THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


BCC’s 2003 election for members of the Board of Directors (BOD) was obviously fraudulent. Illegal ballots were added to validated ballots and counted in the totals, among other ballot tampering.  It was judged so by Election Supervisors Carl Dressel and James Gordon and the Florida DBPR.  Please click on “BCC 2003 Election Fraud” in column to left under “Links to Other Condo Related Sites”.  (Please note that I strongly disagree with Dressel and Gordon speculations on the possible source of ballot box stuffing.)

Despite requests to then BOD President Sam Slota, nothing was done to correct the fraud or improve election policies and procedures so it wouldn’t happen again. It’s been seven years and nothing has been done. Unless we do something about it as soon as possible we can look forward to a future of fraud and chicanery, most notably at the upcoming BOD elections in February.

Further, why are BCC owners repeatedly electing people to the BOD who voted AGAINST investigating the mysterious disappearance of BCC property?  See “BCC 2003 Election Fraud” at left.

BCC’s election procedures are not unlike those of many corrupt third world countries.

As yourself WHY people would lie, cheat and stuff ballot boxes.  Perhaps an honest election would be the most significant step towards reducing our maintenance costs.

Support election reform and the appointment of an Election Monitor. Start by adding your name to the petition that will be circulating in BCC.


Condomania said...

Present BOD members claim, "Never any election fraud", however we know this is false, so what else that they claim to be true, is nothing but further lies? If you are tired of the continued waste and deceit we have experienced with the current BOD, remember to vote for new qualified candidates in the February election. It is definitely time for Change.

Anonymous said...


Condo treasurer accused of stealing association funds
By Rebeca Piccardo, Sun Sentinel

1:53 p.m. EDT, March 31, 2014

The treasurer of a Deerfield Beach condominium association is accused of stealing more than $12,000 from the association's bank account.

Michael Dettman, 28, is facing a charge of larceny/grand theft.

During 19 days in February, Dettman made 19 withdrawals totaling $12,450 from the operating account of the Coco Cay Condominium Association at the BB&T bank branch on North Federal Highway in Deerfield Beach, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office arrest report.

Condo treasurer accused of stealing association funds Condo treasurer accused of stealing association funds
Michael Dettman (Photo courtesy of the Broward Sheriff's Office / March 31, 2014) Michael Dettman (Photo courtesy of the Broward Sheriff's Office / March 31, 2014)
Man charged with battery in trash-room argument with neighbor in Sunrise
Map Maps
Deerfield Beach, FL

The association president told the Sheriff's Office that Dettman was not authorized to make any of the withdrawals, the report said.

According to the report, a photo lineup confirmed that Dettman was the person making the withdrawals at the bank.