Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady (by phone), Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Danielle Harrell, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith.
Board Members Absent:
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 29 (est.)
President Bullock: Declared that there is to be no chit chat among audience members. (Not an Agenda item.)
Minutes: Bullock proposed waiving reading of March 24 minutes. This was objected to and motion was made to read minutes. Supported by Barros, Francis, Harrell, Lauer, and Smith; against: Brady. Minutes were read, and an objection raised. Amendment of minutes proposed and approved unanimously. (This is second consecutive meeting in which prior minutes were determined to be incorrect. Are these deliberate or accidental errors/omissions? What action is being taken to correct errors?)
Treasure’s Report: Brady gave a mostly inaudible report. Apparently, from what could be heard, disaster is not imminent. (Are the inaudible phone-ins part of the intent to keep owners in the dark and speechless… like elimination of Open Forum?)
Manager’s Report: Lots accomplished. See BCC website for details. (Not an agenda item.)
Committee Reports:
Rules & Regulations: Many posted meetings held. No owners attending except 1st meeting. (When new revised Rules announced, it’s a safe bet that the usual complaints will be heard about not consulting with owners.)
Interview: 8 leases, 1 sale, 2 second occupants
Capital Improvement: Prior quote for seawall repair still good. (Still not considering the sorry state of our roof fastenings?)
Landscaping: Good progress reported on re-furb of little park at exit road turn. (Pools betting on date one of our DWI drivers will again wipe it out.)
Dock Master: Batten painting and new piling numbers required.
New Business:
Audit: Approved unanimously.
Seawall: BK Marine’s $120,750 bid to repair easternmost 470-foot section of seawall approved unanimously.
Francis, at this point, demanded that an emergency agenda item be added to the meeting. A general uproar and melee followed. Bullock moved to adjourn the meeting. It seemed (hard to know, given the noise level) all approved adjourning except Francis. (If you have a clue what this was all about, please comment and enlighten us all.)
Meeting adjourned at 7:40. Corrections and comments would be appreciated.
NOTES: Thanks to Bev Houston for keeping your blogger straight on the facts. Opinions are your blogger’s. Facts are facts.
This meeting (in addition to many prior ones) left a lot to be desired:
- Microphone and PA system (STILL) frequently not used and Board comments and conversations often unintelligible.
- Speaker phone output from Brady (STILL) completely unintelligible
- No Open Forum (Keep those owners shut down!)