THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is the third in a series of articles providing information about 2010 candidates for Bay Colony Club Condo Board of Directors. This information is intended to help BCCers make their voting decisions.

Pete Shelton
Among many other actions taken against the interests of BCC owners:
  1. Imposed a "Confidentiality Agreement" on BCC employees to ensure that owners were kept unaware of secret board deals (i.e. cable TV "consultant" contract).
  2. At a BCC Board meeting attempted to pass a motion censuring Wilbur Bullock for "leaking" of Board actions and law violations.
  3. Had the Board approve $5,000 of our money for a private investigator.  This investigator to develop cradle to grave dossiers on "persons of interest" to the Board.
  4. Had himself appointed bag man to deliver $60,000+ of our money to Slota’s cable TV "consultant".
  5. Continually harassed and bullied the BCC manager and office staff.
  6. Physically assaulted Rocco Viola.
  7. Worked with Saundra Zubko to divert BCC maintenance money to Special Rec District non-essential projects.
  8. Helped Zubko ensure the long, unnecessary delay in dissolving the SRD.
  9. An apologist for the delayed rebuild of Rec 1.  (Over one year, when 200-room hotels went up on Lauderdale strip in half the time.)
  10. Closed off Rec 1 building to prevent owners from observing progress (or lack of it) and quality of work.
  11. As BCC treasurer failed to produce year-end 2008 financials in the legally allotted time.
* Is this the kind of person we want for our BOD?
* What do you think?
* Anything to add?
* Post a comment.
* Keep in mind that a comment with your real name has more impact.


Anonymous said...

Petey-Baby also has a bad habit of running off at the mouth (hoof and mouth disease, I think it's called?): he opens his mouth - puts BOTH feet in - and breaks the law repeatedly. He has never heard of Employees' Rights Legislation. He also breaks the law of decency and respect.

At a Board meeting he commented that our "maintenance crew were getting a little old for the job and that we might be better off hiring younger people - 'so we could get our money's worth and a better day's work out of them' !"

This is AGE BIAS ... a DEFINITE Employees' Rights no-no!

Looking at Petey-Baby's deteriorating physical shape (GAWD I wish he would keep his shirt buttoned up - he's not MY idea of a handsome "Adonis" with that pot belly and gold chains!), I would LOVE to pit him against Vinny (who has been with us for almost 30 years) for ONE hour's maintenance work in the blazing hot sun that we had last summer - Vinny would win hands-down in less than 10 minutes.

His constant carping against Manager Joanne regarding any "glitches" and mistakes in the financials is a total FARCE - Joanne has absolutely NOTHING to do with the financials - it's strictly between Petey-Baby and the CPA. And screw-ups are most DEFINITELY his.

What I would like answered is how come he wrote a check to Saundra Zubko from our Association funds for $27,000 - WITHOUT Board knowledge OR approval and only HIS signature???

I highly distrust ANYONE who has their hands in two money tills at the same time - Treasurer for SRD and Treasurer for BCC at the same time - money can flow too easily up one arm and down the other ... and ALWAYS in one direction only ... out ...

It's like setting the fox to guard the henhouse.

Anonymous said...
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Charles Pukit said...

Blog comments which are only personal attacks are counter-productive. Comments not making any material contribution are not helping to improve our community, and they make it more likely that folks won’t read through all the comments. There is a huge difference between calling an act idiotic and calling a person an idiot. These sorts of comments harden the defensive positions of the person attacked and put off those more gentle souls among us who HATE controversy.