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Another Stolen Election? |
- Betty Francis, re-elected to the Board, was an illegal candidate. She should not have been on the ballot and should not now be on the Board. (For details, click on "Betty Francis Illegal BOD Candidate" under "LINKS" in the column to the left.)
- Included in the vote count were 23 ballots with incorrect or incomplete information on the return envelopes. All these ballots should have been discarded.
- Return envelopes were not screened to discard those from owners with any delinquent payment to BCC. (BCC Declaration, June 1980 Amendment (j): "Any owner delinquent in any payment shall not be entitled to vote. Official Records 9037, page 3") All these ballots should have been discarded.
- Random, non-sequential numbers were not printed on the return envelopes. This was done last year to prevent proven prior years' ballot box stuffing. We are to believe that the villains have all gone straight?
Yet again, an ELECTION FRAUD has been pulled on the gullible and trusting residents of BCC.
The three instigators of this ELECTION FRAUD are none other than the Officers of the 2010 Board of Directors - President Wilbur Bullock, Vice-President Betty Francis, and Secretary/Treasurer Bill Brady.
Betty Francis was INELIGIBLE to run in the 2011 Election.
She was in arrears in maintenance payments on BOTH her units, which were NOT paid until Feb. 2, 2011.
FS 718.112(2)(n) states that a person who is delinquent is not eligible for Board membership.
Betty Francis KNEW that she was in arrears.
Wilbur Bullock KNEW that she was in arrears.
Bill Brady KNEW that she was in arrears.
Bill Brady as Treasurer gets the monthly update report from the BCC Accountant (even when he is on his boat in the Caribbean); this update lists ALL units in arrears in maintenance payments. As Secretary, he was in charge of the Election, and either should have had the Ballots reprinted without her name, or it should have been announced that her votes would be disregarded as ineligible.
She was in arrears as of Jan. 10, 2011; the Election Ballot Package was not mailed out to the residents until Jan. 21 - plenty of time to reprint the Ballots!
Betty Francis' votes should be disregarded and SHE SHOULD NOW BE REMOVED FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Incidentally, she is also in foreclosure on both her units. It's only a matter of time before the bank takes ownership of those units and Miss Francis will no longer be an owner in BCC.
I have been accused of slamming our Election Supervisor and the panel of hard-working ladies (and gents)! Nothing could be farther from the truth - I was actually PART of that panel this year!
As far as I am concerned, our Election Supervisor, Harriett Gustafson, did a fabulous job - her first time - and on such short notice.
She was appointed because I complained to the Board AND the lawyer that, when Bunny resigned as Election Supervisor, Bill Brady as Secretary decided to run the Election himself. As a Board member AND a Candidate running for re-election, this was totally against FS 718 law.
I suppose the lawyer advised the Board that Brady could NOT act as Election Supervisor, and Harriett stepped in.
Unfortunately, Brady left no guidelines for her to follow. I have nothing but praise for the Election Supervisor and her panel.
In the past, we USED to include a sheet with the Ballot Package, showing a sample picture of an envelope so residents could follow how to correctly fill in the envelope information. This helped a resident avoid putting only a "#4" under "Unit Number" (there are EIGHT "#4"s in each building!)
I think that Election Packages in future should resume this educational practice so that fewer Ballots get disregarded.
Kendra who? oh yes...who else.
I would love to talk to YOU AND YOUR PRIVATE LIFE!
You were accused of fraud when you did the election
It would be much more interesting than Ms Frances!
every body should know about you and your husband, & co.
No. I ain't leav'n my name.....let somebody else get the blame.......ho ho
To add to my Blog comment above:
I have only the highest praise for our Election Supervisor, Harriet Gustafson (and her panel).
Harriet provided a cooler full of ice with bottled water - she kept reminding her panelists to keep hydrating themselves, and also passed around hard candy to keep energy levels up.
I felt this was extremely thoughtful and the resultant camaraderie and cooperation among the panel members was delightful. As a wall-tally-worker, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
(Perhaps our Boards of Directors could learn a lesson in camaraderie and cooperation from Harriet's example?)
A complaint pointed out that "certain" Ballot envelopes were not removed from the final tally - i.e. those residents in maintenance arrears may NOT vote. Treasurer Bill Brady did not supply such a list for the panel to use.
I would be happy and proud to serve on any of Harriet Gustafson's future panels.
Bev Houston
Dear Anonymous -
Guess you know all about that there Fraud ... since YOU were the one that actually instigated it. Yep - finally figured it out.
You don't need to leave your name -
cuz I sure as hell got your number!
nah.......don't buy that crap Houston is slinging about how wonderful this years Super is....................
that is not what she is saying to her cronies that she was spying for...........................
nah...........none of us are buying it...................
I so not know about Ms. Frances private life and do not care............that is Houston's passtime. I do know that Frances was not in arrears for 90 days...
get your facts straight.........no lies...please
Hey Anonymous ... you "don't know anything about Ms. Francis' private life"? That's not what SHE said - she said she was shocked at just how much you DID know and that you basically used it to try to blackmail her!
Try to get YOUR facts straight. You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the butt.
Don't judge everybody by YOUR standards, and what YOU would do in a situation.
I guess you anonymous folks know what the comments about private lives is all about? The FACTS reported in this article is what should concern us BCC owners.
Were the violations of F.S. 718 and our BCC Declaration due to our Directors' ignorance? Indifference? Corruption, in order to stay in control of our $2 million+ budget?
What do you think and what are you going to do about it?
What is it with this new Manager?
I live across from the Office. Am I the only one whose noticed that our new Manager sets her own hours?
Sheila is ALWAYS there before 8 AM.
This new bimbo drifts in well after 8 AM - and she leaves BEFORE 5 PM.
Sheila is left holding the can and she gets paid much less than our "new improved" version of a manager.
Is Bullock so enamored by his latest young conquest that she can get away with murder? That's OUR money that's paying her wages.
I don't think we're getting our money's worth.
Your right.
She starts at 8:30 AM and is gone no later than 4:45 PM. That's 3/4 an hour per day.
On a 20-day work-month, she's slighting us by TWO WHOLE DAYS. If you extend that out, she's getting 24 days a year as paid vacation.
Where can I sign up for such a great deal???
1. Isn't our manager a salaried as opposed to an hourly employee?
2. Has her arrival and departure timing effected her job performance?
3. As a salaried employee isn't the manager expected to put in extra uncompensated time (i.e. BOD meetings)?
This particular subject seems off-topic and not particularly useful.
This is the reason why homeowner associations should NEVER have a blog. It is usually drunks and idiots with a grudge that post. Then other people believe the idiots and cause even more problems. You want to do something run for the board let's see if you can solve all the problems.
Just sign me tired of the crap
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