THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The initial meeting of our newly elected Board of Directors certainly does not support the old saying about new brooms sweeping clean.  As one of the bill-paying rabble in BCC, we always hope for the best when a new Board steps up to the plate.  Unfortunately it looks like more of the same old, same old.

 About 50 BCC owners (give or take) showed up to waste a couple of hours watching nothing being accomplished.  Your blogger gave up and walked out after "Security hardware" became the fourth agenda item in a row to be tabled.  (By the way, security cameras are a brilliant and long-overdue idea whose time has come.  More on this in a later posting.)

The attending crowd had the usual minority of twits who really don't care what they say but love their own voice plus the disgraced former board members who seem intent on dominating and pushing our new Board around while preventing anything from getting done.

Board members Zubko and Pappas, working with their old cronies in the audience (Slota, Metzger and Shelton) managed to get every agenda item tabled.  The best two bits of comedy in the meeting?

1. Zubko piously calling for 3 bids on the Flood insurance!  (Just like the infamous ice machine that was bought secretly just in time for a Zubko Super Bowl party?  Or like the ratification of Slota's secret TV consultant contract?)
2. Pappas asking for a completely transparent future operation of the Board.

Perhaps the BOD and BCC owners need to be reminded again what our BCC lawyers stated regarding the Rec District Board of Supervisors which was led by Zubko and included Pappas:
 "The District and the individuals comprising its Board of Supervisors* have acted in reckless disregard for the truth in order to prevent the District from being dissolved and to remain in power.  The District and the individuals comprising its Board of Supervisors have deliberately sabotaged the dissolution of the District, using defamation of the Association, its Board of Directors and attorneys and false accusations about commingling funds and not getting financial information as smoke screens." 

*Rec District Supervisors:  Bob Lewis, Wendy Metzger, Joe Pappas,  Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko

While we wish the best of luck to our new Board, hopes are dim unless they put a stop to the sort of shenanigans indulged in last night.


Anonymous said...

You know the Sandra Zubco "gang" loves 3 bid "contracts". There guy will know the other bids and have him bid lower. Theres money in them there contracts-like the build out of Rec 1.
What about Zubcos squirrel deal. WE paid to have her condo redone.
Guess what, her board president just had a problem with his condo and he had all our men run over and clean his condo up from a flood. We paid for it. Does that sound familiar? How about helping us. I do not think so. Check it out. We are back to the same old "gang".

Anonymous said...

I dont usually say much but I watch whats going on and Ive got a thing or two to say. All this digging up the past dont do no good and just keeps old wounds making more pus and stinking.

Whats the difference between what you call Sandras Gang that at least gets things done, Bud and Wilber and a manager who dont do a damned thing and dont know anything about anything, and then theres our own residents that do us in with frivalus costly lawsuits like Joyus with her dog, YOU Charlie with your trees and Special Assessments, that Carl something or other with his leaking kitchen and Fineberg with his broke wrist.

You are ALL self-centered greedy leechs that are out for yourselfs.

Personally Ill take Sandras Gang. They get more done than the rest of you sorry rabble rowsers. You accuse them of raking off the top but I dont care if they get things done and maybe save us some serious bucks to boot.

This community hasnt seen ANYTHING done for two years now and its high time we get rid of a do nothing president and an over paid do nothing manager and turn this place around and GET THINGS DONE!!!!!!!

Charles Pukit said...

Digging up the past has, quite rightly, gotten people put in prison and even executed... Nuremberg trials, for example; or lovable Bernie Madoff.

There are a great number of attention-paying BCC owners who are convinced that we are being fleeced. I have never accused anyone of raking off the top of our $2.5 million budget and will not until I have iron clad proof.

What would YOU think a reasonable rake off cut... 10%? 20%? Do tell us please.

Anonymous said...

Have I got this right?
You would rather drown in the ocean than accept a life line thrown to you by the Saundra Gang?
Wow - that's REALLY cutting off your nose to spite your face.

JimBoy said...

I'm laughing my head off over this tempest in a teacup.
For years we've called what you refer to as "Saundra's Gang" ... the "Dark Side" (you know, Darth Vader and all that Star Wars stuff).
We turned to the "White Side"??? or the "Good Guys with the White Hats" .........
Then I got to thinking.
The "Dark Side" bought an ice machine for a party.
The "Good Guys"?
- got ride of the best manager BCC ever had (sure she asn't "pretty" - but plain janes have brains to compensate)
- fired Sheila - irreplaceable!
- has done NOTHING for two years except fight amongst themselves over Tup Dog billing
- hired a PRETTY but dumb manager
- can't even pass Rules and Regulations
- outsourced Security
- done not a damned thing else of note.
Yep. I'm changing my allegiance - let's give the "Dark Side" another chance - even Darth Vader turned out to be a nice guy at the end the movie .......

Charles Pukit said...

I guess that you could hold Hitler up as somebody who got the trains running on time and certainly tidied up the neighborhood.

Still waiting to hear what you sheep feel is an appropriate level of Board member take from our annual budget.

Shocked & Astounded said...

I can't believe what I just read. You've obviously never read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'.
You are calling your BCC neighbors SHEEP???
Well, a flock of sheep need a caretaker.
This caretaker is called a Sheep Herder.
He is supposed to lead his flock in green fields and beside still waters.
But we all know what the lonely Sheep Herder does at night with his favorite sheep.
As a BCC flock member, I feel violated by being called a Sheep.
YOU are a Sheep 'HURTER' and I think your Blog is becoming somewhat SILLY, just like us SHEEP.

Anonymous said...

We're SHEEP??????
Charles, you've just highly insulted me!
So in return, I give you a "sheepish" Italian Salute........
BAA-A-A-A-A-A-a-a-a-aH !!!!!!!!

Charles Pukit said...

Well, we aren't ALL sheep. You've got your sheep ("at least they get something done"), your part-of-the-cabal, Judas goat ("at least they get something done"), your ostriches "Huh? and the aware "Run the rascals out!

Guess we know whose what depending on the comments.

THE BRAIN said...

you sheep better be careful...we have a security guard who WEARS AND CARRYS a gun here! What is this Hilter, getting something done. Is that how S. Zubco gets things done.
this strike force has to go!
The name itsself has shades of Hitler. Strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone (us) FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!someone (us).
Who got the kickback from them.
They suck.the guards do not know our rules and do nothing but punch in every hour...send them back to where they came from.

Charles Pukit said...

Maybe our armed guard can manage to blow away one or more of the thieves and vandals we've been victimized by? That's bonus territory!

As far as "Getting it Done", is this what people have in mind:
1. Refusing to investigate the mysterious disappearance of BCC assets?
2. "Emergency" secret purchase of a ridiculously over-priced ice machine in time for the famous Super Bowl party?
3. Secret signing of a contract with a totally unnecessary TV Consultant?
4. The police-reported theft of personal ID from the BCC office?
5. The hiring of a private detective to investigate BCC owners and deliver "cradle to grave" reports?
6. The imposition of an judicially declared illegal special assessment?

Exactly what "Get It Done's" do you folks have in mind? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Hostile working environment for the
Security Guards.
Every time the guard hits their check-ins..........
IT REGISTERS on the Presidents I phone! Why not put a camera on their forehead and be done with it. He also has a key to the OFFICE. Why?
What else does he have control of.
Put the cameras in the office. We want to see what he is doing in there all day. Make sure a video works with it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, good idea. Put the cameras in the office. We can watch the secretary play on FACEBOOK! I could not believe my eyes. give her more hours. Could you put it on channel 92?