Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Wilbur Bullock, Joyous Burkart, Danielle Harrell, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith
Board Members Absent: Bill Brady
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Colleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 26 (est.)
Agenda Amendment: Agenda amended to consist of 6 rather than only 1 item. For amending: Barros, Burkart, Harrell, Lauer, Smith Against: Bullock
JUNE 16, 2011 Minutes: Read, amended and approved
President’s Report: Saundra Zubko and Rochelle Bisaillon added to Interview Committee.
Treasurer’ Report: Treasurer Brady absent, no report given.(Some discussion over lack of regular financial reporting.)
Interview: 3 sales, 3 leases and 5 second occupants. (Present total number of renters a mystery to management and BOD.)
Agenda Items: Three BOD signatures required three days before agenda posting (48 hours prior to meeting) to set agenda items. Unanimously approved.
Rules & Regulations: No progress on update due to no input from Brady.
NEW BUSINESS (Added Agenda Items)
Security: A general discussion of security items, including dock and seawall work in progress; barricades and safety lights. No motion made or resolution.
Leasing/Purchasing Forms & Procedures: No motions and no resolution.
Rules & regulations: No motions and no resolution.
Landscaping: No motions and no resolution
Comcast: Manager to check on Comcast providing closed circuit TV channel(s).
Meeting adjourned at 9:00. .
Open Forum
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
NOTES: This meeting was a total waste of time for BOD members and owner attendees. WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED? HOW ABOUT SOME LEADERSHIP?
(1) STILL no open forum as part of the meeting agenda. Unless the open forum is on the agenda and is conducted and recorded as part of the official BOD meeting it is a frivolous waste of time.
(2) STILL no updated Rules & Regulations. The U.S. Constitution was written and approved in less time. LET’S GET ON WITH IT FOLKS!
All corrections and comments would be appreciated