Originally Published 1/22/12
On September 18, 2008 Sam Slota, then President of the Bay Colony Club BOD, secretly signed a contract with communications Consulting Group (CCG) obligating BCC to pay more than $120,000 for their services. This "consultant" tied us into a ridiculous, over priced, ten year deal with Comcast. (The video industry is developing so fast that in ten years, there may not be any cable TV.)
2. The compensation to CCG was misrepresented by CCG and not pointed out by Slota.
3. According to BCC's attorney; "...CCG committed fraud when it presented itself to the owners at the Board meeting, just as (Slota) committed the same fraud by allowing that presentation without correcting the compensation."
4. At the Board meeting of October 22, 2009 a motion to remove Slota as BOD President was defeated when Slota, George Lauth and Pete Shelton voted against it.
5. At the January 21, 2010 Board meeting our BOD approved a $60,000 payment to CCG thereby ratifying and approving Slota's secret deal and preventing any civil and/or criminal actions against Slota and CCG. Board members voting to rescue Slota from his indefensible position were: Harriet Gustafson, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko and Slota himself.
In March, 2002 then BOD President Slota convinced his Board to impose an illegal (non-emergency) $384,000 assessment. The assessment generated a legal challenge which ended with a judgement that the special assessment was, in fact, illegal and not authorized by the BCC Documentation. The legal process dragged on for 4 years and generated tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills which the BCC owners had to pay.
It is not in Bay Colony Club's best interests to have Slota or any of his defenders and enablers (Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko) on any future Board or committee.