THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Failure by successive BCC boards to make the necessary, relatively inexpensive repair to our roofs is alarming and inexcusable. Their inaction could very easily cost each of us a bundle.  Still, our BOD, led by Wilbur Bullock, does nothing.

The upcoming hurricane season is predicted to be more active than normal.  What happens if we lose half a dozen roofs with massive water damage, subsequent mold and mildew growth requiring complete replacement of all dry wall and electrical wiring?  Our Association insurer can decide the losses were caused by a lack of proper maintenance and refuse to pay.  Maybe your homeowners insurer will take the same position and refuse to pay.  What will your out-of-pocket costs be for repairing your apartment and the inevitable special assessment?  Based on past boards’ performances how much waste, graft and kickbacks will be involved in handling this “emergency” special assessment?

An email  detailing this problem and its history was sent to each member of our BOD.  In all probability they will continue to ignore the problem,

It is up to us owners to INSIST the board address our roof problem and take action.  Call, email, write and buttonhole every board member and remind them of their fiduciary responsibility and the consequences THEY may face for continued failure to provide necessary maintenance.


Anonymous said...

"Any Signs of Life on Bay Colony Club Board?"

NOPE - with the exception of the sole remaining female member.

... and they laugh and say that blonds are dumb ...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Annonymous above. As usual, Danielle is working hard on our Board, as well as answering emails from peeon residents, too! Yeahhh for Danielle!! Keep up your conscientious work!

Anonymous said...

You know how they come up those fantasy "Dream Teams" in sports? Well, I've come up with a fantasy "Dream Team" for a BCC Board of Directors. In no special order (or title):
Danielle Harrell
Sean Holland
Charlie Pukit
Bill Walker (he wrote that letter to Saundra Zubko in the Rants and Raves section)
Houston - Gordon or Bev (can;t have both by law)
Bud Lauer
Harriet Gustafson
Of course you have to have others to fill in - in case of injury or sickness - so I'll add
Bill Delaney
Bob Duman
Joyous Burkart
Rocko Viola
Let's have some others put in THEIR "Dream Team"! You have to have SOME fun here in BCC - even if it's only a dream.