THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Friday, April 6, 2012


There is a considerable amount of turmoil over the out-sourcing of our security and the firing of two long term employees (Steve and Tom).  Oh yeah, then there's the rumor of out-sourcing maintenance.    Your blogger has been tied up in other matters and hasn't had an opportunity to weigh in on this.  However, this article is being posted to provide a forum for owners to weigh in and state their opinion.

It should be pointed out that there doesn't seem to be anything illegal about these actions... "business judgement" you know.  Despite a long and dubious past history the voting owners, in cahoots with the apathetic, non-voting majority, put these turkeys in office... again.  Who's the enemy?  They be us.

Anyway, let's hear it.  No profanity please and keep innuendo moderate unless you have photos to back it up.  Thanks for your participation.


Charles Pukit said...

The following letter is from BCC owner Bill Walker to our Board. It is reprinted here with his permission because it is brief and, we believe, of general interest. cp

To: The Board of Directors and Manager at Bay Colony Club
From: Bill Walker, Building 8

This is written to point out there are in excess of 625 resident households at Bay Colony Club who are not directly affiliated with either the Board or Management who did not just fall off a Turnip Truck. The letter distributed by Management from Strike Force Security lacks any creditability considering the ongoing circumstances of the recent dismissal. I personally witnessed the several car loads of individuals who "visited" from Strike Force last week and met with the Board members and Management one evening just prior to Steve's termination. For anyone to believe that this group had no input into the decision strains ones intellect.

Steve was a long time and well liked employee by a vast majority of the residents. He certainly deserved much better than being allowed to be dumped after less than 3 months employment with Strike Force. The decision to secure the services of this outside contractor in the first place was a poor one, and will once again prove that "those who refuse to acknowledge history will be forced to relive it". And to ask that we accept the letter from Strike Force really is an insult to the people the Board and Management purports to represent and serve.

Conveniently this was a "personnel matter", the shield which the current Board President chose when he came to office last fall. Since then over 75% of Board Meetings have been held under "confidential" headings. Can it be expected that residents fail to see through this charade?

The Board chooses not to communicate via regular newsletters with the residents, and fails to maintain decorum at the few open Board meetings that occur. If it cannot be arranged to keep us abreast of activities, could you at the least provide us with some inventive turnip recipes.

Bill Walker...

Anonymous said...

Since the manager, Colleen insists on writing up the employees, she needs to be written up for her blunders, of which there are many. The employees should write her up. The three of them are always outside smoking (and we are paying).They throw their butts on the ground, in the bushes, on the grass, around the trees. I guess they expect the "servants" to clean up after them..........where did they come from.