Called to order: 7:10
Board Members Attending: Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 47 (est.)
Fill Board Vacancy: A motion was made by Bill Brady to appoint Danielle Harrell to fill one of the two vacancies on the BOD. Yes: Brady, Bullock No: Francis, Holland Motion failed.
Acceptance of Bev Houston’s Resignation from BOD: (Not on agenda.) Motion made by Holland, approved unanimously. Brady unanimously voted in to fill BOD’s Secretary position.
Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of September 16 and 30 minutes. Approved unanimously.
Reports: Capital Improvements: Gordon Houston gave an update on seawall repair and our roofs. (See BCC website for details.)
Screening: (See BCC website for details.)
Manager: 12 units in bank foreclosure, 22 in collection with attorney. Rec vandalized. (See BCC website for additional details.)
Old Business:
Rec 1 Ice Machine: Brady made motion to rescind charges against prior BOD members for illegal purchase of ice machine. Yes: Brady, Bullock No: Francis, Holland Motion failed. More on this in an upcoming blog editorial.
New Business:
2010 Audit: A previously used audit firm (DeCrecenzo) was unanimously voted to perform the 2010 audit.
2011 Monthly Accounting: The contract with our existing accounting firm ($3,200 per month) was renewed for 2011. Unanimous approval.
Verbal Communication BCC Attorney/ BOD Members: a (undecipherable) motion was made resulting in a tie vote. Yes Francis, Holland No: Brady Bullock Motion failed.
Rules & Regulations: Tabled.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32
Open Forum (8:33-?)
For the most part, the usual nit picking and/or very lengthy comments from folks enamored with their own voice.
Corrections and comments would be appreciated.