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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Synopsis November 2 Board Meeting

Board members attending: George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota
Absent members: William Brady, Wilbur Bullock
Miscellaneous other: Joanne Lowenthal, manager, BCC Security guard
BCC owner attendees: 44 in audience
Members Appointed to Replace Those Resigned: Harriet Gustafson and Saundra Zubko appointed to two vacant BOD slots.
Minutes: October 22 minutes not available.
Old Business
  1. Communications Consultants Group (CCG) contract update: meeting set for November 13, nothing else reported.
  2. Comcast Rebate bank account: Manager Joanne Lowenthal repeated the chronology as given at October 22 meeting.
  3. (NOT AGENDA ITEM) Slota announced his resignation as BOD president and Lauth, as VP took over meeting. Lauth called for nominations for BOD president. Slota nominated Zubko, Shelton seconded. No other nominations and Zubko elected unanimously.
  4. Slota nominated Shelton for treasurer. Gustafson seconded. Shelton named treasurer unanimously.
New Business
  1. Selective Enforcement of BCC Rules: A spirited discussion regarding the selective enforcement of BCC rules resulted in no BOD motion or vote.
  2. Tree Trimming Contract: Ratified. All in favor, Gustafson abstaining.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. (Thanks to Bev Houston for on scene reporting.)

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