THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Choir1 Open Forum :
Need for weekly buyer screenings and participation of BOD members not physically present at Board meetings through computer video conferencing was proposed

Board Members Attending: Bill Brady (by phone), Wilbur Bullock, Bill Delaney, Lisa Farinacci, Betty Francis, Sean Holland (by phone), Bev Houston

Miscellaneous Other AttendeesJoanne Lowenthal, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees:  44 (est.)

Board Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2010

Manager's Report: Available on BCC web site.

Committee Appointments: The following committee appointments were made:
Community Relations: Betty Francis*, Bill Delaney, Sean Holland, Bev Houston
Finance and Accounting: Bill Brady*, Bill Delaney, Lisa Farinacci
Legal: Wilbur Bullock, Rocco Viola, Bill Delaney*
Long term plans and Capital Improvements: Bill Brady, Sean Holland, Wilbur Bullock, Gordon Houston*
Maintenance and Operations: Wilbur Bullock, Lisa Farinacci*,Sean Holland, Chuck Flesher
Screening: Russ Parrot* (to appoint others subject to BOD approval.)
Security, Rules and Regulations: Betty Francis, Bev Houston Chuck Flesher*
Social: Eliminated, responsibility moved to Community Relations
Violations: Appointments tabled pending resolution of ticketing policies.


NOTE: BCCers who would like to volunteer for a committee should contact a committee board member or the chairperson.

Old Business:
Private Investigator - Termination of private investigator and return of funds and files given to him. Ratified unanimously. 

New Business:
Attorney Retainer - John Stevens retained for collections.  Becker & Poliakoff to be retained for special other projects.  Passed unanimously.

Recovery of Association Funds - Special projects counsel (Becker & Poliakoff) instructed to initiate appropriate legal action to recover any Association funds lost through fraud or other illegal activities.  Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 followed by coffee and goodies.

Please advise of any errors through "Comments" below and they will be corrected.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Bulletin: A greater than usual number of Bay Colony Club owners sent in a total of 397 ballots and elected a new Board of Directors.  The new Board (# OF VOTES) is:

Wilbur Bullock, President (248)
Bill Delaney, Vice President (224)
Bill Brady, Treasurer (253)
Bev Houston, Secretary (197)
Lisa Farinacci, Director (242)
Betty Francis, Director (259)
Sean Holland, Director (204)

Other Candidates:

Harriet Gustafson (166)
George Lauth (114)
Thomas Nolan (111)
Ruth Richard (193)
Pete Shelton (103)
Sam Slota (63)
Saundra Zubko (97)