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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Total # 2 BR for sale:  14

High         $299,900
Low          $169,900
Median     $227,495

Sold 2 BR YTD:  7      LP/SP*         Days on Market

High        $195,000          96%              370
Low         $130,000          82%                30
Median     $157,500          90%              203

Total # 1 BR for sale:  8

High       $129,000
Low        $  88,888
Median    $102,445

Sold 1 BR YTD:  6       LP/SP*         Days on Market

High:      $117,000         94%                   42
Low:       $ 85,000          82%                 375
Median:  $ 88,450          88%                 126

*LP/SP = Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid.

Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Better Homes &  Gardens Real Estate, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:


Anonymous said...

This is such a USELESS article. It is totally NOT complete. It lists (mostly) only Mztinale's listings and sales.

I can remember the terrific monthly page of listings and sales (COMPLETE!) that used to get published in Baywatch. Now THAT was a report - building by building!

I have no clue what the "letters" stand for - some kind of realtor shorthand, I'm sure, but it makes absolutely no sense to me.

Charles Pukit said...

As far as I know, everything for sale is listed, not just Marge's. Maybe it's just that Marge has more listings than everybody else?

Please provide detail if you know different.

LP/SP has been explained now in footnote. Thanks for your comment.