members” which had passed unanimously disappeared from minutes for this meeting.)

Screening:  5 leases, 7 sales
Planning/Improvements:  Patio Fascia, canal seawall, roofs, balcony railings, pool modifications, B dock road curbs.  (STILL no plans for roof edge refastening or balcony railings.)
Landscape:  Improvements ($3,358) unanimously approved
Ticket:  Future meetings every other odd month
Manager’s:  Familiarization meetings

Unfinished Business: 
Cara Beth Walker:  UCM accepted offered settlement amount of $18,828.55.
Rules & Regs Format:   Format for update to be limited to 3 styles already submitted.   Passed.   Yes - Barros, Francis, Lauer, Smith   No – Brady, Harrell
Setting Agenda:  Method to set agendas.  Tabled.  For – Barros, Brady, Harrell, Lauer, Smith   Against – Francis
Board Communication/Operation:  Operation to be under latest Robert’s Rules of Order.  Communication not discussed.  (“Communication” discussed and voted on at last meeting, but vanished from minutes.  Following Robert’s Rules?  When will this happen?  See Notes below.)

New Business
Rental Deposits:  Stop collecting rental deposits.  Failed.  For -  Francis, Harrell, Lauer   Against – Barros, Brady, Bullock, Smith
Lease Addendum:  Wording stating BCC a “commercial” condo deleted.  Passed unanimously.
Security Guard for Parties: Motion to eliminate by Harrell.  Failed.  No second.  (Not an agenda item.)

Meeting adjourned at 8:55.  Corrections and comments would be appreciated.

NOTES:  In your blogger’s opinion, this meeting (in addition to many prior ones) left a lot to be desired: 
  •  Microphone and PA system (STILL) frequently not used and Board comments and conversations often unintelligible.
  • Speaker phone output from Brady (STILL) completely unintelligible
  • Discussion of non-agenda items a violation of Robert’s Rules!
  • R & R format and agenda setting rules discussed at far too great a length (thanks Francis!), while our dicey roof fasteners continue to quietly rust away.
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