THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Originally Published 1/22/12

On September 18, 2008 Sam Slota, then President of the Bay Colony Club BOD, secretly signed a contract with communications Consulting Group (CCG) obligating BCC to pay more than $120,000 for their services.  This "consultant" tied us into a ridiculous, over priced, ten year deal with Comcast.  (The video industry is developing so fast that in ten years, there may not be any cable TV.)

1. This contract was not approved by the BOD.
2. The compensation to CCG was misrepresented by CCG and  not pointed out by Slota.
3. According to BCC's attorney; "...CCG committed fraud when it presented itself to the owners at the Board meeting, just as (Slota) committed the same fraud by allowing that presentation without correcting the compensation."   
4. At the Board meeting of October 22, 2009 a motion to remove Slota as BOD President was defeated when Slota, George Lauth and Pete Shelton voted against it.
5. At the January 21, 2010 Board meeting our BOD approved a $60,000 payment to CCG thereby ratifying and approving Slota's secret deal and preventing any civil and/or criminal actions against Slota and CCG.  Board members voting to rescue Slota from his indefensible position were: Harriet Gustafson, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko and Slota himself.

In March, 2002 then BOD President Slota convinced his Board to impose an illegal (non-emergency) $384,000 assessment.  The assessment generated a legal challenge which ended with a judgement that the special assessment was, in fact, illegal and not authorized by the BCC Documentation.  The legal process dragged on for 4 years and generated tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills which the BCC owners had to pay.
It is not in Bay Colony Club's best interests to have Slota or any of his defenders and enablers (Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko) on any future Board or committee.


Originally Published 1/22/12

1. Zubko, both as BCC Board of Directors' President and later, as CEO  of the Special Recreation District Board of Supervisors, did everything in her power to prevent the dissolution of the Special Rec District.  Tens of thousands in legal bills were paid by BCC owners due  to Zubko's obstructionism.  As BCC association attorney Rob Rubinstein stated in his letter of November 27, 2007; "The District and the individuals comprising its Board of Supervisors* have acted in reckless disregard for the truth in order to prevent the District from being dissolved and to remain in power.  The District and the individuals comprising its Board of Supervisors have deliberately sabotaged the dissolution of the District, using defamation of the Association, its Board of Directors and attorneys and false accusations about commingling funds and not getting financial information as smoke screens." 

*Rec District Supervisors:  Bob Lewis, Wendy Metzger, Joe Pappas,  Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko

2. In January 2010,  Zubko hired a private investigator (using $5,000 of Association money) to investigate BCC owners and provide "cradle to grave" information those who failed to show her the deference she felt due.
3. In February 2010, Zubko, as BOD President, authorized the un-budgeted, illegal purchase of an ice machine for Rec 1 without any prior BOD discussion and vote.  This was an "emergency" because the machine was needed for Zubko's upcoming Super Bowl party.  Board members approving this illegal purchase were: Saundra Zubko, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota and Harriet Gustafson. 
4.  In a February 19 2010 letter*, Bill Delaney, Bay Colony Club Board of Directors V.P., alleges: “Photocopies of your personal information were illegally taken from the office by Saundra Zubko.” Delaney advised: “You need to take immediate action to protect your identity and consider placing a fraud alert and or security block with all of the credit reporting agencies.”   *(To see a copy of this letter, click on “BCC 2010 Delaney Letter” under “Links” in the left column.)
5. There are plenty more.  Please add your own story in the comments to this article.

 It is not in Bay Colony Club's best interests to have Zubko or any of her defenders and enablers (Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Bob Lewis, Wendy Metzger, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota) on any future Board or committee.