THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Thursday, September 5, 2013



Due to popular demand and the fact that most comments have had little or nothing to do with the article they are posted under, your blogger, from the goodness of his heart, will provide a monthly "CHAT ROOM".

You can post a comment here about anything.  Just remember:
  1. Keep it clean.
  2. Accusations of criminal deeds must include verifiable facts.
  3. Accusations of sexual misconduct must include photos. 
 Any particularly popular topic will get its own space.


Anonymous said...

According to your new rules, WHERE's the PROOF that Bev Houston forged Ballot signatures???
How many???
What names???
Which Election or Proxy Vote???
Was a signature expert called in to verify it???
FACTS. not fantasy!
I could say I hate certain people and would like to "off" them, but that doesn't make it happen!

Charles Pukit said...

Well, as I recall, a BOD member, in a signed comment, stated that it was suggested to him that the amendment vote be rigged. Seems pretty good to me.

Maybe we need a chat room for people with special needs.

Anonymous said...

Flimflam man.
Just because somebody SUGGESTS something doesn't make it so.

Charles Pukit said...

So, it's OK if somebody suggests fraud but it's only bad if the fraud really happens?

Maybe need a 3rd chat room for total nitwits?

Baretta said...

To whom it may concern. Arson DOES NOT have a statute of limitations.

Baretta said...

Ask the Association Attorney responsible for the election screw up. Including at least three State violations.

The Reel Deel said...

Bev Houston sent a letter, which I saw personally, indicating she wanted a meeting with Jack, Jim, Saundra offering ways to PASS THE VOTE FOR THE AMENDMENTS. She also, iterated, if they do not agree, then SHE SAID, the meeting never happened. Want more proof? Ask them, three witnesses should be enough for you.

Anonymous said...

Proof that the Rec # 1 build out cost 2 x times what Sandra said. she said the Insurance paid for it in full. Proof was sent to the lawyer and he said, it was true , but it would cost $200,000 in legal fees to prove it. It appears the crooks know that and continue on their "crooked" path. Bill Brady is the man to ask, he was the treasurer and a darn good one at that. Why would they want to keep getting on the Board? Her car is getting old. I bet Houston was concerned when Rocco offered to pay for an election study. The board did not take him up on his offer. Whaaaa

Anonymous said...

There is a picture of a resident leaving the Rec 1, while smoke was streaming out of the roof. There was no one in the Rec hall most of the day, according to Security that checked it shortly before the smoke started bellowing from the sauna room, which was 35 year old timbers, very dry, and with a little help..poof, flames

Anonymous said...

Wow! in answer to anon to the Flimflam man. Don't these crooks love someone like this person!!! What a mentality! 0

Jack said...

Charlie is correct. Bev asked me, Saundra, and Phil to meet. She told us that the amendment vote would never pass (this was the original 12? amendments). She told us we would have to forge signatures, and was specific about how to do it (a night time job, out-of-town residents, etc.). I don't know if it had been done before or not, but it struck me that I was listening to experience.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Jack-

Maybe YOU will be our hero and save this community.

To those who allege ARSON when REC 1 was burnt toast for a year, if you are sure it is arson, why don't you involve the FBI and the state attorney? If a fraudulent claim was filed with the insurance company involve the FBI and the state attorney. If the FBI and the state attorney subpoena the attorneys and this association for the proof of that person walking out of REC 1 when that act of alleged arson occurred it is not going to cost $200,000.00 The STATE of FLORIDA v. BAY COLONY CLUB...

... and you know what? The effort may be worthwhile because it will probably CLEAN UP this community, association and future boards, and also we will probably make HISTORY with a case of this magnitude. I have been hearing about that arson allegation for a long time and that is a crime but some of our neighbors and board members past and present ...

... have no conscience.

... and that is BAD. It is just BAD around here


Anonymous said...

read Jack message, he is a man of reason and integrity.
he gave you the names, the facts, the dates and the details.
HE is one of the good guys to save our community.
if there is a constructive criticism and a word of advise, don`t try to work with them with diplomacy.they are crooks and the push themselves up with arrogance . they are bullies, they think they are always right. they are corruppted.there is no diplomacy or tolerance with them. the only way is to fight them. find a way to protect next election. Bruno can be your ally and support. he doesn`t like the totalitarian regime , and he has a mission to defend owner`s rights and fight discrimination. he is young and believes still in an honest democratic board.
but find new people willing to run and work with you.

the messenger

Anonymous said...

Well Charlie, how are these new rules working out for you? You are still publishing the SAME unfounded allegations---still with no proof---just under a "new category". Still the same 3 people writing crap under various aliases...shame on you.

Charles Pukit said...

Maybe September 6 Anon should specify WHICH allegations are unfounded. If any reader looks at the historical blog record, they will find that indeed there are well-founded and documented cases of BOD misconduct.

Secret contracts with "consultants"? A SRD Supervisor labeled by our Association lawyer as a liar and obstructionist? YOU BET!

The blog is no longer publishing those comments alleging sexual misconduct with the pool pump, but BCC residents need some place for their voices to be heard. Can't be heard at the BOD meetings.

Anonymous said...


You contribute to a GREAT cause with this blog. The voices of our residents are heard and our opinions and concerns are voiced by way of your blog.

We need to somehow find a way to alert all of our absentee owners for the next election to not be rigged with their votes and ballots being forged.

Also, a few years ago some process was put in place and carried out where a member on the BOD of BCC was permanently "ousted" from ever running on our board again. That same process needs to be put in place again with the 4 whose names we will not mention, but we all know who they are, as well as NEVER serve on any committee again in the history of BCC. I think it was around the time that Danielle Harrell was president. Think that was the name. Think she lived in Building 15 this Danielle lady.

We need new fresh faces on our Board. Nice smiling happy pretty sweet faces.

Anonymous said...

Oh Charley,

... what was that about?

...sexual misconduct with the pool pump!


Jogged Memory said...

Who was permanently removed from the board and told never to be able to run again? How could this be. The only way a resident could not run again would be a criminal thing, which to my knowledge never happened. Facts, with names please. Ask Ms Harrell. Joe Bolton, a honorable man, was taken from the violation committee and told he could never run for election or be on a committee again. He had a spat with a resident being nasty to him over the car entry. HE WAS NOT ON BCC PROPERTY and it was totally illegal the way he was treated........ HE JUST MOVED! BCC could have had a huge law suit, if Mr. Bolton wanted to fight it. That is a FACT for you. Me tinks it was because of a sexual orientation. My opinion only.

Anonymous said...

Sure is re-assuring that Bev Houston has a boss now. Now she can only do what she is told by Saundra & Clan. It appears anonymous it the only pastime for her now. They do not want her advice for committing fraud with the election (not Jack anyway)

Long Time Menory said...

Saundra, and boyfriend, Pete, at a board meeting voted to spend $5,000 of our money to hire a private investigate to investigate 9 residents who were savvy of their illegal doings. This is another FACT, look in the minutes. Pete said the PI could track the 9 from "CRADLE TO COFFIN"...ask him.

Anonymous said...

To Jogged Memory on September 8, 2013 at 8:13 PM

There was in fact a BOD member that was permanently ousted from ever running on the board. It is a female. She is not a nice person and her outbursts and erratic behavior was way out of line in board meetings. It was a few years ago. A letter was sent out to all residents advising of this decision made. It was a good thing that happened. I can provide the name. I know it well, but at this time I will keep it to myself. All the best in the next election and future of this suffering community. Get up and out and be PROACTIVE.

Baretta said...

Ok, I'll chime in. Leslie Lombardi. Signing out.

Baretta said...

Anybody interested in some 8x10 glosses???

Anonymous said...

It is so clear the Sir Charles knows things the way they are and has performed a perfect analysis of the situation.
He is indeed a favorite blog writer of mine because he is rationalistic, fair, just , logic and unbiased.
I totally agree on banning the fantastic four, it would have the magnitude of impact of the fall of the berlin wall or the libration of France from Nazi occupation for our community.
I also totally agree on a way to protect and control and supervise next condo...too risky with the fantastic four and dr. Doom as the attorney.
People follow Charles advise.
The Messenger

Anonymous said...

Some of us should volunteer to be present when the votes are opened and counted. Speak with the manager, speak with Jack and Difinis to try to get in and observe the actual counting of the votes. Also anyone who knows a way to contact absentee owners and get them to vote for new board members not the same bunches that continue revolving in and out of the board year after year and bring this community down more and more. Let's work hard. Lets work together. Let's be a TEAM.

Anonymous said...

What is Charles' advise?

Anonymous said...

There is a new program. Just heard on the news. A German entrepreneur is developing a program to send people that want to live on Mars forever with housing and everything. Believe it is called MARS RED or MARS ONE. We need to give the names of our 4 lunatic board members so we can have them sent to MARS to live forever. Watch the news on 7 tonight and you will see that this is for real. Wouldn't it be GREAT! I hope you all have a sense of humor. You just gotta laugh at the end of the day with these clowns around here on the board. Remember to campaign for the GOOD. Lets end the dictatorship forever.

Anonymous said...

I hear that someone out there has been awaken by the spirit of freedom and democracy.
I feel some awareness and will to change ...please follow those feelings ...those are the feeling that moved the founding fathers of united states and American constitution, those are the feeling that liberated france from the sterile oppression of the Monarchy.
those are the feelings everyone that believes in democracy should have.

this is music to my ears.

Anonymous said...

Yes a Constitution! A Bill of Rights! Who the hell do these demented bipolar nitwits think they are? It is sad. This community is like a communist country. In 2013 look at what we have present here in BCC. Look around you. Our neighbors, our very own neighbors sit on our board and are really our enemies.

Anonymous said...

the best fitted political definition would be corrupted oligarchy and or dictatorship. I would not say communist because they don`t believe in sharing the wealth in equal parts with the other unit owners but they take from our pockets and put in theirs.
political science 101

Charles Pukit said...

We had one election in the past that was probably honest. Tightly controlled ballots were printed on water-marked safety paper. Ballot return envelopes were marked with a unique, non-sequential number and were checked off a list of valid ballot envelope numbers before they were opened.

The same system is used by commercial outfits that manage condo elections and they also do the mailing and the receipt of returned ballots. Not big money involved and guaranteed honest.

If folks want political change in BCC, they are free to use the blog as an organizing tool... announce home owners meetings, etc. Could all be done with comments on a separate "Political Action" article. The powers that be certainly won't permit hand outs or posted notices. You'll have to inform new owners of blog's existence. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Charles that is a great suggestion and information.
I back you up completely on this.
It seems like you found a solution to the election issue
lets put in action.

the messanger .

Shocked said...

You don't trust Jack Israel to be honest???
He's the Secretary and the Secretary handles the election. It's the law - right there in FS 718!
Now I've heard EVERYTHING ......

Anonymous said...

It is because of the vagueness that is Ch 718 that we are in this mess in the first place. I am for the homeowners meetings and for all of us to come together and supervise the next election. We cannot be kicked to the curb. We are actually the majority. Please lets end this nonsense. If these clowns really spent our association money on a private investigators and the fiasco that was the last election, all that money could have been put towards a new roof, landscaping, or who knows what else. Please get up and moving towards making the next election a historical one for the good of our community. Please lets work together. I elect Mr. Pukit to organize homeowner's meeting through the power of this blog. Please lets make the power of our majority count in the reality of our misery with the present board we have in place. Not all are bad, but definitely the 4 foofoo's No names need mention. We all know who they are. UNITE!!!!

...and end the madness.

When Ms. Joy Burkett was on the board, she began a welcoming committee for all new owners to receive a special welcome to their new homes. Do you see how a special personality can impact the lives of a community. I thought that welcoming committee was a grand thing. We love by the water, with boats and yachts, we have a tiki bar, pools, tennis courts and a dock. This should be a paradise, not the sadness that is the reality of this failing community. The property esthetically looks like Poopie. Need I saY MORE?

Anonymous said...

I trust Jack Israel 100% , 200% but maybe he needs some infrastructural help.
follow charles advise is the best option I see.
how about we let the honorable Mr. Farinacci supervise the election process ?

The messenger

Anonymous said...

Mr. Farinacci is a tenant - not an owner.

Anonymous said...

To shocked of September 15, 2013 at 5:04 AM

Not exactly sure, but maybe the secretary last year was the female on the board not Jack. I believe Jack was the treasurer. If the secretary was the one who has been president in the past and pulled MANY fast ones with association money, etc. ...

... it is perfectly understandable that this election WAS indeed rigged. This folk have been around here at BCC a long time and have been revolving in and out of the board for many years. The same familiar faces Residents don't get involved and most of them/us don't know our rights to know and access documents etc. These folks know who is an absentee owner and who returns their votes. Some of them own multiple units here in the community and since they are in the office all the time, they get away with this. If the board can spend the association money at their leisure and squander it with the nonsense of needless investigators etc.. then we can definitely ask for a strict tightly controlled election, so next year these bad guys are out for good. They should not even be allowed in the office only for their own legitimate association matters and issues strictly, otherwise out of the office. They should not be in any committees or even as advisors to any new board members. To me these four folks have done enough damage and their ability to continue bringing down our community must end and stop NOW. It is very possible to forge an election. Especially when residents don't get involved and we have so many absentee owners, maybe 40% if not mistaken. With all that said, PLEASE get involved. It is for the good of your own home and community. Get up and out and campaign to bring down the enemy.

Anonymous said...

OMG...what happened to your decision to only publish what is supported by facts and with PROOF? Guess you are willing to do anything to keep this 3 people rant continue to the detriment of our community. Want anyone to believe smears and lies hiding behind "anonymous" or ridiculous aliases(Joyous, Bud). SHAME ON YOU.

Charles Pukit said...

OK September 16 9:00 AM Anon... What in particular are you objecting to? And, which of the perps is hiding behind this particular "Anonymous"?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous from September 16, 2013 at 9:00 AM

Anyone who believes that our present board is honest, I am talking about the 4 nitwits and has the best interest of the community as a whole is a fool. In a board meeting some years ago or so, there was talk from the board and some that are on our board now were present at that meeting about hiring a private investigator to find out who was "mudslinging". You want to be on the board and do WRONG intentionally then expect for people to smear your name. Even if you do right, there will be those who will still smear your name. It is part of the good and the bad that comes with fame. Look at good ole Jack, some bloggers have smeared his good name because he chose green to match the grass and the bushes and not blue to match the pools and the intracoastal waterway. Can you see what I mean? Concentrate on improvements to beautify our homes, more flowers maybe. Not more ridiculous rules and more ridiculous nonsense. It makes me insane to think that these damned geriatrics are spending our community's money on PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS and on elections to strip AMERICANS of their rights to a democracy and to be governed by a minority of votes. THANK GOD LORD JESUS for the outcome of this past election. Do you believe in GOD? Remember to get out and campaign for the GOOD and let us bring down the EVIL. Together we can do it. YEY!!!

Anonymous said...

you don't need to be an owner to supervise ,an attorney or the sate of florida are not unit owners but they can supervise.
a third party that is not biased

know the score said...

Say it all! But in reality, and unfortunately, all the damage is done BEFORE the election. The ballots are taken from the office. When the girls come in to "stuff" the envelops for mailing, they have no idea if there is any ballots missing. these ballots have been "picked" out of the piles of envelops. Thank you Bev Houston for always wanting to "help" with the election and blaming it on Bunnie Schmitt.

Non believer said...

You can get all the legal help you want, its an "inside" job. Now the board even has THE KEY TO THE OFFICE, and the light is on at night, in case no one noticed. You can do a lot of damage with the office key. They can say its the manager's fault and fire her.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, Sam installed a FAKE security camera. I say, "GET A REAL ONE AND SEE WHO GOES IN THE OFFICE AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING" BINGO........a legal ELECTION.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can you legally get a rule for the four demons to never run again? We all know the female charged her clothes on the SRD credit card and she still got on the board again.
Help! More "contracts"...more kickbacks could be the reason for running.

Anonymous said...

To the gal who whines about all the blog is written by only three people. I think my math says, IT IS FOUR, INCLUDING YOU OF COARSE.

Conan The Barbarian said...

The female charged her wardrobe on SRD credit? She doesn't dress that well.

Anonymous said...

One of the people who writes here all the time needs to learn to spell COURSE and not spell it COARSE. Under any name, you give yourself away. lol

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, Anonymous - why did you have to go and do that?
It was a dead give-away when we saw the word COARSE - only one badly-educated person in here spells it like that, so we ALWAYS knew who it was.
Now you've spoiled our fun.
Oh well, there are other idiots running off at the mouth, so I guess you can be forgiven!
LOL indeed! ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

If one wants to imitate someone's way of writing, the easiest way is to write like them of coarse, or of course. I think they are very clever, like saying, got us by the "short and curies" or yep per. We all know who you are (suppose to be). Happy blogging. Now about the forging of the election, how is it going this time? Better get your lists ready, its later than you think.

Joan of Archie said...

Originally, it is true, coarse and course were the same word. But the difference in spelling and in meaning emerged in the 18th century, and the words have long since gone their separate ways."
(Bryan A. Garner, Garner's Modern American Usage. OUP, 2009)

I was still around then.
Now is the hour, or error

Anonymous said...

Is this blog becoming a spelling bee? It is very silly. How about commenting on the community instead of trying to be a teacher. Try correcting the Dr.s grammar, since you have so much time on your hands. Count the cracked pavers at the pool. That should take up your spare time. Stay on the subject, the community problems are immense. Stop trying to find fault with correct complete on the net. Idle hands can learn to clean and cook.

Anonymous said...

If no one reads this, somehow news from herw still travels fast. People who tell others not to read it are in fact quoting from here. You're more popular than you thought!

Anonymous said...

herw...spelled wrong. It must be that Bev did not read your note.
Time to inject a little humor in this big mess of a community.