THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
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You are sooooo funny Mr. Pukit. Hahahah! Yes! Another election! Remember your quote on your blog from ...
... the name escapes me.
... about evil and not doing anything
Now is the time to get up off our sweet derrieres and make something happen. Spread the word to completely eliminate thoses bums from the board forever.
Do you really care, though? Aren't you moving? You are going to give up? You are going to sell your problem to another innocent citizen and throw them into this pack of mad wolves? This community is a disgrace and the association a pack of demented narcissists. NOt all though the MAD 4.
Do you believe in God? If you do, pray.
Love and peace to all.
Are you back Joan?
Edmund Burke
It takes effort and campaigning. Especially with new residents that are in the dark and are not aware of the reality of the darkness that exists in this community unfortunately at the hand of the present board of bums,because it does not have to be like this. Not all of them, 'cause DeFinis and good ole Jacko are wonderful,
Life always offers choices and these 4 bad apples simply choose for this community to be run the way that it has been for the past 2 years. We can save this community. We need to talk with the people next door, our neighbors and spread the word. NO VOTES for Lauth, Pappas, Shelton or Zubko. NO VOTES. Bring in a fresh new perspective on condo living. Lets work together to completely eradicate the snake venom sitting on our present board. It is not impossible. We can do it. We deserve much BETTER. Love and Peace to all ...
Some of the past board members were fine. Malacky for one, Joyous and Danielle did a good job. Paul attended all the meetings. Bill Brady knew accounting, he just could not tolerate some that he had to work with.
Now, the four devils, have to go or Bay Colony will never be brought up to standard.
have any of the four pollutants announced they are going to run again? Sandra will say she did not want to run, but EVERYONE BEGGED her. Oh my Lord, what a bunch of poo poo.
Now that the "season" is is time to get rid of the 4 "turkeys" and make soup with the left overs.
Now is the TIME to spread the word and talk with EVERYONE that you know and advise them to NOT VOTE for any of these 4 clowns that are bringing this community down EVERYDAY more and more. It is in our hands, but we must ALL move towards making a positive change happen with voting in the next election and voting in a BRAND NEW board.
Remember what happened during the Arab Spring? People got killed, blood ran in the streets and life wasn't worth a plugged nickel.
Do you want the same for BCC?
We've had our share of slashed tires, vandalized boats (remember the tar on YOUR boat?) and paint-splattered cars (YOUR van?).
Would you prefer some dead bodies floating in the canal? Torched apartments? Roving gangs of terrorists?
Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it!
Maybe BCC needs something more like some parts of lawless Mexico where the honest citizens have gotten together and imposed law? We know who needs serious attitude adjustments.
Are the employees getting anything for Christmas?
At the hand of the preset board minus Definis and Israel, there are at least four lawsuits against BCC condo association. Lawsuits that on top of what we pay the attorneys to represent the association which is normal and custoary is costing thousands of unecessary spent dollars due to the negligence of the direction of the mad pack of 4 pollutants we need to get rid of in the next election. Make your votes count and vote in a new bunch of new faces with a fresh perspective to bring about positive channge to our neighborhood and small town. Forget about vadalism. Open your windows and be on alert. If you hear something just run out and chase the bad guy. Get up and get moving and be proactive for your community. Lets make BCC an address everyone wants to have. Wont that bring up property values. Please think abou our community when voting for the next election. Please vote to bring about change.
If there is anymore vandalism or crime in this community we have police officers that live here. Also, call your local law enforcement agency and ALERT THEM. Don't just sit there and take it. DO SOMETHING! You are not dead just old.
A majority of this community has exactly what they deserve. Then another portion of the community stands up for their rights, and has to fight the enemy regardless if the board and association know what they are doing or do not know their ass from their elbow, which is the case most of the time. Lets revolt. Lets demonstrate, it is our constitutional right to protest. We live in a prison - like environment and we the majority have ALL the power to change it. Lets change it. Don't complain on this blog about it. Get up and do something. Make your voice heard. Don't you have a voice. Speak up. This is civil, not criminal. You will not get arrested fro speaking up. Your constitutional rights to freedom of speech are protected. Get up and ...
... ROAR.
ROAR for change and a better board for our community and homes.
survey of the month:
who is worse Sandra Z or Pappas?
sorry guys it s not an easy question you might loose sleep trying to answer it
Beverley Houston told every body that you were moving to Wynmoor months ago. We all thought she was lying AGAIN and making up stories. Now that you said it your self, it is true.
I wish you well Charlie
Pappas and Zubko are cut from the same cloth. That is an easy one.
Question of the day:
How many times was Sandra Z. a member of the BOD?
I believe the president of united states can only serve 2 terms.
How many times Pappas and Shelton?
Attention please :
George L. has forgotten his unit number and he is going around in circles on his car trying to find it.
Can anyone help him please. He might ruin of gas soon.
it is evident this Beverly Houston has a lot of stories to tell. Does anyone know a publisher? it could be a best seller
To Jean of Arc,
Yes! Great point! You are on the ball! It is the SAME faces practically year after year here that revolve in and out of the board. Zubko has served many many times. TOOOOOOO MANY TIMES...
... and she is a venomous snake that does NOTHING for the greater good.
That is why we need candidates on this elections ballot. She even said it in a meeting that no one wants to run for the board so the same people stay on. We can change this. Please lets change it. PASS IT ON. Talk to your friends that they vote for new people to sit on the board, BECAUSE THIS CANNOT CONTINUE THIS WAY.
Guess What Folks!
Your present BOD does not half a clue what they are doing. NEWSFLASH!!!!
Something to think about when voting in our next election.
Just think out with the old and in with the new, when casting your votes
Ohhh and this dysfuntion and recklessness dfoes not include DeFinis or Jacko.
May a brighter future await us ALL my friends
We will support any new name.........
To Anonymous from December 19, 2013 @ 9:01 pm
No one is whining, just facts and THERE WILL BE NEW HATS IN THE RING. Just keep your word in supporting new candidates.
Yeah! New Faces running for the Board, plus the same ol' tired faces from last year,plus a few of their "LEMMINGS".
Let the games begin.
Charlie, it is time to start a new column
Then don't vote for the tired faces. Vote for new faces. Tell your friends to vote for new faces. It does not have to be the same board of tired faces again this year. We have 640 units.
VERY GOOD Jean of ARC!!! I am with you all the way.
How about an election monitor? It requires 15% of the residents to request. Anyone out with a petition? Come over to my building. Stand out in front of all the buildings. Keep up the communication in every way you can possibly pass the word.
Hello Folks,
I just got a e-mail from Bev Houston's NEW e-mail>
Gipsy FortuneTeller
She must be in her glory again. She is blasting her viral about every one
except her "new" best friends.
Beverly never says WHY the people did what they did and she out and out lied about most of them.
Still picking on her favorite secret admirer....We think Joyous likes men only, sorry. Bruno did not show up at meetings/
What a sick old lady. Is she electable? Ask the directors she told how to forge names for the election. Ask Jack, he will not go near these people anymore and will not run. I give these new faces a lot of support. Expect more from "no life" fortune teller...come out from under your rock and say who you are, yella belly.
considering the crooks out there we need a monitor.
Sir Charles help monitor the validity of election, we value your expertise.
In order to have an election monitor it will require 94 residents to petition for it, I believe. It requires 15%
Hope that helps Sir Charles.
Start that Petition
Somebody has to take a petition around and get folks to sign it. It would be in the best interest of any reformers to get this going ASAP. Without controls and a monitor it should be assumed that we are looking forward to another rigged election.
TOO does not work that way.
All the damage seems to be done BEFORE the monitors come on board. Beverley Houston has copies of the names, with their signature. BEV then takes those signatures and forges them. She knows these people's signature by the voting certificate they signed when they purchased a condo here. Bev then knows who does not vote over the years, gets copies in the office of their signature , forges their names and mails them in or brings them into the office. It appears that she isn't the simple old bag that smokes and throws her butts all over the street. She is shrewder than we give her credit for. Too bad she doesn't use it to be a nice old lady instead.
My wife and I rode past the office on Friday and saw that old lady, Beverly standing outside smoking. She is getting ready to do her dirty work. How do her cohorts feel about her being involved with their candidacy, with her reputation...or is that why they will support her. DOES SAUNDRA/PETE/JIM/GEORGE THINK bev can win the election for them?
How will she sneak in extra ballots if the office puts numbers on the ballots? GO AWAY BAD SEED
If they were not able to get enough votes in for the amendment fiasco, do you think it can really get rigged for this election? Last year there were only 9 candidates on the ballot. This year there are over 15 candidates. Everyone knows who not to vote for. No votes for the usual familiar bad guys. That should be sufficient. Everyone campaign for the new names and vote for those new faces and fresh blood.
Bruno is fairly new, which is a good thing. Malacky is a fair person, family man and proud grandfather, Lillian, is new and passionate about Bay Colony, Georgio, new face to the Board.I will tell my Landlord to support these four.
Last year there was hardly anyone to vote for. My Landlord only voted for 2 candidates because that is what I told him. You do not have to vote for 7 candidates.
And, can it really get rigged you say. Well, it was wrong, because Bud Lauer had more votes than Paolo, who got on the board. The board never appointed the next one in line from the election. They voted for their "partner in crime"
I would vote for 7 good eggs instead of leaving names unmarked and open for fraudulent activity Mr. Longtime Renter. Also there is a petition going around spread the word and sign it. A petition for an election monitor, I believe. Good Cheer to all. Change is in the air. Change for good.
What do we teel our neighbors before they sign the petition? How much will it cost, will be the first question.
So what do we tell them?
Would you believe that some residents think they have to vote for 7. It is not true.
The association takes the cost of the election monitor. It is about $1300.00 to have one but the residents need to sign the petition. I signed it. But not gonna tell you my name.
Is it possible to arrange a time and date at the recs for residents to come and sign the petition?
who has the petition to sign it? Does anyone know? I want to sign it.
Went to the ticket committee last night. I could not believe how many irate residents were there. This Diane person does not know the rules. She parked in the wrong spot and security had to tell her to move.
We said......GIVE HER A TICKET! But she did not get one. We were tole the guard have a quota!!! what a place to live in. Do not tell me to move, I have too much invested now. I will vote for the new faces and hope things change.
All that did occur at the ticket hearing Wednesday night. The committee knows nothing about the legalities and how most of these outrageous rules are unenforceable. Furthermore, if one attempts to challenge a rule in their own right to do so, all the say is you signed to abide by the rules when you moved in and they suggest that perhaps one should move. That is very true. We all have a too much invested here. I am going to vote for ALL THE NEW FACES for a new board next year. Anyone run into the petition?
So, where is this petition? No one has knocked on our door.
Do these guys on the board really think they are going to get voted back in with all the tickets they are ordering to be issued to residents without cause? I hope everything marks their ballots with new names and faces.
What happened to Will, the guard? Oh that is right, everyone liked him and he is too nice, so off he goes, like Frankie, and the others.
Wonder if Will did not make his quota!
You ever wonder maybe the guards ask their boss to put them on another property? Who wants to come to work here to just be bullied by Pappas ordering the guards to bully the owners that pay their salary? Really have you thought about that? Where is that petition?
Heres your new Board
Prez Bud Lauer
VP Malacky Smith
Trez Bruno Difinis
Secty Lily Blanco
Directors Georgio Cambi
Eliz. Filhart
Miguel Grisanti
Campbell will be gone by the end of April and Colleen will start back here then.
GO Coalition!
Whoever brings Colleen back here is not too smart. The wench is useless. If Colleen Cooney is a LCAM and six year old can do it even better.
Though I truly agree with the candidate selections above, and to replace this board that continues to violate the rights of our residents by NOT revising the rules and regulations to comply with the Fair Housing Act and also reducing the overload of illegal outdated rules manifests into harassment of the residents which results in lawsuits. The suggestion that the management company would be out and the return of Colleen is just not true. I personally am impressed with the professional job that Melissa or manager is doing she is very proficient and has a great personal relationship with all residents. Remember just how important your rights are, and how imperative that they be protected. I agree in voting that line up.
Signed; Louis (Bud) Lauer
the cops finally busted madame Beverlie
for telling fortunes better than they do
For me this boardwalk life is through, babe
You ought to quit this scene too
I agree with you Bud....
I like the line up, but not the last two sentences. Colleen would never come back here, but do not temp her. The "old faces" would harass her to no end.
To Restaurant
It would be worth working toward revising rules for our community that are based on life and living, where no one is bothered offended or compromises their right to quiet enjoyment of their home and property. Rules are necessary in efforts to maintain order, but here in BCC it is ridiculous with the "rules" We need basic, common sense rules. Rules that do not violate the law by enforcing them and rules that do not violate peoples rights. It would be nice also if neighbors would get a life and stop their incessant complaining to security over nonsense. GET A LIFE! Also a complete turn around with security and their position here, out, ready to snag anyone for the most ridiculous "infractions". I guess our security has always been infallible.
Also our landscaping has never looked so POOR. It is pathetic. Maybe a new lawn company is in order also. It is just a matter or weeks neighbors. Soon Bay Colony Club will become ...
,,, A Beautiful Place To Live
The original promise of Bay Colony Club
Jean of Arc of January 11, 2014 at 9:46 PM
Are you a fortune teller? Maybe you should run for the board? Is Jean of Arc in the Official Line-UP for the election? YOU HAVE MY VOTE, AND VOLUNTEER SERVICES IN THE OFFICE AS WELL, FOR THE YEAR!
To Anonymous of Jan. 12 (6:59 AM) -
Joan of Arc (AKA Joyous Burkart) and Paolo DiPrima (who was elected to the Board in 2013 but NEVER SHOWED UP FOR A SINGLE MEETING) BOTH submitted their names to run in the upcoming Election. But BOTH "Joan of Arc" (Joyous Burkart) and Paolo DiPrima withdrew their names before the Ballots went to be printed. We now have 15 Candidates running and there's a "Meet The Candidates" after the BOD Meeting this coming Thursday.
I was initially thinking that we could help Colleen and rebuild the office. But having Campbell to run the show has been outstanding for BCC. One of the metrics of their success is the number of unresolved complaints from residents. That list was very long last year. This year, it is very short. What remains is mostly fixing leaks, which is a longer term effort. So the interaction with residents, an important measure, has been excellent.
The two ladies in the front office are top-notch, and our manager is very smart and proactive. We get excellent accounting support from the company.
Keeping Campbell employed at BCC, and treating them well should be a high priority for the future board.
Colleen Cooney did not CARE. She did not care about this property. She did not care about residents. All she cared about was collecting her $60,000.00 annually while sitting in an air-conditioned office Monday-Friday 9-5, nights, holidays and weekends off with the added perk that if she needed to leave for a personal matter, it would not be noticed by the Board, her bosses. What Colleen did work very hard at, was trying to do as little as possible. We have had some pretty lousy managers here over the years, but Colleen takes the ultimate prize. Campbell is doing a fabulous job.
Our present board is so overwhelmed with legal fees from the numerous lawsuits against the association for their own negligence in carrying out board duties that they have had to shut off the sprinklers and issue tickets to generate revenue for the tens of thousands in legal fees not contained in the budget.
New board please!!!
This Board has incurred NO new lawsuits. There are ONLY TWO lawsuits - both dating from 2006-2007.
This Board has incurred far LESS legal fees than the prior THREE Boards COMBINED.
Our sprinklers have NOT been shut off (sometimes I wish they were, when they come on right after a heavy rain!).
It seems that, every year at this time (right before an Election) it's a "new season" just like "snowbird season" - only this is the time of the year when the cockroaches come out of the sewer to spread their filth.
Don't believe EVERYTHING you read- ESPECIALLY those Candidate resumes!! (The law forbids checking out the claims in those resumes - you can write anything you like - and some of them are FULL of BS and lies!!! - piling the sh*t higher and digging it deeper and throwing it farther ...) :)
the fortune teller speaks again, she is soon going to caught for telling fortunes , or you can just read her propaganda on the miss -informer. don't trust anything she says…she has lost her right to be trusted, please vote or she ll vote for you.
the messenger
Ok folks, let's calm down. A calm statement of FACTS goes a lot further than name calling. Let's all pretend we are rational adults.
I, for one, am looking forward to tonight's Meet the Candidates. Since you can't be anonymous there, who'll have the courage to speak up? Who will point out the past crimes and misdemeanors?
Come out come out wherever you are.
you were right once again, without the anonymous mask people are afraid to talk.
As I was told there were very few courageous ones that had the guts to tell the truth and point out the crimes…seems like the criminals themselves had very little things to say.
this community needs people with courage
the messenger
Carl Dressel Law suit $200,000
Corbett Law Suit $100's of thousands
Blanco undisclosed amount
Harriet undisclosed amount
another one coming up....
So there is 4 right now that is known
The forger tells us there from other board. Remember these Bozos were on previous boards.
There is a personal injury lawsuit from a renter
Workplace Harassment lawsuit against Pappas with Equal Employment Opportunity Staff a division of the Department of justice, from previous assistant manager.
Did you forget about that one?????
the messenger
To Jean of Arc - Jan. 16, 8:55 PM
You added two more names to the dark side - Valik and Flesher.
Please give us a COMPLETE list of ALL those on the dark side. Thank you.
Signed: Not Voted Yet
To Not Voted Yet.
I am not Jean of Arc or Joan of Arc, but I can give you the list of candidates on the good side.
Bruno DeFinis
Elizabeth Blackman Filhart
Malachy Smith
Giorgio Cambi
Lilliam Blanco
Louis "Bud" Lauer
Miguel Grisanti
These are new candidates that have endured the wrath of the present board and wish to make this a better place to live. If people buy here and then do not want to live here because of the board etc, the rules, the senseless tickets, the tension, the unfriendliness, the lack of community, all these factors play into property values. If people just want to dump their property because of the conspiracy of the board it is not going to impact rising property values. The names listed above are committed to making Bay Colony a residence where 640 units is not enough for the demand fo buyers wanting to get a piece of the pie of Bay Colony. Please vote. If you do not someone on the dark side will vote for you. Please take a chance and vote for new faces and fresh ideas. Take a risk. You might be glad you did.
PAPPAS: THE DICTATOR WITH NO BRAIN(ARSENIST) AND HARRASER, he does what sandra tells him to do
To Jean of Arc:
I've got a real problem voting for someone who is suing BCC (Lilliam Blanco) or some old crip that you can't understand a word he says (Giorgio Cambi). I'm not keen on voting for Bud Lauer either since he was responsible for firing our beloved maintenance crew.
Should I just vote for FOUR of the ones left (Bruno DeFinis, Elizabeth Blackman-Fillhart, Miguel Grisanti and Malachy Smith), or can you suggest some "lesser evils" of the others to vote for?
Please answer ASAP since I want to get my vote in soon.
Signed: Not Voted Yet
To NOt Voted Yet
Clear your doubts and concerns with Melissa regarding voting. Also I doubt BUD was instrumental in getting rid of the on=site crew. Wasn't that the work of the dark side?
To Anonymous:
Oh NO! The "dark side" wasn't in power when the maintenance crew was fired in 2012:
The Board had Phil Filippone as Prez along with Bud Lauer, Jack Israel, Malachy Smith and Paul Barros - Saundra Zubko and Jim Pappas were in the minority on that Board.
Signed: Not Voted Yet
As I stated in a previous blog submittal: I most certainly voted No, that's a NO, on the motion to replace the maintenance crew. The passage of the motion came from yes votes from Saundra, Jim, Paul, and Phillip. ANY OTHER QUESTIONS THAT ANYONE HAS REGARDING ANYTHING, you may direct your questions to me here on this blog. Questions regarding ANYTHING! Including the potential lawsuits that were IN FACT averted, the sexual harassment and hostile workplace environment situations and the strengthening of ethics in the office that needed immediate attention that were solved. The illegality of our rules and regulations that were in fact confirmed by THREE Attornes. ASK ME AND I WILL ENLIGHTEN YOU ON ALL THE FACTS. It's time ALL of this is cleared up and brought out to the community. YOU DESERVE THE TRUTH.
ASK ME ANYTHING..........The truth will shock you!
SIGNED Louis "Bud" Lauer
To Bud Lauer:
Then, IF YOU ARE SO OBSERVANT of the Rules and Regs, WHY
1. Did you allow barcodes for motorcycles (FORBIDDEN in our Documents)?
2. Did you allow and approve a PAROLEE as a tenant, when you had disbanded all committees and were doing approvals all on your own?
3. Did you allow Land Trusts in direct contravention of our Documents?
4. Did you tell Strike Force NOT to make Jason Dorfman remove his 28 stored cars on BCC property?
5. Did you NOT run the Board Meetings in accordance with "Robert's Rules or Order" (after criticizing Wilbur Bollock for not doing the same)?
6. Did you unilaterally take it on yourself to approve lease/sale applications without benefit of a committee and/or approval by other Board members?
7. Did you "rent" all three Rec. centers last year for three weeks in an attempt to keep Candidates from having a "Meet The Candidates" Night? (and we KNOW you rented only ONE hall for ONE night and never paid the over $11,000 you SHOULD have for the rental of ALL the halls!)
It IS ironic that your pro-bono lawyer buddies last year ran a shitty election - but you paid the price - you never got on the Board.
I wouldn't ask you a single question - you blew it kid - I wouldn't ask you for the time of day!
Signed: Not Voted Yet
P.S. You may claim to have lived in BCC for 15 years, but you sure didn't learn much in that time - and you certainly DON'T know what your community wants, or doesn't.
Bud Lauer's "truth" is stranger than fiction.
I was once married to a little man (not much taller than me).
Bud Lauer suffers rom "Little Man Syndrome" - cocky, arrogant, in-your-face with too much testosterone, - and give him a taste of authority and he becomes a tyrant - "My Way or The Highway".
People like that shouldn't be in charge of our 2.6 Million-Dollar Corporation - they shouldn't even be hired for Dog-Catcher.
Come on people of Bay Colony Club! Cat got your tongue? Which reminds me of some truth about the pet issue and the harassments and favoritism around here.
Bud Lauer is NOT a little man.
Don't know who you are or what your agenda may be, however, if you really want to stick it GOOD to Pappis and the rest of the present mob, I would vote for Blanco to get in and all the other new faces. I'm voting for all the new guys on the block and BLANCO. Can it be any worst than it is now?
... and don't believe everything you hear. Who knows on the inside what is really happening behind closed doors. THERE ARE LAWSUITS, but they are brought on by the negligence of the board. Also around here these miserable folks have nothing better to do than to talk about everyone behind their backs and defend their own false sense of entitlement. We have some pretty nasty folk living right next door. I feel sorry for anyone that collapses on the pool deck. With neighbors like these here it would be interesting to see who would call 911 and administer CPR. It is pretty sad and pathetic.
But back to the original message vote in the new guys.
To answer all of the "Misinformed" first of all, our by laws are our constitution and have always been complied with. Regarding Florida Staute 718 and the Fair Housing Act, these take complete priority over any of our rules and regulations, WITHOUT exception. Absolutely NO ONE was approved for ANY rental that had ANY felonies on their background check, which is supported by our by laws. Such individual in question was actually permitted to reside here by a previous board, and when he applied for a lease, HE WAS DENIED, based on our by laws, he subsequently moved out of BCC. With regard to trusts, this issue was in fact supported by our Attorney on record, subsequently one individual was in fact approved to run for the board, and WAS elected. With regard to Jason Dorfman, he was cited for the vehicles and towing stickers were placed on the vehicles, subsequently they were removed within 24 hours. I certainly DID NOT approve ANY rentals OR purchase applications due to the fact that it would be unethical to require ANYONE to abide by rules and regulations that were certified by three attorneys to be unlawful. So in a nutshell, during my tenure on the board, we had ZERO lawsuits. Lawsuits are now up 800+% due to the fact that individuals on this board voted TWICE to uphold the 2009 rules and regulations, knowing that that the majority of said rules and regulations were IN FACT illegal. Once elected, it is my intention to rewrite our rules and regulations once and for all to bring them in full compliance with the Fair Housing Act AND 718. In doing so, it will eliminate the majority of the lawsuits that we have been receiving, and eliminate such illegal rules from being used for harassment of our residents. I stand for residents rights and the security and safety for all of our residents!
Regarding my above blog submittal: The rewriting of the rules and regulations WILL be the responsibility of a "Rules and Regs committee" as was conducted with the fullest intention to update them last year, to which everyone on said committee did and excellent job! Kudos! It is in my complete professional intention to bring our rules and regs to legal status with our Attorney's approval.
Thank you to everyone that supports such an effort.
To Not Voted Yet
In response to your attack on Bud Lauer January 20, 2014 @3:49 PM
Simply put in plain English, our rules as they stand violate the law. Even if something is in our docs, it cannot violate the law or the Constitution of the United States. It is that simple. Why did BUD approve lease and sale applications without a committee, simply because to do so violates property ownership rights. We do not need committees. Our ticket/fining committees as they stand right now know absolutely nothing about legal enforcement of our rules. They can get into a lot of trouble and do not realize the delicate nature of their volunteer work and their ignorance. You cannot just issue tickets and then uphold fines. That is thievery, plain and simply. Our bod preys on the resident's ignorance and fear. It is really adult bullying if you ask me. The rules here are ridiculous and senseless. They are enforced half-assed based on the concept of FAVORITISM. We are grown adults, responsible members of society. Do you not know how to behave and conduct yourself respectfully? You need rules that violate your inherent rights to peaceful living, etc. to respect and honor your neighbor and community.
Well that is the reason that BUD did all that he did and was criticized for. He was trying to protect and uphold your rights. Hope you can make smart decisions with your vote.
This association makes everyone sign an affidavit that reads, "I agree to ABIDE by all the RULES, regulations and restrictions...", but when we sign we do not sign agreeing to abide by rules that violate rights and the law. Also we agree to abide by rules that are enforced fairly and equally across the board. Have a good night and try to look at BUD's actions in another light. Have HOPE, not everyone is bad, even though here in our home we live next to some REAL TWISTED CHARACTERS. Maybe dementia is setting in.
I got my letter from Rocco today. I am gasp to think that Not voted yet, (Bev) would run for office after knowing about her past forging of elections and now the forging of amendments. All the rules that Zubco, Shelton, Pappas changed to RULE our lives. Rocco s letter sending out facts about these Low Grades who hired a PI to harass their neighbors and make life miserable for them. What a bunch. Move to Brooklyn with the rest of the "mob". They need a "hanger beatten'. They know what that is, where they came from
Where is the rule about enclosures, like the one up in 20 on the corner, above Shelton. It is all sliding door, not windows and no fence. We have been waiting for a fence railing, but none yet. These are the same people that had our beautiful 40 year old palm tree cut they could see more water. How greedy can you get. The landscape committee removed all the hedges so everyone could see the intercoastal, but that was not enough. Who gave that approval. I hear Pete made Jack remove that palm tree, what a travesty. I guess you get all the illegal things you want if you drink with "them".
People of the Land
Please know the POWER that is in your hands right now until February 10, 2014. Use it intelligently or use it foolishly. YOU HAVE THE POWER
A board of a community association has a fiduciary obligation to its members. It has the obligation to three main objectives:
1. preserve protect and enhance the value of the community and its assets
2. enhance the lifestyle of the community
3. provide a harmonious community in which to live in and share with others
In addition to the above an association must maintain reasonable rules and regulations relating to the promotion of health, happiness, and peace of mind of all unit owners.
With all that said, ask yourself when voting, if we have that with the present board. Do you have that provided to you by your present board?
How could one expect harmony and a harmonious community when we have so many WHACK jobs as neighbors on a power trip? Can someone explain?
Some bikes left on the patio, get a ticket, then, there are others that don't get a ticket..........
I reckon you call that selective enforcement . Some get shrubs, some just get red weeds (mulch)......yo do what you are told and you get a hay that washes away.
Well, IF Bev Houston is a forger, then WHY didn't the Amendments pass?
If she WAS forging signatures, those Amendments should have passed easily.
She would have forged enough signatures to make up a quorum of 480 ballots.
Something here doesn't make much sense to me.
Dear Neighbors,
I have not been involved with the events that have taken place in the community, because I have my condo for sale and been busy with other matters.
I have read Rocco's letter with great interest, because of the attached letters that spell out proof and facts of what he is reporting.
I find it amazing, of the circumstances surrounding many of the activities of some on the present Board of Directors.
I am aware of the usual remarks about the candidates that run in the election every year, but with all these facts supporting Rocco's statements, this should truly be an important election. These factual support letters will most assuredly affect our community if the votes swing for majority of the present Board.
Please vote this year and give careful consideration of candidates that have no questionable history concerning the operation of our beautiful community.
I agree to giving "new faces" my vote and also Bruno, your neighbor, in building #18, who lives here full time. I realize he was "not included" in the decision making this year, but with the right team, he can serve the community the way he thought could be accomplished.
Comments Please............
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart
6401-4 Building #13
get this simple fact
bay colony is in fort lauderdale, that is in broward county, florida , united states, united nation
federal laws supersede state laws that supersede county laws that supersede city laws that supersede this stupid obsolete bcc pappas rules and regulations….
are you that dumb that you don't get this simple concept??????
do you want to stick it to pappas and sandra vote for lilli blanco
do you want to keep pappas and sandra out of the office vote for bud
do you want protect your rights vote for bruno
do you want to know the truth about the criminals. ask rocco viola.
the messenger
do you want to stick it to pappas and sandra vote for lilli blanco
do you want to keep pappas and sandra out of the office vote for bud
do you want protect your rights vote for bruno
do you want to know the truth about the criminals. ask rocco viola.
the messenger
To Curious of January 23, 2014 @ 9:37 PM
We have Campbell Property now in the office. Campbell Property management is pretty professional. The manager in the office is not going to do anything to compromise her licensure with the State. Also residents here know now what has occurred and can occur at the hand of the many recurring board members over the years and their associated acquaintances.
Why didn't the amendments pass simply because residents voted on an important issue and too many people are watching to make sure no more monkey business occurs around here. That's ALL folks!!
After that secret meeting with Bev and she told them how to forge...THEY STOPPED HER and the amendments did not go anywhere. Makes sense now
in response to not voted yet:
1- you don't have to vote for seven people ,
giorgio cambi is an honest man, a good man , president of the largest food distributor in new england
3-lillin blanco has been unjustly harassed and discriminated , she is defending herself like it is the right of every citizen to defend
4- remember for things to work at least 4 good people have to be elected….it would be nice to have 7 good one and no dark ones.
my choice is those
blanco, cambi, smith, lauer, de finis, grisanti, blackman…if you are not comfortable with any of those just vote for for less than 7, but don't give your vote to the other side it would be like canceling out your vote.
this is indeed like a two party system.
you are either republican or democrat,you can't be both at the same time…..
vote for democracy
the messenger
HUGS and KISSES to you
People of the Land
Please understand the importance of your vote. Here in Bay Colony EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Please vote in a new board. Vote in new faces. Take a risk. If anyone received a ticket this year, whether it was upheld or not and you vote for the same dictator clowns, you deserve that ticket and future ones. We are the only condo community that tickets as ferociously as this board demands. The majority of the owners really are not aware of their rights and just TAKE THE CRAP. Vote for the new candidates that will protect your rights. Your homeowner rights, your Constitutional rights, your human rights, your disability rights. Voting in a new board does not mean that the property will be abandoned. All the new candidates are committed to making Bay Colony a jewel to live in and own. Please friends enough with these criminals because they are criminals. Also learn your rights and help defend them. Become a warrior for the GOODNESS OF GOD TO PREVAIL within our homes and our community. You must be proactive and use the art of effective communication to make things happen. Open your mouth. Say what you feel. Use profanity if necessary, it is just an ugly word. You gotta have thick skin to live in this battleground that Bay Colony is at present. Together we can make it a GARDEN of immeasurable PLEASURE.
To People of the Land....
You are a the right direction. I hope your dream comes true for Bay Colony residents. But some still see an opportunity to put the forsaken money in their pocket. Why else would they take the abuse, just like Congress, that is on the TAKE.
To Anonymous of January 26, 2014 at 9:36 PM
It is when you stop dreaming that you die. I am not a dreamer. I am a realist. We have criminals on our present board. I happen to know for a fact, condo communities just near by, just as large as far as units, that DO NOT have the problems that BAY COLONY has. It all lies with the board. When BUD and when WILBUR were on the board, things were great here. It was just the way we like it to be. Do you remember those times. Then a new board gets in and begin to raise allegations against this President and that President and get the good ones off the board so the criminals can get in. Here we are 2 years running with this. It is because of people like you that do NOTHING that this community suffers the way it does. A new board can always be voted in. A lousy board member can always be recalled, but it requires the community to come together and make it happen. I know of a condo community that pulled together and removed a President because he discharged his duties in bad faith. We have to suffer for an entire year or more because around here the residents just sit and take it instead of doing something about it. Personally, I don't care if people like me or not but I am not going to sit around and just take the abuse. If they can dish it out they better be able to take it. It goes both ways. I can't wait to see what happens on February 10, 2014. I have fantasies of watching these mad wolves finished and gone overnight kicking and screaming wanting to hold on and demanding another count of the votes. The amendments did not pass. Who knows? There are 15 candidates and it lies with the votes. Anything can happen. Stay tuned! Just know that it does not have to be this way. There are other communities that run properly without all this unnecessary nonsense.
Attention Zubko & Pappas:
being anonymous is often an excuse for some to be on their worst behavior.
We have a culture now where sarcasm, snark, and discouragement are the popular attitudes to have, they are even considered cool by some. But I was taught the value of edification. (Eph 4:29) Building others up. That is what we are commanded to do. To use our words to encourage others, to give them courage, to help them realize the good in their lives, not to steal their joy and rob them of their own boldness to live out their purpose. To help them be the people they were meant to be, to add brightness to their light rather than snuff it out in the name of looking powerful.
very well said
I rec'd Zubko's letter that she sent out to all the residents. She and Pappa's bragged about all the accomplishments they were responsible for and not have the maintenance go up. THEY DID SWAT!!
It was Bud's Board that did the budget and they followed it AND TOOK THE GLORY. That old lady is in la la land. goo goo ga ga ma ma da da
Excuse ME - "Reads the Budget" must suffer from Alzheimer's ... Bud's Board (i.e. Bill Brady) did the Budget for 2012; Jack Israel as Treasurer for Phil Filippone's Board did the Budget for the 2013 Board.
Also, "Reads the Budget", you must never have been on a Board: a budget is a guideline ONLY, and a Board may amend or change the Budget as needed.
Sheesh! These so-called "experts" make me gag ... all the time blathering about something they know little or nothing about!
Here Here !!!!
People are on the BALL...
... Finally someone gives Bud the credit that he is due.
Things were GREAT here when he was PRESIDENT. It was condo living just as it should be. Just a few more days folks before all hell breaks loose with the new election. Pray folks for GOD's goodness to shower on us and our community.
To correction please...I have never been on the board, but why do a budget if you change it anyway. I guess it is just to get an idea what it will be.It does not seem like you can rely on anything the board votes on then. I do know enough to say to those that say, you have to go by our amendments, when they are mostly illegal and unenforceable. Hence, how the trucks got in here. The trucks are allowed from 8am to 11pm, so if you go to bed at 11, the truck is there and when you get up in the morning, the truck is allowed to be there, so while I sleep, the truck has to leave until I get up in the morning. Yes, BCC's amendments are from the 19th century. The lawyers were consulted and BCC was told, don't waste BCC's money by suing, we would never win. Charlie Pukit has told us residents about the trucks having a right to be here, after reading the court records on the subject. Our amendments are a joke. Vote to ONLY change the amendments to reduce the 75% to 60%, like most other condos, First, THEN,after that vote changes to 60%, another vote could be taken for things. Do not include, leasing, renting and selling rules as THE STATE CHANGES THEM ALMOST YEARLY and it would be too expensive to change the doc.s to accommodate that option.
PS Bud was not President, but voted on that budget. He was also responsible for getting Jack Israel on the board as I recall.
It is always refreshing to read Bev Houston nasty remarks about her neighbors.
An Arab Spring?
A BCC Spring??
Spring is sprung
De grass is riz
Wonder where Bud
and Bruno is?
Oh, I bet they are out living life and not on the computer night and day with the crap piling up around them. There is a world out there, and I hope they are living it. I would not worry about them trying to go after anyone in retaliation. They are business people. BTW, that is very strange poetry. You need to change your bra size, it is choking your brain processes. Happy computing.
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