THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Well, here we are, early in the hurricane season and square in the sights of Irene, a potential category 4.  Perhaps this and prior Boards of Directors should start explanations now about why they wasted time on trivia and personal agendas and vendettas instead of replacing our rusted out roof edge fasteners? 

Come on guys, there has to be some lame excuse for spending time on firing people for not adequately kissing the hem of your robes or the deep concern and time spent deciding exactly where and when the Bay Colony Club mutts poop?  Exactly what size should those garden bird houses be?

Or maybe they'd all be better off going into hiding?