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Monday, March 1, 2010


There are two items which certainly should be agenda items at the next Board meeting:

Saundra Zubko #1 – Ice Maker “Emergency”*
An issue that should come up at the next BOD meeting concerns the reported "emergency" purchase and delivery of an ice making machine for Rec 1.  Order was placed and delivery made the Friday before Zubko's invitation-only Super Bowl party at Rec 1. The machine cost around $5,000 and what’s more, is not the right model.  It makes nuggets rather than cubes, is way under capacity and sits in the south west sun so will leak and run constantly all summer.

Four members of the previous BOD approved the purchase under a loophole that allows a majority of the Board to approve purchases without the necessary public vote under emergency circumstances. ( i.e. to protect people from injury or death and property from damage)   Any such purchase must be ratified at a properly noticed public board meeting.   Perhaps the four approving ex-Board members can explain this “emergency”?

*Alleged emergency purchase reported by a very reliable source.

Saundra Zubko #2 – Does She Have Your Number?
The alleged theft of confidential information from the BCC office deserves to be examined in detail and measures taken to improve security.  Please see the earlier blog article: “Does Saundra Zubko Have Your Number?”

If these two items get on the agenda, the next meeting should be very entertaining.

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