THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010


I attended the Bay Colony Club Board of Directors meeting this evening. It is appalling how cut and dried this current Board manages information and communication to the general population of this community.

I concluded, following the meeting, that there must be a change in the perception of the residents and return the true meaning of BCC to Bay Colony Club away from the current impression of BOARD of CONSPIRACY and CORRUPTION. The side comments I heard were those of shock and dismay. I sincerely hope that this is a carry over at the voting booth.

I addressed the Board concerning the issue of the hiring of a Private Investigator and offered my opinion that it was strictly a "campaign tactic" of the current Board. Madame President rudely smirked at my comment which I pointed out to her, and then I requested that the funds they have authorized for their political self interests be matched by the Board authorizing a matching amount of $5000 to the opposing slate for "campaign purposes" The Board did not bring my suggestion to a vote- big surprise.

The presentation and acceptance of the Comcast issue was a huge whitewash of what transpired. Sam Slota seconded the motion about six times trying to get it off the table and moved along. This deal smells to high heavens from where I sit.

I continue to be embarrassed to be represented by this group. I will probably move way up on the list of folks for the Private Investigator to look into.

Continue the good fight- we do need a change.

Bill Walker
Building 8

Moderator Comment:  Mr. Walker's observations are so timely, accurate and important that they are being published as a blog article instead of a comment.  Look for his letter to Saundra Zubko in the BCC Rants & Raves blog at:


Board members attending:  Bill Brady (by phone), Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota, Saundra Zubko
Absent member(s):  Wilbur Bullock
Miscellaneous other:  John Stevens, BCC lawyer
BCC Owner attendees:  45 (?)
Minutes:  11/12/09, 11/19/09 & 12/17/09 minutes read and approved unanimously (?)
President’s Report:  Zubko asked for a motion to censure BOD member Wilbur Bullock for revealing that the Board had (at their closed Jan. 5 meeting) voted to spend $5,000 to hire a private investigator.  Censure approved by: Gustafson, Shelton, Slota, Zubko.  Against: Brady
Brady offered a motion to censure Zubko for refusing to allow his phone participation in the closed Jan. 5 Board meeting.  There was no second for the motion.
Finance Report:  Available in BCC office.
Screening Report:  7 leases, 4 sales, 3 second occupant.
Rules & Regulations Report:  Rochelle Bisaillon no-show. Report tabled.
Manager’s Report:  Available in BCC office.
Old Business:
ADP contract to process payroll was approved unanimously.  (Not an agenda item.)
A payment of $60,000 to CCG cable TV “consultants” was approved pending contract review by BCC lawyer Stevens.  Approved: Gustafson, Shelton, Slota, and Zubko.  Against: Brady
New Business:
It was revealed that the Board had (at their closed Jan. 5 meeting) voted to spend $5,000 to hire a private investigator.  Investigator will try to determine source of recent defamatory statements about Board members.  Information investigator provides will possibly be used in an Association law suit against BCC unit owner(s).  No motion or vote since both done at Jan. 5 meeting.
Adjourned at 8:30 PM (?)
Open Forum:  A candidate Meet & Greet was substituted for the open forum. All candidates were asked, if elected:
·        Would they outsource BCC maintenance;
·        Would they eliminate the private investigator.
All candidates who are currently board members either evaded a direct answer, or said they would consider farming out the maintenance, and would not eliminate the private investigator.
 Moderator’s Note:  Items followed by “(?)” are guesstimates. Please offer any needed corrections.