Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Joyous Burkart, Danielle Harrell, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith
Board Members Absent:
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 30 (est.)
April 21, 2011 Minutes: Reading waived
May 11, 2011 Minutes: Read and approved
President’s Report: (1) Port Royale plans. (2) Open forum may be re-instituted as part of BOD meetings although there will be no board response to, or input on items brought up by owners.
Manager’s Report: See BCC web site.
Interview: Russ Parrot retiring, Mary Frissora assuming Chair.
Long Term Capital Improvement: Gordon Houston discussed seawall repair, roofs, balconies and swimming pool gravity tank installation. Board approved contacting vendors to get quotes
Landscape: Joyous Burkart reported progress on hedge replacement and other items.
Dock Master: Jim Gordon reported on rusting of new transformers and a couple of rules violations. (BCC office to follow-up on rules violations.)
Approval of Rules & regulations: Tabled. (For tabling; Brady, Bullock, Burkart, Lauer, Smith. Against tabling Harrell)
Tree Trimming: Hurricane trimming contract for $16,900 approved unanimously.
Agenda Setting Form/Policy: A form for the use of Board members to place an item on the next meeting agenda. If signed by any 3 BOD members, the item must be placed on the next agenda. Passed. (For: Barros, Burkart, Harrell, Lauer, Smith. Against: Brady, Bullock)
Request Form for BCC Action: A multi-purpose form to be used as a work order, request, complaint, etc. Approved unanimously
Increased Landscaping Expense: Motion to provide an additional $3,000 for landscaping. (replace exit road shrubs seawall repair areas, building hedges). Failed. (Against: Barros, Brady, Bullock, Smith. For: Burkart, Harrell, Lauer)
Meeting adjourned at 9:15. .
Open Forum - Held after adjournment
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
NOTES: (1) STILL no open forum as part of the meeting agenda I see. Unless the open forum is on the agenda and is conducted and recorded as part of the official BOD meeting it is a frivolous waste of time.
(2) STILL no updated Rules & Regulations. The U.S. constitution was written and approved in less time. LET’S GET ON WITH IT FOLKS!
All corrections and comments would be appreciated
President Bullock is losing his touch. It became a rather rowdy meeting with a lack of decorum and people speaking and yelling out without being recognized by the Chair. Board members were harassed - and the President couldn't - or wouldn't - stop it.
Maybe the residents are getting fed up with a lack of action by this Board?
Just like last year's Board - nothing is being achieved. Guess it's because the same deadbeats are running the BOD this year as ran it last year.
Same-old, same-old.
Oh well. We got what we voted for.
WHEN will BCC learn?
How come the BOD tables the Rules & Regs? They're really good.
Everyone in the audience really liked them - what's this with Bullock saying he "preferred" Brady's version? Is HIS the only vote? (Along with Brady, of course!) Why is he "scratching" Brady's back? He must need Brady's vote on something that HE wants.
Don't us residents' desires count with this BOD?
The committee's work on the Rules and Regulations was published on the website for everyone to read and comment on.
How can Mr. Bullock say he prefers Mr. Brady's version? Don't WE get to see it, so we can compare? Is this going to be a "fait accompli" and we don't get a chance to comment on Mr. Brady's version?
Most unfair.
Where's the "transparency", Mr. Bullock?
I attended the Rules & Regs Committee Meeting on Monday June 27 that Bullock mandated for the Committee to "work with" Brady and HIS version of the Rules & Regs.
Although we had NO idea what these Rules looked like, the Committee obviously had a copy. From the questions and dialogue, it was also obvious that the majority of the Committee wasn't happy with it.
Apparently Brady had claimed that he had "incorporated" all the Committee's work, you could tell that Brady had not done his homework and that there were glaring deficiencies.
It was brought out that he'd made up a bunch of his OWN Rules that had never appeared before. He wanted to allow electric golf carts - because HE owns one - and he wanted to allow only mono-hulled boats at the docks (don't we have a trimaran and a catamaran docked here? These are multi-hulled boats.)
He appeared at times to sling all his papers into his binder as if he was going to walk out in anger.
Burkart (Committee member) obviously supported him 100% - and if she'd sat any closer to him, she'd have been sitting in his lap! She "explained" to the dumb Committee everything that he said.
What a farce. I hope the Committee - sans Burkart - stick with their guns and insist on their original work that they spent 3 months on. They obviously have more total "man-hours" (and PRODUCTIVE ones at that!) than the 200 hours that Brady whines about.
Go, Committee! YOU guys obviously know what you're doing! That can only be better for us BCC-ers!
It looks to this blogger that an apparently limitless expansion of doggy territory is some how coupled to a personal vendetta against the folks who have the only multi-hull at our docks.
Both these efforts and golf carts should, in my opinion, be shot down without further discussion.
Re - that 'expansion of doggy territory' - didn't BCC have a lawsuit with Ms. Burkart over this a few years ago?
Didn't Ms. Burkart complain that it cost her $22-23K? Didn't it get settled by a Court-ordered Mediation Settlement and both the Board AND Ms. Burkart signed off on it that they were satisfied with the compromise?
Now she's thumbing her nose at the Court order - and it seems the Board will let her get away with it! The 'powers that be' - those running the BOD - weren't even living in here at that time - they're "Johnny-Come-Latelies" - and boy! it shows! They don't know BCC's past acrimonious)history.
I would like to know what it cost BCC - US residents! - for OUR share of that frivolous lawsuit. I hear there are little 'threats' that Ms. Burkart will take BCC back to court.
LET HER! and I'd like to see it go right to the Supreme Court - and hang the cost - let's settle her hash once and for all. Maybe we'll bankrupt her and she'll have to move out! The non-pet owners have a vast majority and WE DO HAVE RIGHTS TOO! If she hates our Rules so much, why doesn't she move to a pet-friendly condo???
She's really making it tough for the RESPONSIBLE pet owners in here to hold their heads up. Why haven't we heard anything from THEM? She is definitely a "ME!-ME!-ME!" person, and I don't think she DOES represent the majority of the pet owners, despite her mealy-mouthed remarks.
HAVE FUN..........
STOP TALKING TRASH............................
Oh my!
Someone's ANNOYED. And PARAnoid.
Just because people don't agree with Joyous and her "cause".
Well, Charlie (and Bev?) - I guess Joyous must have gone to a different school than the rest of us did - I've never heard of a "slam book" before. Bet she was in it a lot! Wonder what the name of the school was - "Whattsamatta-U"?
I had forgotten all about that lawsuit - glad somebody in here didn't! Puts things sort of "in perspective", no?
Great idea, this Blog! The feedback is MOST interesting. So THANK YOU, Charlie, Anonymous, Jim, Anonymous, Alice ... and Joyous! Quite an education and a reminder of past history. If you forget past history, you're bound to repeat it.
I think I prefer to remain Anonymous ... remember what happened to Beauchamp's car???
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