Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Joyous Burkart, Danielle Harrell, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith
Board Members Absent:
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 30 (est.)
April 21, 2011 Minutes: Reading waived
May 11, 2011 Minutes: Read and approved
President’s Report: (1) Port Royale plans. (2) Open forum may be re-instituted as part of BOD meetings although there will be no board response to, or input on items brought up by owners.
Manager’s Report: See BCC web site.
Interview: Russ Parrot retiring, Mary Frissora assuming Chair.
Long Term Capital Improvement: Gordon Houston discussed seawall repair, roofs, balconies and swimming pool gravity tank installation. Board approved contacting vendors to get quotes
Landscape: Joyous Burkart reported progress on hedge replacement and other items.
Dock Master: Jim Gordon reported on rusting of new transformers and a couple of rules violations. (BCC office to follow-up on rules violations.)
Approval of Rules & regulations: Tabled. (For tabling; Brady, Bullock, Burkart, Lauer, Smith. Against tabling Harrell)
Tree Trimming: Hurricane trimming contract for $16,900 approved unanimously.
Agenda Setting Form/Policy: A form for the use of Board members to place an item on the next meeting agenda. If signed by any 3 BOD members, the item must be placed on the next agenda. Passed. (For: Barros, Burkart, Harrell, Lauer, Smith. Against: Brady, Bullock)
Request Form for BCC Action: A multi-purpose form to be used as a work order, request, complaint, etc. Approved unanimously
Increased Landscaping Expense: Motion to provide an additional $3,000 for landscaping. (replace exit road shrubs seawall repair areas, building hedges). Failed. (Against: Barros, Brady, Bullock, Smith. For: Burkart, Harrell, Lauer)
Meeting adjourned at 9:15. .
Open Forum - Held after adjournment
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
NOTES: (1) STILL no open forum as part of the meeting agenda I see. Unless the open forum is on the agenda and is conducted and recorded as part of the official BOD meeting it is a frivolous waste of time.
(2) STILL no updated Rules & Regulations. The U.S. constitution was written and approved in less time. LET’S GET ON WITH IT FOLKS!
All corrections and comments would be appreciated