THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.
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superlative adjective: phoniest
not genuine; fraudulent.
"I thought your accent was a bit phony"
synonyms: bogus, false, fake, fraudulent, spurious;
Jean of Arc
You are RAW..
... The RAWEST of them all.
Go for it. Go for the jugular.
Without BLOOD there is no victory
Workplace Harassment lawsuit against Pappas with Equal Employment Opportunity Staff a division of the Department of justice, from previous assistant manager.
Did you forget about that one?????
the messenger
Pappas was a hard ass to work with.
Speaking from experience, he thinks all the women want him and we do not. We find him to be very crude and slant of eye
I could believe he would try to put the make on anyone if he could get away with it. I am glad she is filing a law suit against him and hope it does not cost her anything.
I will not go against paying her from my community. I do not think the directors insurance will pay for his antics. He is burning his bridges, excuse the pun.
I got a call that my picture was on your blog. Where did this blog e-mail come from? Now your blog is being compromised? Is it the "gangsters" at work?
You better retract this from your blog now!!!!!!!!!! or are you editing the blog and putting in pictures of residents you THINK are writing in or is there a way to click on my picture and pretend it is me...........
Retract this fraudulent lie now !!!!!!!!!!!!
Last time I checked, if you follow a blog, and you use your email, providing you aren't hiding under the name Anonymous, your profile pic from your email is the picture that is shown. Joyous should take down her own picture from Yahoo, it's not Charlie doing it. Hahahahaha I laugh at her stupidity.
Look who's hiding under Anonymous and laughing at Joyous! Why don't you reveal your Identity? I am Grumpy! One of Snow White's seven dwarfs.
Talk about being stupid...I did not read or send in a comment, BUT MY name and pix where there! Understand.
the 4 criminals will be sued and persecuted personally, there no board immunity for illegal actions by 718 florida state law
Hello Folks,
Well, well, well, Saundra and Pappas have got themselves a PERSONAL lawsuit. They turned down another renter because of the vendetta against the Landlord. Standby. BCC's lawyer better not get involved with this one. How stupid can they both be. I know, REAL STUPID. We residents do not want to pay for their mean spirited ways. what do they want to prove. They only prove to us how incompetent they are. Remember to get them OFF THE BOARD before there is ANOTHER LAWSUIT!!! scaring and harassing the residents is a gutter move. Move to a trailer park and drink with the rest of the trash.
I think it is time to personally pay for a background check on JIM PAPPAS and Sandra Zubco.......
How many times did they get a DWI? The old lady "ruler" just turned down another renter for a DUI he got 25 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!! this is outrageous! I would be afraid to go outside of the community if I were them. We have a lot of cops that live here.
These dwarfs are getting desperate with only a couple of weeks before they get ousted in the election.
It is "funny" how they talk about how much they hate each other behind each others backs. Immature and simple minds work like them.
Well, all these "anonymous's" sure got egg on their face - yep - just ONE face.
Needs a life away from the computer.
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