Special Meeting of the Membership: 45 residents attending. Total votes on reserves: 385; Voting against: 374; Voting for 11 Reserves waived for 2012. Special meeting adjourned 7:04.
Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady, Joyous Burkart, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith
Board Members Absent: Danielle Harrell Recovering from hip surgery)
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 45 (est.)
November 2010 Minutes: Reading waived and minutes unanimously approved.
2012 Budget: Brady’s proposed 2012 budget called for quarterly maintenance payments of $973. Discussion on legal fees being budgeted being too high.
Motion made to reduce seawall budget from $90,000 to $40,000 and do only 100 feet of canal seawall repair. Yes: Barros, Burkart, Lauer, Malachy; No: Brady. Motion passed.
Quarterly maintenance payments for 2012 to be $954
Meeting adjourned at 8:47
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
NOTES: Anyone know what the increase in total seawall costs will be by requiring the barge and crane to return again? How does that compare with the $19 a quarter shaved from 2012 maintenance?
All corrections and comments would be appreciated