I am providing this post for any public-spirited attendee who would care to report on the action and/or comment on it.
Let's keep the snow birds, the shut-ins and the indolent updated!
News and views on Bay Colony Club Condo, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.
All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.
jack is a good man and he is an asset to bcc.
jack has worked hard for this community.
Management is good and professional. Management is improving.
Management has to deal with the dark side.
The dark side is the problem.
Every person that works in and for this place deserves respect.
Beware of people who tell you are doing things for free as volunteers because most times there is an hidden agenda. Beware of the phonies that will smile to you face and stab you in the back. Beware of the people that have no knowledge. Beware of the people who want to impose their will. Beware of the people who don`t call you by your proper name.
Thank you, Joan, I don't know who you are, but, perhaps, some day we can meet. :)
I'm not ready to say there is a "dark side." Of course, that doesn't mean I don't get frustrated. But what I want to continue to emphasize is that what divides us here is how strictly we enforce the rules, and what we spend out money on. That's a pretty simple way of evaluating future board members.
Jack honey, you sure are naïve.
Joan of Arc is none other than your old nemesis Joyous Burkart.
She bad-mouthed you last year when you dumped her off the landscape committee, but now she's changing her horses in midstream again and sucking up to you. Be careful - you never know what she'll want besides a "pound of flesh" - probably your life's blood as well.
jack, you are a board member and you speak politically correct.
i lets` speak politics then:if you have ever visited china you would have seen that rules that rules are informed very strictly. To the point of tanks running over people. There is also no crime in Cuba while Haiti the oldest western democratic republic is crime infested.
The military expense budget of USSR was always vey high, and don't take me for anti Communist because right wing dictatorship are even worse. I am anti dictatorship that believes in a democratic tolerant model.Democracy means also to respect and protect the minorities ....
It comes down to how much of your freedom and rights are you willing to give up in the name os security???the true democratic answer is NONE.
Do you concur?
the messanger
Joan of Arc, I'm not sure where you are headed, but who wants to give up freedom for security? I don't. But in the case of terrorism, these are people who are trying to kill us. Maybe we have to put up with some restrictions on personal liberty in order to find these guys.
In the case of BCC, I don't feel like my personal liberty is being violated by our rules. There are people here who would run roughshod if we did not have rules. I've seen very clever efforts to get around the rules.
On the other hand, I think you can go too far with rules. I did not attend the last meeting because I was working late. But I would not have voted for the rule that allows us to take away bar codes from people who are not paying their maintenance. I just think that is going too far.
We have a process for dealing with those people--warning notices, liens, and then foreclosures. But to make someone walk, say, from Prudential or Fridays to building 14 is not right. Neither is issuing temporary passes.
ok dear Jack, our political might not be that far apart. WE know you have good intention, a brain and a common sense.
Going too far with rules enforcing means dictatorship.
and because outside of this perimeter we still live in a democracy, with civil rights, that behavior might get us into costly law suits.
It is your job as our elected board member to protect us from that.
So far i have voted and believed in you. don't disappoint us the healthy part of bcc is with you. You have my support and my blessing.
The Messenger
Jack you weren't LISTENING.
Deactivating the barcode doesn't mean that they will have to "walk from Prudential to Building 14" as you imply.
It means they can STILL bring their car into the property (and DRIVE to Building 14 - or 20, if they want to) but they CAN'T use the residents' gate.
Hello - is nobody home? (The lights are on ...) Sheesh!
I DO wish that Board members would do their homework - read and UNDERSTAND what it's all about - and TRULY represent their "constituents" - the people that voted you into Office (yes it IS "politics").
I am NOT "politically correct" - someone who is a deadbeat and doesn't pay his maintenance DESERVES to be made a little "uncomfortable".
I pay MY maintenance and I'm sick and tired of subsidizing the deadbeats who DON'T pay theirs.
If they have to walk to Buildng 14 - that's okay in my books too - but they DON'T - they can still bring their cars in, but - poor things - they have to wait in line at the Guest Gate.
So what? If that's the only "discomfort" they have to face while WE PICK UP THE SLACK for these deadbeats - tough sh*t.
I guess there are three categories of late payers. The first includes those that are so far behind that there is little chance they will pay up. Sure, we can add a little extra aggravation to their lives, but it won't get us our money any sooner.
The second are people who are behind but have agreed to a payment plan to catch up. I would hope that we would not penalize those who are trying to work with us.
Finally, there are those who think it's just fine to be 2-6 months late. It's no big deal. I agree that these folks need a kick in the pants.
Gee Jack, If you are going to post on this blog at least have your facts straight. You have been on the board for almost 2 years right? Why don't you know that FS 718 that governs condominiums SPECIFICALLY gives condos the right to deny deadbeats access to all common areas (which we don't do)as well as make complex entry more difficult. If you even read the proposed motion that you are so opposed to you would have seen that NO ONE is denying any resident the right to enter BCC with their car (that would be against the law) but merely making it a "bit inconvenient" by going thru the guest lane. The majority of the community is in favor of this and actually would like it harsher. I as an owner who pays on time am sooo tired of those who owe mega bucks.
The reason we don't deny deadbeats access to common areas is that there is no way to enforce that. What are we supposed to do, put ankle bracelets on them?
There are not that many that owe us megabucks, but for those who do, this rule will not help one iota in getting our money back.
Tough Security, that is what Sandy Z loves. It is another way to "control" other human beings, for what ever scary reasons.
My question is this:
FRANK GRECO?????????????
anyone know what she and her "boyfriend" did to him. Mum is the word.
All I know is........Frankie is GONE!
The renewal is coming up for the Security Co. and they have to get on their knees for Zubko. Frankie must know something these buzzards did that is illegal.
Frank Greco had a big defect, he is a nice guy...he dint meet their criteria of what a security chief should be.
I wish you the best of luck Frank.
We the nice people of bay colony miss you.
there are two alternatives:
1-jack Israel is a genius and understands and sees things other don't get .
2-The rest of the people trying to prove him wrong are idiots.
My humble opinion: Jack`s analysis is correct, very to the point,I think he is a very intelligent man, and the most qualified board member we have, with a brilliant curriculum vitae , but I don`t think he is a genius therefore for the processes of elimination the others must be idiots.
the messenger
you have my support and the support of all the honest and nice people of bcc.
but I am asking you one favor to clearly distance yourself from the dark side or what ever you want to call them.
you cant be maintain your integrity and honesty if you associate with them.
now think and you know I am right.
please dont give up
Update on the next Election. Phil Fillipone may not be able to run since his wife isn't too happy about it, but Bud, Jack, Bruno and Malachy (plus two other un-named possible candidates) have agreed that Jack will be President as long as he agrees to fire the current management and bring back Colleen Cooney as Manager. Stay tuned - we'll try to find out who the two other candidates are. If they all get in, they'll have a majority quorum.
Joan of Arc - I 'd like to know just why you object to "RULES"?
Exactly WHICH rules do you object to?
Please name a few.
I think we have a pretty good set of Rules and I DON'T think they're overly restrictive.
The Rules haven't been updated in FOUR years - we use the ones from 2009, which were an update from the 2006 Rules - and weren't YOU on that 2006 Board as an appointee?
You're going on and on - trying to make out that the current Board is somehow responsible for the Rules we're using.
What gives?
You were on BOTH Committees to try to update them, but I understand you wanted to REALLY change them - allowing watering dogs practically anywhere - and neither year's efforts were accepted and passed.
Give us some examples of Rules you don't like and consider unfair - don't make blanket statements without examples.
Those boys are CRAZY to bring back Cooney. Is she a PROFESSIONAL?
Anyone that brings back Cooney is part of the dark side. That broad did not CARE.
... and she made some fair money for sitting around.
You are FOOLS to bring back that parasite of an excuse for management.
For someone who worked with the government, I hope you are smarter than to bring back the Cooney BIMBO back into the office.
I don`t object to rules per se, I defend the freedom and rights of unit owners from tyrants who use the rules as a instrument of control and coercion. this is a simple concept if you don`t understand ask jack for an explanation he seems to have a superior intellect than most people who write on this blog.
I would not bring Colleen back. In an earlier post I indicated that the current manager and company are doing an outstanding job.
I've been on the board for two years. I've got a small business starting and going well. Think I need a break. How about some of you standing for election?
Bottom Line
We need nice people to run this community in order for it to be a NICE place to live. We also need people on the board with integrity to benefit all collectively. The rules? I don't know about the rules. Some of these rules are just wasted ink on paper.
dont give uo on us, you are my hero.. i am not old enough to be on the board.
the messenger
please dont give up
Joan Honey - if your only 16, your what we call "Jail-Bait".
But we all know that IF you reverse that "16" and add it to your pretend age of "16", that's closer to the truth - a fairy-tale 77 or 78-year-old.
Phils wife got upset by his association with the BIMBOvirus - I'll bet Diane is wondering what the hell is going on with HER husband!
Time to get Little Joanie "Baker-Acted"??? Results: FAIL
Gee "Sir Chsrles" - what does running a fantasy Blog cost you a month? Is it worth it?
I'd rather read Harry Potter!
Forsooth, pretty little Maid Joan of Ark - thee must stop throwing thyself at the mercy of varlets and knaves.
"Tis is not seemly in one so young!
Hie thee to a nunnery. Go!
Repent thy sins and learn the words of God.
Ease thy troubled soul and find peace.
My blessings on you, child.
Hey "Sir Charles" - why don't you dispense with the proposed "topics" (i.e. BOD Meeting of Such-and-So date") - nobody pays any attention to these proposed topics anyways.
Simply put "September 2013 Blog" and let 'em go to it. Then go to "October 2013 Comments" etc.
Makes a hell of a lot more sense.
Jack is right, why not have someone else run? I believe that nice people would turn BCC nice again. Be fair, honest, and yet firm. Just like good parenting. What we have now are "parents" who are abusing the children. What's next? Locking offenders in a closet? When does the pattern of abuse by board members stop??
It's absolutely true that very few comments are related in any way to
the article they are posted under.
Good suggestion and will do something for September's comments.
Also got no help on details of what went on at the BOD meeting!!!!!
Don't think the BIMBO VIRUS commentary has anything directly to do with Phil's wife. In previous blog entries it might have been in reference to the diseases we had in the office before Campbell properties was put in place. No insult directed to Phil's wife I'm sure by the original blogger that "coined" the term BIMBOVIRUS in reference to "the HELP" last year. Remember to CAMPAIGN! If anyone has a neighbor that is a renter, please move to speak with them to inform their landlord to please vote in the next board election and remove the 4 abusive parents we have on the board at present. No names need be mentioned. We all know who they are. BRUNO !!!! BE STRONG !!! HANG IN THERE !!!
Your blog is filled with stuff not too nice, but not unusual. It seems every community complains about their bod. The blog is mostly written by the same female who attacks the same person, year after year. a secret love, as it is, filled with fantasy for another woman, who longs to be like her. what does that have to do with running the community. I guess it is therapy for her, at our expense.
Seems that Jack has had his fill of being picked on. He dint realize how cruel they are to everyone, if you are not of the same elk. He was warned, I am sure, but he will cave, like all the rest because he does have a life other than Bay Colony. I bet he never gets drunk either.
I thought it necessary to repeat history of what the bloggers in the past have said, for the new kids on the block. It proves to show how the blogger jumped ship and dove into the "dark side" of BCC. In other words, you cannot reply on what some bloggers say. They stand for nothing. You posted the blog before, but declined now. wonder shy? It was good enough the first time for you.
You got no details on what went on at the meeting because Bev Houston has joined "the usual suspects" (to borrow a phase). She is under their spell and is not allowed to give you the minutes now. Ask Jack, oh he wasn't there either. How about George, nah, he was nodding off. But, don't ask me, I don't care.
you forgot I am also french and I don't understand old english. I am also peasant so explain to me like a person my age and my education would understand .
what I did understand was lots of insinuations, assumptions,blasphemy and vulgarity and mockery from my adversary.
I will convince the dolphin of France to compensate Sir Charles for the service of providing a tool of freedom of speech for us.
thanks You
The messenger
Closed Board meeting thurs am. LITIGATION agenda
"what's up Doc?"
So jack thinks he won't run in the next election. I wonder if it has anything to do with the latest rumors flying around?
Last year when he was Treasurer, there was a delinquent owner who owed almost $20,000 in unpaid maintenance - that's FIVE years!!
Jack felt sorry for him and let him off 40% of the amount owing and set up a payment schedule for the remaining $12,000.
This deadbeat defaulted on the whole $12,000 and never made a single payment - now I understand its gone to the lawyer.
Where did Jack get the authority to do this?
Why can't we ALL get special treatment like this guy got?
That money was owed to BCC - where did the $8,000 go?
Is there a kickback involved here? Hmmmm - inquiring minds want to know
History repeats itself (from the blog in 2009):
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The upcoming Bay Colony Club Condo election for Board of Directors gives owners an opportunity to vote in what may be the first honest BCC Board election. It's possible that we can stop multimillion-dollar no-bid contracts, secret deals, vandalism, and physical assaults against activist owners. Details omitted from resumes of present BOD members may help you decide who you want on the BOD. This is the first of several articles providing the missing details.
Saundra Zubko
Among many other actions taken against the interests of BCC owners:
In 2004, Zubko Board President, failed to provide 2003 year-end financial reports to BCC owners. This violation of Florida law resulted in a fine of almost $5.000 against BCC Association.
Throughout 2004-2005, Zubko, as president of the BCC board, did everything possible to prevent the dissolution of the Special Rec District. The SRD board was working to dissolve the District, not to make additions and improvements that are Association responsibility. Using her total lack of cooperation and tactics of then BCC lawyer Ron D'Anna, Zubko forced the resignation of the entire SRD board. Then, with Pete Shelton, she assumed control of the SRD, stalled the dissolution and squandered hundreds of thousands of BCC dollars on unnecessary cosmetic changes.
In 2003, as a BOD member, Zubko voted NOT to investigate the "mysterious disappearance" of BCC assets.
Under Zubko's guidance, rebuilding fire damaged Rec 1 took over a year and cost twice the industry standard for such a job.
At the Dec.17, 2009 BOD meeting Zubko rejected Rocco Viola's offer to pay all costs for an independent Election Monitor who would ensure an honest February 2010 election.
At the January 5 BOD meeting Zubko led the board in spending $5,000 of our money to hire a private investigator. He will compile dossiers on "residents of interest" to the BOD.
Is this the kind of person we want for our BOD?
Oh boy ANOTHER Treasurer does what he wants!
Wilbur's Board in 2010 had Bill Brady as Treasurer - the Board did nothing all year but spend money on legal fees. A few residents figured out what they ACTUALLY spent that year - about $165,000 - but it was reported as a little more than $90,000 in the audit (figures supplied by the Treasurer to the auditor - of COURSE!).
Then Bud's Board the next year had the same Brady as Treasurer who somehow blew a $100,000 CD (that he claimed didn't exist), then stole all the financial papers from the office as a cover-up and took them home, saying he "needed them to make the budget up". He never returned them even when the lawyers told him he wasn't allowed to remove original records (only copies) from th office and that he MUST return them (he didn't). BCC never got a single Treasurer's report that year either. Bud blathered that he would have a financial audit done, but of course, nothing ever was done about it.
Now Jack seems to have joined the ranks of Do-What-You-Want Treasurers. That was BCC's money he threw away. He should replace it out of his own pocket! Can't BCC get a REAL Treasurer who has BCC's best interests at heart?
It seems that the TREASURER is the one running the whole show - NOT the President or the rest of the Board.
If you think for one minute Jack Israel took any money from ANYONE, you are sorely mistaken. As for what DIANE thinks, she thinks that he is sick and tired of all the NASTY people on the board who tell him not to tell the truth and post on this board. Jack is perfectly happy with the new management. HIS WIFE is not concerned about his board business.
Also, his WIFE is tired of Saundra's nastiness to people, such as her personal trainer, who just accidently entered the WRONG door during the sacred Bridge club and got a tongue lashing from Saundra. "Did you not SEE the sign on the door?" asked Saundra to the perfectly innocent visitor. Talk about a rule nazi.
Jim can YELL at Jack at private legal meetings about posting on this board but he better not say a word to me.
The wife.
I have firsthand knowledge that the CD existed. Anyone who says otherwise is LYING.
What is the CD and what is it about?
This condominium needs to be dissolved.
It is ILLEGAL for a board OF directors to take any type of financial compensation of any kind. I have always wondered, what is the passion for running and serving on the board. Now I know why. Corruption!
Are you accusing Jack of taking money or payment of any sort??? If so, I will have this board shut down very quickly with a call from our attorney.
some of the minds here have started to understand or remember the truth.i am happy about that. someone can please can explain why beV. houston changed her mind and she is always defending the dark side?
i have a feeling she doest like me either maybe because what i say it is innocent and truth.
jack please hung in there.....anyone knows what happened in the secret meeting...is our attorney going to fight the state of florida and the US federal gornment?
he must be the strongest attorney in the world
Anonymous of August 30, 2013 at 7:43 PM
What is your attorney's name. If he/she can shut down this board with one phone call, then HE IS THE ONE THAT WE SO DESPERATELY NEED AND WE NEED HIM NOW! Please do this community a huge favor and bring him/her on. You will benefit a majority and you will be ...
Good for Jack's wife. They finally realize how Sandra is. Having been warned, they had to experience it themselves. Now do you both believe all the untruths said about past directors and neighbors. I am sure you were told who not to associate with and you followed their advice.
Will you be hanging out with them now????? at the yacht club or Tiki bar. At the pool, a couple of weeks ago, a neighbor spoke to the gal. Sandra said, "Don't talk to her SHE HAS A TRUCK"! Ms Hitler,in person. She and that suing lawyer, who said to take away the truck owners rights will loose in court, BUT HE ALWAYS WINS.....$$$$$$$$$ JACK, THAT IS HOUSTON writing all the bad made up fantasies about you. It is great to know she is being controlled now or the Other Side will put her in the corner with a dunce hat on. Naughty girl, you do what you are told now or we will take away your Mis-inforamtion Newsletter, as Jack likes to call it. Wonder how much $$$ she took all those times she and Sam were on the Board together. We now know she threw the election and forged names, that is how these shady people got on this time. Her husband got B K Marine FOR THE DOCKS and BCC did not even get 3 quotes..........FISHY STUFF
please explain about the $20,000 owed and you let them off 40%. I would like to know the real story, not what "she" makes up. How come Saundra lets her write on Charles Blog. Does Saundra know this? Yes Saundra, its her. Tame her please.
Well Charlie, you have allowed this blog to deteriorate to drivel and silliness. Ridiculous nom de plumes and personal attacks pervail without facts. I for one will not be looking at it ever again.
I let a deadbeat off of 40% of a 20k debt owed to BCC? Oh, that's a good one. Show your face, ye that accuse anonymously, ignorantly, and cowardly, and I will show you all the records of how we started tracking down deadbeats after letting them get away with not paying for several board cycles. And since then, the enforcement of maintenance payments is getting even stronger.
Show up with facts before posting as this is getting worse than the schoolyard. Give us facts as to what the name is of said "deadbeat" Jack let off? Give facts as to what Saundra is doing. Supposing, fantasizing and accusing aren't getting us anywhere. Throw some names out, amounts, hard facts. Don't hide behind the "I don't want my tires slashed" excuse. Show your hand! I have plenty of names and facts but until certain mitigating circumstances are ended, I cannot divulge. Until then, those of you in the know, tell!
I agree with September 4 anon's call for hard facts. Allegations of any kind without the facts (names, dates, amounts, details and/or photos) will no longer get published.
Monger your rumors elsewhere.
Charlie - if you ACTUALLY follow those guidelines, your Blog will come to a screeching halt.
Of course, you will print anything that your "favorites" send in - like Joan of Ark - because she rants and raves about the very same people that you hate too. No need for dear Joannie to supply actual proof.
The Statute of Limitations has expired on the SRD issues - so you can dispense with all that crap too.
Your Blog has how become a HATE-MONGERING website.
It seems, by the author, Bev Houston, who writes about having facts when others write in, has no facts herself. She says she would rather read Harry Potter, another fantasy of hers. Her made up story about Jack and the deadbeat, is only because he TOLD THE FACTS ABOUT HER!
Enough said about her calling for facts. she forged names in the election and THAT'S A FACT because she told this board HOW to do it.
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