THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


The following email from Jack Israel l is reprinted in its entirety.

   How about starting a blog item on new carpeting in BCC?  We SAVED $250k last year by cutting contracts.  We budgeted $140k for new carpeting in BCC.  We are all paying for that.  Do people want to replace the 20-year-old+ carpeting or are they happy with it?  Does the board majority intend to spend any money on carpeting this year (it's already August)?  If not, where is that money going?  Rebates at the end of the year?  Lowering the maintenance next year?  Is that a good idea? 

  Also, there is $46k in the budget for upgrading bathrooms in Recs 2 and 3.  What is the story with that?  Do people want Bay Colony Club or Bay Colony Slum? 

  This is a serious issue in terms of whether we are spending enough money on capital improvements.  Some want to spend as little as possible, others want to keep the place up. 


So, let's hear some comments on refurbishing.  Be a nice change from the recent mud slide of personal attacks...................


Neighbors in # 6 said...

Mud slides and personal attacks exist BECAUSE you allow it to be printed Charlie.
Our rugs have big black oil stains on the landings. we have been holding, thinking that any day now, the carpet will be installed?
What gives?
Jack, you are on the Board, tell us what the "other side" is up to now. Aren't we getting new rugs? Last years budget allocated money for carpeting, so where is it? Don't tell us "the other side" has something up their sleeve and we are not getting the carpeting. It is an aging community and needs many capitol improvements. Black topping, sea wall, new bathrooms, which were in the budget.
It seems to us Jack, you are on the Board and have no influence as to keeping up with promises made by last years Board, which is also this years board. It seems the new person on the Board is also ill treated.
If "they" have something up their sleeve for next year, keep us posted.
If it is in the budget and is not spent...WHERE DOES IT GO, IN THEIR POCKETS, LIKE THEY DID WITH THE SRD MONEY.
We want carpet and bathroom upgrades and we want it now or it will be reported to DBPR. We expect three bids by the next board meeting or this will go can take that to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Another Scam!

Sounds like shades of SRD Dej Vu all over again. Cover 40 year old furniture that cost MORE than new furnishings. Buy second hand furniture that a hotel was throwing out. They told us that insurance paid for ALL the rebuild of Rec #1, in essence, it cost DOUBLE what insurance covered. No one checks it out and that is what they rely on. Duh! Shame on us for being so busy with our own lives to take the time to investigate these novices of evil.
Penny wise and dollar foolish. They just do not know good taste and financial responsibility. Now I am thinking that maybe so many residents here are right...........the election was a fraud. How else did they get elected???
I bet they will run again (kick back pros) on the premise that our maintenance will be lowered. We all know they did this years ago, they pulled the same caper and the next board ran out of money for bare necessities. These people have no idea how to run a business.
It is time for new blood. The old blood is clotting.

Anonymous said...

$250,000 left over from last year! Where is it? Now, no carpeting or re doing the bathrooms.
They always claim to saving us money.Now I hear Renee got fired (or got re-assigned,,BS). Saundra did that one. Going back, years ago, Saundra hired and fired 4 managers, and then 1 worked one day and quit because of her BS domineering attitude. Renee took the fall. So, that means the manager will be next, even though she is catering to "her" and Pete now. Let us start a pool. How many days or weeks before the manager gets "re-assigned"! What a hostile working environment for the employees. Nothing new with these four 'duds". I hope their days are numbered and they are "re-assigned" to stay in their condo and leave all of us alone.

Anonymous said...

Please keep us informed. This board tells you nothing and tells the new guy, Bruno nothing. Bruno is Italian and is therefore called by the usual suspect who signed her name Anonymous, the Mafia. Does that mean Sandra is the Mafia, she is Italian. Sleepy George is German, is he Hitler? Cut the name calling and do something for us residents. Look who is taking care of our money.....that is frightening. The credit card queen. Keep you eye on the legal statements. This will tell a different story than the one that tells us these 4 are saving us money. yeaks


Me thinks the manager is caving in by bowing to Zubco and Shelton. Too bad she fears for her job. Does she treat the other the same.
Me thinks not! She will be next to be fired, like all the rest. It does not matter how nice she is to them, she will GO. Gather your bets.

Bean Bag said...

I can not believe your e-mail and how you are not shared information from the Board. Did you know we are having a meeting Thurs. The rule is three days before the meeting, the Directors get their packet. That is the manager's job to get it together. Does the manager discuss with you what is happening. It seems that you and the new man are left out and the manager goes along with it. This is not right for her to do this. She needs to treat everyone the same and e-mail when things are discussed with her and Pete, Saundra and George. Any conversation with other Board members MUST be e-mailed to the other Board members.The manager should tell them that this is the correct business decision to keep the Board "open".
Never mind, this will never happen . They will fire her. She has to keep their meetings a secret. You and the other Director must believe that you should let the manager MANAGE and therefore do not hang in the office and know nothing. Everytime these people get on (thanks to The Informer) it is a disaster. You can ask anyone who they voted for and HE AIN'T THEM, but here they are????Fishy.

LONG Memory said...

It's coming up to the time of year when Jack "makes his move" - just like he did last year. Why is he trying to "stir it"? Why not discuss these ideas with his Board?

This is the guy who had Vinnie fired "for incompetence". This is the guy who spent $10,000 on unwanted smelly red mulch. This is the guy who decided all on his own to change the awning color at Rec. 3 from the blue we've always had to green AND spent money to make the patio furniture match the green he chose.This is the guy who allowed pickup trucks AND motorcycles (even though our Documentation doesn't allow it) "just in case we had a lawsuit" and we are all now living with his bad decisions. This is the guy who tried to shove through a badly-planned carpet deal one week before the last Election to make himself look good and buy votes.

He complained that Saundra shot him down by bringing in John Rochford, who is an expert on carpeting. Most people don't remember, but John Rochford installed the carpet in Rec 2. I never cared for the color, but it was an excellent choice - it's been used and abused with parties, dragging heavy furniture, had wine spilled on it and chocolate cake ground into it - but it cleans up good as new.

Jack had chosen a carpet (no-one got a choice of color there either!) that wouldn't last even 10 years (not like the current hall carpet that's lasted almost 25 years). He was willing to let the installer "piece" it wherever he wanted. I don't want to see a seam outside MY door! Our old carpet isn't pieced. He had not insisted on new tack-strip (the old tack-strip is decayed and rusted out), which meant NO STRETCHING - the carpet would eventually buckle, causing ripples and possible falls.

This is the guy who promoted two people for Board members that he hadn't even met until the night of the Election - in hopes of getting his own quorum to run the Board again.

Nope - not a team player.

A LOT of money was wasted last year; this Board is trying to stay within the Budget, but if they DO manage to get the money under control, I would NOT be against new carpeting.

Unless we get a 75% vote, we can't rebuild the bathrooms like Rec. 1 - taking out the sauna; physically changing things can be done only with a 75% vote. Two years ago in 2010, the bathrooms were repainted completely.

This guy needs to be watched.

Anonymous said...

price for who will be able to tell us the dark side move?some people have been good at it.
my theory is this:lets not do anything that was budgeted we will have a surplus.
1- the dark side looks good compared to the previous board, the save more money, pete loves to say how much money he can save.but in life you get what you pay for.the attorney case is a perfect example.
2 election strategy- promise the people a reduction in maintenance and they vote for you.very simple...maybe not me and you but our neighbor might fall for it....i hope we ll mot get too good at predicting the future it will be scary.

Anonymous said...

-people that have been around know how the dark side thinks.
-people in the previous board can anticipate their moves
so phil and malicky please inform us, educate us and teach us how to defend from the dark side.
Jack you are a smart man: you have been in the previous board with them and still on this one.
you should be our white night with the shining armor. show us the way to freedom and justice
the messenger

Baretta said...

These expenditures were in fact budgeted for and passed by last years Board of Directors at an official BOD meeting. In accordance with our bylaws, BCC shall follow Roberts Rules of Order. That being so said, in order to rescind a previously duly motioned and passed order of business, said passed motion can only be rescinded ONLY if a motion to do so is placed by a Director "on the prevailing side". Since Jack is the ONLY Director on the board at this time that was on "the prevailing side" Jack and ONLY Jack can make such a motion to rescind such previously passed legislation. The carpeting and the bathroom upgrades MUST be done. It was clearly budgeted for and therefor MUST be either rescinded or the completion is said upgrades MUST be done.

A SECOND Fly on the Wall said...

Not to worry folks - I have it on GOOD authority that these Candidates will be running in the next Election:
Bud Lauer
Malachy Smith
Jack Israel
Phil Filippone, and
Bruno DeFinis
So you can rest assured that there will probably be that "Hope and Change" thingy happening.
Feel better now?
They will probably even bring back Colleen Cooney as Manager!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rene knows or heard something she was not supposed to hear.
Maybe we get a statement and confession.
Can you blame Jack and Bruno for not hanging in that office?considering the environment and atmosphere.
One good quality of Mr. Laurel was planting himself in that office.
He served as a scarecrow for Pappas and Zubcko.

Anonymous said...

How do we get not cheated in the next election??? I would love to still believe in democracy. Am I a fool?

Jack said...

I'm tired of being told, "Don't get on Charlie's board, you'll give it legitimacy." The fact is, this board is the only way to let people know what is going on in this community. Until somebody creates a better vehicle, I'm tired of not publicly airing issues.

The manager is outstanding. We are lucky to have her. My opinion is that the decision to hire Campbell was a very good one. They are helping us in many respects.

There were management issues with Renee. Plain and simple. No need to dig into that. Had nothing to do with board members.

The carpeting and bathrooms are not being done because the board is afraid of the 40 year engineering assessment and what we may have to do. We have also dug into some of the money for carpeting and bathrooms by doing extra seawall and removing a lot of the dead ficus.

But this brings up a very valid issue for debate in the community: do we put off capital improvements in the budget because we potentially have this unexpected maintenance (the 40-year survey) hanging over our head? Or, do we do what we budgeted for, what went through an approval process, and if we have unexpected maintenance, we pay for it some other way i.e. a special assessment.

There's no free lunch. If we have 50k of needed engineering improvements, do we take that money out of the budget or get it another way?


Jack said...

There was not $250,000 left over last year. We actually went into the hole by a puny $3500. But the last board cut contracts on insurance, trash hauling, phones, the accountant, and lawn maintenance which SAVED $250,000. Everyone on the last board played a role in realizing those savings.

That gives BCC a rare opportunity to improve the place, like carpeting and bathrooms, without having to raise the quarterly dues by an astronomical amount.

But if we fritter that money away on unforeseen maintenance, then we miss an key opportunity to upgrade the place, IMHO.


Anonymous said...

History repeats itself, trouble has caught up with the board atrocities and attitude.
Sit and watch, but you will be a paying viewer.I assure you of that.
Apparently it is not he first time.
and I will be burned at the steak as an heretic again. we all have a destiny.

The Messanger

Educated Resident said...

to not get cheating in the next election? Simple. Get rid of the forger, BEVERLEY HOUSTON. She was promised $100 a meeting to do the minutes, like she got when she WAS ON THE BOARD! Taking money while being a director is illegal, but she got away with it. Bev e-mailed everybody that Bunnie Schmitt was NOT HONEST anymore, while she was chair of the election for years. Bev had an agenda that we all know about now. Forge the names from residents that live out of the country. Now, BCC has the results of how this board got on. It is a simple fact. No one can deny it because she told this Board HOW. Thank you Jack for letting us all know about that meeting he and sandra and jim had with bev.

Anonymous said...

To Second Fly on the Wall:
Looks like a good slate to all of us. No kick-backs among these guys. BCC does need a female on the Board to drive the rest of the board Bots........

Anonymous said...

What happened to Bud and the election diabolical? Did he drop it? We were told a letter was sent to the Office. Someone, fill us in.

Charles Pukit said...

Hmmm...nothing on the Aug 15 agenda about carpet or rest rooms. Peoples' voice the kiss of death? Any advice from on high Joan?

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that board members were not allowed or given an opportunity to add to the agenda for Thursday The agenda put out should be scrapped and input from ALL board members should be allowed. I will call the office in the morning and tell the manager.

Anonymous said...

yes sir charlie. the explanation provided might be this: the 40 year inspection takes priority over the carpets and the bathrooms.
let`s wait and see if the voices from up high are wrong???
deactivating bar codes also takes priority obviously.

Anonymous said...

By now we all know who the evil board members are.
We know their names, we know their habits, we know their tricks.
The question is :
Do we know who is behind them?
Who supports them, who gains from them?,
Who gets special favors?, who gave them into power? who protects them?
Knowledge is power, please people educate us...waiting for some answers from the brave and the wise.

Anonymous said...

Sir Charles,
I am scared now .I am only a teenage french country girl but I am able to predict the events too closely. read my previous predictions.
some one said we don't need a meteorologist to know where the wind is blowing.

the messenger

French Inquisition said...

Well, Joan Honey, your predictions didn't do too well for ya, now, did they? You never realized that you would end up being the main BBQ item at an event held in your honor.

Anonymous said...

If I was all French (I'm only 1/4 French), I would be deeply offended by this person taking our revered saint's name in vain. I would be ready to declare JIHAD for taking Jeanne D'Arc and making a mockery of her.
Enough, already!
This "Joan of Arc" farce reads like a child's primer - "Oh look! See Spot! See Spot run. Funny funny Spot!"
Projectile vomit.

Anonymous said...

This blog is filled with lies, whines,unfulfilled prophecies and PURE DRIVEL. It should be discontinued immediately. But wait, what would Bud and Joy do with their time........ Oh, and poor Jack would have to behave like an adult member of he board instead of posting his nonsense and then being afraid to show up at a meeting where he would be called out for his lies and past discretions that he now unbelievably accuses the current board. Can't we have a group of mature people who can work together for the business, yes business, that is the association.

Baretta said...

I really think that when the 40 year inspection commences, the County should really do a study on the drinking water in BCC 'cause I think you guys are REALLY EFFED up!

Anonymous said...

Why is it okay for the President to go away and miss numerous meetings, yet Jack is picked on because he was working? Seems to me Jim is off on VACATION. Jack was not allowed to give input towards any of the agenda items.

Wait until the fiasco over bar codes start and people are denied access due to unpaid dues!!How do we penalize renters whose landlords do not pay their dues?

I foresee huge problems as this community is allowed to decay ie roofs, roads, carpets etc.

There are several pending lawsuits which will cost the community a great deal of money if not remedied soon. For example, the "truck" issue. That is going to be a big one.

The ONLY one attacking Jack on this board is Bev Houston and that is because he exposed her for being a cheater. "Long memory" would be her.

Nameless said...

As usual, the usual suspects, for some weird reason, try to make the residents as miserable as possible by creating more rules to obey the "rulers". Now it is the bar codes. It was not two weeks before they called their buddy, lawyer to be BCC's attorney. He will agree with anything they want, including harassing residents the Usual Suspects want to go after.......immature street people, with no business skills.

Over seen said...

Trucks were ok'd since you will lose if you go to court to try to keep trucks out of the community. It is always a losing situation if challenged. Case law shows you can not win.
This new Board is changing the rule that the last Board passed. But, if you notice they can not park near the dark sides supporter. The trucks can park on the other office side but not infront of Pat Redhouse's condo. Ms Redhouse did not want any shrubs across from her so she could see them play tennis, so the screens on the tennis court were removed so she could see NOBODY play tennis. Also the smaller bushes are all being killed off, little by little, most are gone with in her eye sight.......what about the other residents that live on the other side. My guess is, they do not count. wish they office would tell us WHY the trucks can not park where the employees used to park (before they all got fired). that should be some BS story or reason. As far as the motor bikes go.........they take up a space, just like the trucks, so why is it OK to let them stay by their condo, but the others have to jockey the vehicles around everyday. Selective Enforcement for supporter of Zubco & Co.....Pete does what ever she tells him. Good Boy! Pat! Pat!

Anonymous said...

my predictions are so close to the truth that is scaring me, and i have a feeling they are going to get more and more accurate. there have been people in the past that have told us about the the dark side, better prophets than me. ore experience more educated, but people have forgotten their message and reelected the crooks.
civilization also means to have an historical memory and a civic sense of Justice.

the messenger

Jack said...

The pickup issue is a headache. After the last lawyer told us that the board cannot deny people the personal conveyance of their choice, I thought later, oh boy, our board was wrong, we should not have overturned decades of tradition/rules in BCC. People want those rules enforced. We did the wrong thing.

The new lawyer says we absolutely can enforce the rule against pickup trucks.

As time has passed, and I've studied this more, I simply do not know who is right.

The answer is that we will not know for certain unless and until someone takes this to court.

Jack said...

The pickup issue is a headache. After the last lawyer told us that the board cannot deny people the personal conveyance of their choice, I thought later, oh boy, our board was wrong, we should not have overturned decades of tradition/rules in BCC. People want those rules enforced. We did the wrong thing.

The new lawyer says we absolutely can enforce the rule against pickup trucks.

As time has passed, and I've studied this more, I simply do not know who is right.

The answer is that we will not know for certain unless and until someone takes this to court.

Anonymous said...

Jack - I'm impressed and you've certainly risen a lot in my estimation.
It takes a big man to admit he's made a mistake.
Maybe there's hope for you yet ...
But you DO need to learn to choose your friends more carefully; Bud has done more ill to BCC than ANY other Board member/president ever - and people shake their heads to see the two of you so chummy. This could be an important point if you run for election.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jack, what do you mean you don't know?
Dont you trust the State of Florida
Don t you believe in the constitution of United State of America?
Question for you if a BCC owner buys a moped, parks it here for a month, gets tickets and fines but then he/she moves to Port Royal.
Are we allowed to request extradition from port royal to persecute the unit owner under our jurisdiction?
what are the extradition treaties between bcc and Lauderdale One?

Jack said...

There have been persuasive arguments from both sides on the pickup issue. I've worked enough with the law before that until you go to the judge, you can't be certain about which lawyer is right.

On the other post about Bud, I can go to dinner with him any time and enjoy myself. I can also go to Yacht Club functions with Saundra (as I've done) and enjoy that as well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jack, I am starting to think you are the perfect politician. in the good sense of the word.
Like the prince of other words you are saying:keep you friends close and your enemies closer.
I wish I could do that :I fit more the Saint/Heretic personality.

also keep in mind that in war times: an enemy of your enemy is a friend

The messenger

Anonymous said...

Anyone STUPID enough to bring back Colleen Cooney needs to be tied up and tucked away in a box.

Anonymous said...

I Feel sorry for Zubko. Her luck WILL run out in time. In just a matter of time. Good WILL prevail

Anonymous said...


You are innocent and our community needs that.

... or maybe you are just clever

... maybe you are a genius

Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever wonder if pompous pappas is taking BCC money and hiding it in his own personal bank account in the Bahamas? Wouldn't put it past him. Would put ANYTHING past him.

Anonymous said...

Jack! You really want to upgrade the place? You really want to upgrade this community? This property? Beginning to do so, does not require capital. It requires removing the 4 poisonous snakes that sit on the board with you and DiFinis. Those 4 crooked crooks. The 4 that have the majority of vote against you and Difinis. After you and Difinis manage to can those 4, FOREVER, then we can begin upgrading the property until then this will continue on its downward spiral. It is in your hands buddy. 4 senior citizens that probably have early dementia sit on our board. 4 that don't know what the hell they are doing and are taking this community down more and more everyday. You really want to upgrade? Upgrade the BOARD!!!

Anonymous said...


Let's get 7 new "wonders of the world"! 7 new wonders that will make up the new 2014 Board of Directors of Bay Colony Club! Yey!!!

... and let's make sure that you and DiFinis are 2 of those 7 new WONDERS OF THE WORLD!

I hope you have a sense of humor.

At the end of the day you gotta feel sorry for those poor 4. What must it be like to wake up everyday and want to spread your evil and your poison? Not you Jack. The poor 4. We know who they are. No need for names.

Anonymous said...

at BCC there are intelligent people, there are good people, there are nice people, there are honest people. please you participate, decide your destiny , vote for a change and demand a change

dont you know we are talking about a revolution....its ` sounds like a whisper.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jack,
there are allegations ,from some people not me, that you might be playing a double game.remeber Barros? please my dear distance yourself once and for all from those 4 evil there are no misunderstand.
Use de finis for your cause(our cause) he is young , honest and and an idealist.he will go all the way to defend the rights of oppressed unit owners. He can be your perfect ally but you have to give him guidance on how to survive in the juggle with the dark side. be his mentor.
you are our leader

the Messenger

Anonymous said...

Di Finis is a wonderful person. I just hope these kids aren't foolish enough to bring back the BIMBO virus into the office.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have no "Money Tree" growing here at BCC.

Have you ever heard of a "Shoe Tree"?
There used to be a "Shoe Tree" outside one of the stores at a mall on 17th Street Causeway. You tied a pair of old sneakers together by their laces, then tossed the shoes up into the tree; they would snag a branch and dangle there with a shoe on each side of the branch.

I would like to create a "Shoe Tree" at BCC, perhaps using one of the Black Olive trees at the entrance to Rec. 2.

Pete Shelton with his "creative" funding of his girlfriend Saundra Zubko's SRD, using unauthorized transfers from Association funds, and Sam Slota with his lies about the CCG-Comcast Cable TV Contracts, tacit agreement with Pete's activities, and profligate spending on frivolous legal bills - these two would be our first pair in that tree.

I suggest, that since they've had the BCC owners by the "short-and-curlies", each have their hands tied behind their backs, then be tied firmly to each other with a long rope attached to their "privates' - and slung over a sturdy branch - one dangling on each side of that branch.

A rather fitting revenge, and I'm sure it would provide many hours of amusement for our residents! We need some laughter in here and these two amoral rogues have made us cry too many times in the past two years.

I'm pretty sure that this treatment would prevent them from "branching out" (pun intended) in any further insults to our community!
September 12, 2009 10:56 PM

September 13, 2009 2:45 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY! I want to suggest a SECOND pair for our "Shoe Tree": Saundra Zubko and Rochelle Bisaillon - they were responsible for bringing United Community Management to BCC - another HUGE waste of money.

Of course, Saundra and Rochelle have no "privates" to tie the rope to, so I suggest an "alligator" clip on a prominent part of their anatomy (no! no! NOT the nose ...... think LOWER ...... about a foot lower! LOL)

Then they can "make a clean breast" of things (ooooh - dontcha just LOVE puns?)!

September 14, 2009 2:36 PM
Blogger kendracampbell79 said...

What fun!

FOURTH pair for the Shoe Tree:
Leslie Lombardi (you can hear her down at the Intracoastal when she starts screaming at Rec. 2 - without a microphone!) and Jason Katz (that little know-nothing wimp that's controlled by Leslie and Saundra Zubko).

Leslie will hang upside down by her feet. Jason will hold the other end. When he gets tired and lets go, Leslie will land on her head. Oops - one less problem for dear old BCC.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the girls who was an enumerator two years ago said that Bunny changed the rules from what they'd ALWAYS done. She allowed envelopes with MORE than one signature to be counted, where before they'd ALWAYS discarded these envelopes. The rule used to be that ONLY the designated voter's signature was acceptable. But Bunny said as long as the designated voter's signature was on the envelope, it didn't matter who else had signed it! What's the point of having a designated voter form if it isn't used?
We both felt this was not right, and it sure turned out to be not good for BCC.
I don't think that Bunny should ever again be allowed to be our Election Supervior - she's not honest any more.


Anonymous said...

i believe we need and require an higher authority to supervise the election dbpr or om budman. any ideas?

the messenger

Anonymous said...

since I am only 16 , and I haven`t been around that long can anyone give me an history lesson on Bev. Houston since i have been hearing about her a lot... Why is lot of people so much concerned about an ex manager...????i think it is water under the bridge now.
we need to worry about a tyranny in place every day.
Adolf Pompuos is back

Anonymous said...


Get up from in front of your computer screens and get to work on this upcoming election. Very funny, the "SHOETREE" I feel your pain. REALLY DO! :Let's campaign. If any of you know any absentee owners and can get in contact with them via email or whatever means of communication, do what you can to get their vote to count. Tell them about the HORROR we are living with these snakes on the board. Not all but definitely four that need to be CANNED FOREVER. Please if you don't do something for your community then don't complain. Any effort that you make WILL count. Thank you!
Peace to ALL!

Meeting Attendee said...

OMG! I remember that money tree bit written by Bev Houston in 2010 or so.
Do you think her "new friends" know how she ripped them on the blog. How can you change...sounds like Obama. change is coming.......and it sure did folks.
How does this joining of the evils effect our community. Isn't that what the blog is about. The community and ways to improve it, not bring it down by joining these forces. It is so difficult to waste time going to the meetings, but, it is time to force ourselves to go and be heard. At least the new manager will get the point.

Anonymous said...

Everyone forgets one thing in their fantasy. Colleen would never return here, she works for Campbell, and they wanted her to work here, but she refused. Enough BS about her returning, start a new spin, this one is over.

Anonymous said...

Jack ,
please organize a coalition that is united, new and valid...with integrity.
we need names and faces;
the problem with last election was that was too little to choose from and we got stuck with the old crew that holds on to their seats with teeth and nails....why do thay do that.....?.you know the answer



I guess being on the BOD takes up their time if you do not have the funds or will not spend the funds for a cruise, a nice dinner, Disney attractions, swim with the dolphins, hang gliding. They consider using Hilter tactics, commendable! What a way to save money. Let us all donate and send them AWAY.

Anonymous said...

Joan of Arc
If you want a coalition that is organized united and with integrity, then create one through the power of this blog. Organize a meeting at pool 4 perhaps. You name the date and time. We will attend and form a task force to bring down these clowns on the present board. NOT all, we have a couple of GOOD ones. I will attend. Count me in. We need to UNITE. It is our community and we as a majority must count. That is what majorities are for. Peace to ALL.

Anonymous said...

They all need to be sent away!

Anonymous said...

What goes on here is a disgrace. The sad thing is that legally, legislatively and statutorily these bozos get away with it. These board of Directors, not all, the four that are the demons of the community, they should be in jail, I feel. What they do is CRIMINAL. They should be charged not just civilly, but also criminally. It is sad to come to the realization that these are our neighbors. They DO NOT have the best interest of the community as a whole as their priority. This is a very scary place to live. It is a violation of the right to quiet enjoyment of your home to have these types of worries. Think about it, neighbors.

Anonymous said...

anyone of the good people of bcc please present youself as candidate, form a strong coalition with jack and bruno and defeat evil.....there were too little candidate to vote for last election. 7 good ones at least will be needed....the dark side will be running again.

Anonymous said...

Bring back Wilbur, Delaney (he was very knowledgeable about insurance), Bruno, Barros, Jack, Bud Lauer and John Rochford if he would run.

That would make a good board. I remember when Wilbur was President. Everything was calm. It was a somewhat happy place. Don't forget to campaign.

Anonymous said...

Hey - you got no women on that Board! You need at least two.
I suggest Betty Francis (ethics and entertainment), Joyous Burkart (landscaping), Sean Holland (wordsmith), Charlie Pukit (electronics wizard), Jim Gordon (engineer), Harriet Gustafson (legal) and Frank LaMorte (real estate).
Now THERE would be a Board worthy of note!

Charles Pukit said...

Anon's selection for Board members is meant to be a joke right?

Anonymous said...

BOTH Anon choices are ridiculous.
Wilbur back? Bud? DeLooney?
Betty? Joyous? Jim Gordon?
Half of them would literally KILL the other half.
People would move out by the dozens.

Baretta said...

It would be a pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the present board of MONSTERS except for the 2 normal ones whose votes go under the table again for another year would be just a GRAND accomplishment, HUH? Yes !

How about NO Board at all. A pack of demented neighbors that probably need to be BAKER Acted, the 4 monsters that do nothing but bring this place down more and more by the second. Why don't all of you with such great ideas run for the board? Maybe you did not see your name on the lists of Greats for candidates and Board members. Put your name on the list then.

Anonymous said...

The reason most residents will not run for the Board? Because!! they could never tolerate being on the same board with the 4 nitwits.