THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


PoisonSign As previously reported in RESIGNATION, RECALL OR RECEIVERSHIP FOR BAY COLONY CLUB? “Wilbur Bullock has (in your blogger's opinion) proven to be an incompetent, incapable and undesirable Director.”  As a Director, I am fully committed in my fiduciary duty to BCC owners. It’s my obligation, therefore, to inform you that our investments in BCC are threatened and our Association expenses face a significant and unnecessary increase due to Bullock. Residents and owners who care about BCC’s welfare and their own wallets should work for Bullock’s immediate resignation.

Here are some of Bullock’s errors and omissions:

1. Was responsible for failing to file a response in a law suit. [See footnote (A)*] This resulted in an immediate summary judgment of Default. BCC now faces the possibility of paying hundreds of thousands in legal fees and/or fines.
2. Refused to share legal info with other BOD members, preventing them from providing a safety backup for his lack of diligence. (See #1 above.)
3. Prevented extremely well-qualified Gordon Houston from joining the even-numbered and grid-locked BOD. (Bullock is ignoring BCC’s well being so he can continue to control the BOD.)
4. Failed to control BOD meetings, allowing verbal brawls, disruptive out-of-order comments and general mayhem at Board meetings.
5. Ordered all employees not to discuss BCC’s security. This order is in defiance of a unanimous Nov. 15 BOD vote authorizing an analysis of BCC’s security.
6. Failed to provide any BOD leadership, leaving a 9 month history of endless haggling and no resolution. (i.e., BCC’s needed Rules and Regulations update; resolution of AC leaks; and constant repairs to ceilings, etc.)
7. Allowed only his pet items on Board meeting agendas, refusing input from other BOD members.
8. Demonstrated (repeatedly) a lack of emotional restraint and intellectual control. This is a minimum requirement for BOD members managing a $2.5 million annual budget. As one example, you may listen to the 11/15 message Bullock left on an answering machine. Just click on the rectangle with the “>” below. (May take a few  seconds to download, depending on your connection speed.) WARNING: RECORDING CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE. MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

(A)* Footnote available as 1st “Comment”. Click on “Click Here” below.

Blog readers are invited to add to this list of Bullock’s failures in “Comments”.

Please print a copy of this for friends or neighbors who may not have a computer.


Monday, November 29, 2010


BCC's Board of Directors is hopelessly grid-locked by an even numbered Board membership.  Half is determined to block the "Other Side" regardless of damage to BCC.  Will there ever be a quorum for a future meeting of this Board?  Unlikely.  If they meet, nothing will be accomplished for the community.  

Florida law offers three possible solutions: a resignation, a recall or a court appointed Receivership.  Click on:   
(The initial steps necessary to post a NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR RECEIVERSHIP are now underway.)

At the Nov. 23 Board of Directors meeting, long time BCC resident and civil engineer Gordon Houston was nominated for the vacant slot in (what should be) our 7 member Board.  After a long speech praising Gordon's intelligence, diligence and contributions to BCC's well-being, Board President Wilbur Bullock voted against adding him to our BOD.

According to Bullock, he only voted against adding Houston because; "Houston would vote for the 'Other Side.'"  Other side meaning Nazi Germany?  Communist Russia?  No!  Bullock means fellow BOD members Bill Delaney, Sean Holland and Charles Pukit.  Does this mean that an intelligent Houston would always vote to support the "Other Side" no matter what the issue?  He's certainly smarter and more independent than that.

The BOD is divided into two factions: Brady/Bullock/Francis and Delaney/Holland/Pukit.  As the meeting continued, the Bullock faction voted not only against adding Houston to the BOD, but also against EVERY other motion made.  Despite frothy, long-winded remarks to the contrary, these no votes were made solely because the motions came from the "Other  Side"

As a member of the Board, your blogger has a fiduciary duty to protect all members of the Association.  It is my duty to inform you that:
  1. A lengthy recall attempt and/or a receivership would be an  expensive disaster for BCC, and;
  2. Wilbur Bullock has (in your blogger's opinion*) proven to be an incompetent, incapable and undesirable Director.  Bullock should resign from the BOD immediately, so we can get on with BCC's business.
*Details (specific Bullock failures plus recorded audio proof) upcoming in a "Bullock" article.  Look for this article in the near future.

Please print a copy of this article to share with friends and neighbors who don't have a computer.