THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 10 Board Meeting

Following is a brief description of the most questionable or noteworthy actions taken at the June 10 BOD (Board of Directors) meeting that might interest BCC owners. My thoughts are in bold italics. Please pass the web address on to any BCC owner, resident non-owner or employee you think might be interested in news and views about BCC:

Manager's Report - Cancelled because the BOD didn't want to allow compensatory time off for the manager. By having the manager's report first on the agenda, any compensatory time certainly wouldn't go beyond an hour. Couldn't we spare the manager for one hour during the work week? This seems to be another BOD move to keep owners in the dark. See the Confidentiality and Duty of Loyalty items below.

Finance Report – Audit 2008 - Usual monthly financial report not discussed due to incomplete data. President Slota then attempted to move on to next agenda item. Asked by an audience member why the audited 2008 financial report was not released by its April 30 legally required due date, the BOD gave the following reasons:

  1. Jason Katz thought Pete Shelton was reviewing the audit and Shelton thought Katz was reviewing it, so neither reviewed it, and;
  2. A multi-thousand dollar accounting abnormality exists which has not yet been resolved.

This is a violation of Florida law. Numerous complaints from BCC residents have been filed with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation regarding the delay in releasing the 2008 financial report as well as prior reports. BCC has been fined for past similar violations. If the board responsible for spending our $2+ million annual budget is unable to release an audited financial within four months of year's end, they are incompetent.

New Towing RuleThis agenda item was ignored.

Not discussed or voted on, yet a towing sign is now located at the first turn of the entrance road. Is it legal? Will BCC face more legal fees because of it? Was any consideration from the tow company involved in this action? Are we over-run with illegally parked cars? Are we willing to allow our board to do whatever they want without any discussion or vote?

Confidentiality Agreement for Employees - Ratified. For- Bisaillon, Katz, Lauth, Shelton, Slota. Against- Bullock, Brady.

BCC employees have a fiduciary duty to owners, NOT to the BOD. I believe there are two reasons for forcing this on BCC workers: To keep owners in the dark and to advance the effort by some board members to get rid of our manager and service agent. Those of us who were here in 2004 will recall the serious problems after Slota and associates forced out a manager.

Board Members Duty of Loyalty - An agenda item included by Pete Shelton to protest Wilbur Bullock's "unauthorized" release of the Secrecy Agreement to BCC owners not on the BOD.

Shelton accused Bullock of "unprofessional" and "disloyal" behavior. Shelton is apparently unaware that Florida law requires all condo activity (outside of legal matters in litigation) to be open and transparent. Every Board member's duty is to BCC owners and part of that duty is to be sure that we all know what's going on. Bravo Wilbur.