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Friday, November 5, 2010


Called to order:  7:10

Board Members Attending: Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland

Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees: 47 (est.)

Fill Board Vacancy:  A motion was made by Bill Brady to appoint Danielle Harrell to fill one of the two vacancies on the BOD.  Yes: Brady, Bullock   No: Francis, Holland   Motion failed.

Acceptance of Bev Houston’s Resignation from BOD:  (Not on agenda.)  Motion made by Holland, approved unanimously.  Brady unanimously voted in to fill BOD’s Secretary position.

Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of September 16 and 30 minutes.   Approved unanimously.

Reports: Capital Improvements: Gordon Houston gave an update on seawall repair and our roofs.  (See BCC website for details.)

Screening:  (See BCC website for details.)

Manager:  12 units in bank foreclosure, 22 in collection with attorney.  Rec vandalized. (See BCC website for additional details.) 

Old Business:  

Rec 1 Ice Machine: Brady made motion to rescind charges against prior BOD members for illegal purchase of ice machine.  Yes: Brady, Bullock  No: Francis, Holland  Motion failed.  More on this in an upcoming blog editorial.

New Business:

2010 Audit:  A previously used audit firm (DeCrecenzo) was unanimously voted to perform the 2010 audit.

2011 Monthly Accounting:  The contract with our existing accounting firm ($3,200 per month) was renewed for 2011.  Unanimous approval.

Verbal Communication BCC Attorney/ BOD Members:  a (undecipherable) motion was made resulting in a tie vote.  Yes Francis, Holland   No: Brady Bullock  Motion failed.

Rules & Regulations:  Tabled.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 

Open Forum (8:33-?)
For the most part, the usual nit picking and/or very lengthy comments from folks enamored with their own voice. 

Corrections and comments would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

It's obvious that this Board is a complete wash-out. It was embarrassing to watch the President rudely put down his own members and cut them off in mid-sentence. Banging that gavel constantly is a sign of someone who has totally lost control.

He's obviously lost control and respect of his board.
He argued with Holland, who seems to be the only reasonable member, he called Francis a liar in front of everybody and wouldn't let her speak (did you see her throw that damned gavel across the room? If it'd been ME, I'd have aimed it at his HEAD - and I wouldn't have missed either!) Brady doesn't say much - maybe he's afraid of getting yelled at too!

This BOD either needs to oust this bad-tempered bullying Bullock from the presidency or resign en masse and then let him try to find suckers to serve with him!

This BOD will be lucky to pass anything during the rest of their term. They are totally split - unless the president manages to get them to agree to HIS choice of replacements (which, of coarse, will be "YES"-men of his own choosing).

Anonymous said...

Disgusting behavior by the president........don't blame Bev Houston for resigning.

Bev Houston said...

No, Anonymous - I did NOT resign because of BOD Meeting behavior or misbehavior (although after last week's meeting, I was thankful that I HAD!).

I resigned because of a total lack of communication - NOT between Board members (we e-mailed like crazy!) but we were left floundering due to a complete lack of communication from our President.

We had NO idea what was going on or the decisions made by him.

In the past eight months before I resigned, out of a total of 1,494 Board e-mails (which I have saved), I received only ONE e-mail directly from the President - and that one was the only "President's Letter" to the Board - on March 4, 2010.

Communication is everything. And it HAS to be a two-way street.

George said...

With her sweet smile, and devoted obedience to Wilbur, Betty Frances has managed to singlehandedly insure the re election of those board members who spend our money as if they were playing monopoly. Three cheers for Betty.

Anonymous said...

After the board meeting today (Nov. 23), it's obvious that Wilbur's PITBULL is back on her chain and doing her master's bidding. Ruff! Our favorite BCC terrorist took back his so-called resignation. Do you realize that those three hold ALL the Officer positions? What wonders are in store for BCC in the last two months of their reign? Saundra's bunch don't look half-bad by comparison.

Anonymous said...

Academy Award Performance!

And the winner is ... please pass the toilet-paper ... ta dah! BETTY FRANCIS!

For her outstanding 'playing to the audience' instead of to her Board at the Nov. 23 stellar flop performance.

Wow! Best Leading Actress as a pitbull jumping through her master's hoops ...

Pity that someone has to resort to doggie tidbits and pats on the head to feel needed.

Anonymous said...

I felt SO sorry for Betty Francis the night that Wilbur called her a liar in front of everyone.

Obviously she's learned very well from her experience and is now just a chip off the original block .... er .... blockhead!

She preemptorily pronounced that she wouldn't recognize a 'point of order' - cut people off in mid-sentence and told them that she 'would not consider' an opinion not hers.

What a verago! She's a Wilbur 'clone' - female (bitch) variety! Her true colors certainly displayed themselves. Looks like we might have a BOD fight to see who is top dog (pitbull?) between the Prez and the Vice-Prez.

Hope the Sect-Treas has a bucket and mop to clean up the bloodbath that's sure to come.

Wow! excitement! - wouldn't miss the forthcoming meetings for ANYTHING! Better than Dancing With the Stars and CSI Miami all rolled into one!

Alice said...

"Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice, who lives in BCC Wonderland.

EVERYTHING on the Agenda at the November 11th Board meeting was passed - ANONYMOUSLY. (Who WASN'T there?)

NOTHING at the November 23rd Meeting got passed (split vote) except for one minor item at the end. (Who WAS there?)

Curious, isn't it? (said Alice)