Just another rigged election?
Does our recent election of Board members fall into the same old flim flam? Please see the reprint of old blog articles below. Apathy, indifference and ignorance is what has brought BCC owners to this sorry state. You get the governance you deserve they say and if no one is willing to put a stop to it then shut up, bend over, grab your ankles and think of England.
Easy enough to prove fraud, though a computer would help:
Review ballot return envelopes from that prior election that had random, non-sequential numbers printed on the envelopes.
Make a list containing names and addresses of all who voted in that election.
Review ballot return envelopes from this election.
Make a list containing names and addresses of all who voted in this election
Compare the lists and list all those who voted in this election, but not in the prior election.
Discard "new" voters who purchased since the prior election.
Contact the remaining "new" voters to determine if they actually voted.
.Any questions?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
BCC’s 2003 election for members of the Board of Directors (BOD) was obviously fraudulent. Illegal ballots were added to validated ballots and counted in the totals, among other ballot tampering. It was judged so by Election Supervisors Carl Dressel and James Gordon and the Florida DBPR. Please click on “BCC 2003 Election Fraud” in column to left under “Links to Other Condo Related Sites”. (Please note that I strongly disagree with Dressel and Gordon speculations on the possible source of ballot box stuffing.)
Despite requests to then BOD President Sam Slota, nothing was done to correct the fraud or improve election policies and procedures so it wouldn’t happen again. It’s been seven years and nothing has been done. Unless we do something about it as soon as possible we can look forward to a future of fraud and chicanery, most notably at the upcoming BOD elections in February.
Further, why are BCC owners repeatedly electing people to the BOD who voted AGAINST investigating the mysterious disappearance of BCC property? See “BCC 2003 Election Fraud” at left.
BCC’s election procedures are not unlike those of many corrupt third world countries.
As yourself WHY people would lie, cheat and stuff ballot boxes. Perhaps an honest election would be the most significant step towards reducing our maintenance costs.
Support election reform and the appointment of an Election Monitor. Start by adding your name to the petition that will be circulating in BCC.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

2. Search past election records for names, unit numbers and signatures of owners who have not voted for years.
3. Get extra election packages (outer envelope, inner envelope & ballot) for “friends who have lost theirs.”
4. Forge signatures on ballot envelopes (a vague resemblance will do) and check your name.
5. Bring ballots to office (no need for postage or several trips) and stuff them in the box.
*Based on a detailed review of past election records.
It is NOT enough to have an election monitor appointed just before the election. Easily photocopied ballots which are not controlled and freely passed out and a ballot box unobserved and uncontrolled will mean the same undesirables will be with us for ever.
By all means sign the petitions circulating which request an election monitor be assigned.
E-MAIL cpukit@comcast.net TO SIGN UP.
Charlie, I'm really very disappointed in this so-called "reveal-all" report.
We waited a month to get the skinny on "how it was done" and THIS is the best you can do? A re-hash of former blog "reports"?
Shame on you.
Time to hang up your skates.
If you all aren't swift enough to see through the same old bag men and their same old rigged elections, there isn't much more I can do. Would any of you lazy buggers get off your duff and take some action if I re-wrote it? Nah....
If shame is to be allocated it should go to you apathetic, cowardly unit owners.
Your list of items to check to prove a rigged election is very much in error.
1. There are NO return envelopes available from prior elections. ALL election materials must by law be kept for ONE year from the date of the election, and then are discarded, to be replaced with the current Election records.
5. Ditto - nothing to compare your list to.
7. Do you REALLY think people want to put that kind of effort into contacting people to see if they voted? They can't even be bothered to vote THEMSELVES! (Try to get people to volunteer for "building captains"!!!)
YOU are the one who's making such a big deal of this ... but I'll bet that even YOU couldn't be bothered to follow through. Why? - because even YOU don't really give a damn either!
You said it true though - "Apathy, indifference and ignorance is what has brought BCC owners to this sorry state."
So you can rant and rave and make all the innuendoes you want, but you're preaching to a deaf, "who-cares" audience.
As Hillary said "What difference does it make?"
We need to tame these beasts among us. Begin with KOOOK!!!
I know that many residents are referring to zubko as KOOK now. How do you tame the elderly and feeble?
How sad is she that said she has been waiting a month to get the skinny on the election update. Do not worry, she is the skinny on the election.
Yes there are volunteers calling voters and taking care of business.
Has everyone seen the new bulletin from Melissa in the office?
Yes! Kook now wants you to get a $50 ticket if you go 16 miles an hour. Did you ever follow Shelton? George never speeds, but he sleeps at the wheel and that my dear, is dangerous.
Control, control, control.
Ah hah! Maybe a forensic audit could track destination of some of that fine money to private pockets? A dollar here, a dollar there.....
Yes! Exactly! You got it! Charlie
To Guilty of Going 16 miles an hour
Did you get a ticket?
Go to the DBPR and put in a complaint for a financial investigation. I promise you no matter what, that ticket will be upheld. The radar is out of a gumball machine. Call the police when security writes a ticket for speeding and have the guard arrested. There are police officers that live here and work for Fort Lauderdale police department. Let them know that this is going on and alert them about it. If just one resident calls the police when this happens. I promise it will stop. Zubko is nuts out of her mind. This association knows very well that they CANNOT write tickets for speeding and levy a fine for it. They have been cautioned about that before by police officers.
How can we make a forensic audit take place here?
Why do you think they had to get "their" lawyer back, as soon as they got back on the board. They get their private advice FOR FREE. What does "their" dunce say. Probably, "ticket them and hope they are dumb enough not to sue or check it out". The board must approve of a forensic audit or what?
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