THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Monday, January 17, 2011


"Baby Doc" Duvalier returns to Haiti!

Sam Slota running (again) for Bay Colony Club Board of Directors!

Can Zubko/Shelton return be far behind?

Stay tuned for more Bay Colony Club election news & views.


Sean said...

A year ago at this time seven individuals came together to promote a slate with the expressed purpose of bringing harmony, honesty, integrity, transparency, and a promise of openness to Bay Colony. These individuals promised to be honest and open with each other, and pledged that if there were disagreements, they would be handled with respect. Unfortunately those words seem to have been quickly forgotten, and the pledge to seek compromise and discussion with respect was soon dismissed.

Presently there is another election and the phone and emails are filled with threats, accusations, intimidation, as well as constant complaints and requests to our attorney. With the number of messages bombarding our attorney, it seems likely that our legal fees are once again escalating far beyond what rational and civil individuals would expect to incur. I had intended to seek another term as a director at BCC, however with the constant harassment, and the inability of the board members to compromise or even agree to hold a meeting, it became obvious to me that sitting on our board for another year seemed an exercise in futility.

Being a board member entails a willingness on the part of the individual to move beyond personal grievances as well as the ability to set aside disagreement in order to seek effective compromise for the common good. This was lacking during the months of bickering while our board did little to accomplish the goals set with enthusiasm and promise almost a year ago. The board of 2010 set an excellent example of ineffective leadership, unfulfilled promises, and failure to achieve goals or successful results. Instead this board managed to incur excessive legal fees; failed to address the long overdue requirement to clarify and update our rules and regulations; meetings were conducted without adherence to Roberts Rules, while allowing constant interruption from the audience; after a unanimous vote to implement a study of our security policies and procedures with the intention of arriving at suggestions for improving security at BCC, the process was squelched by the officers without due process; in short, the board failed to come close to living up to the promises made last year.

Yesterday I received a call from our Board President, requesting that I write a letter to our attorney disavowing publishing or distributing a report attributed to the board of directors; As well as a message from our attorney that "as there was never any meeting wherein this report was discussed or approved, it was illegal". At the same time I am aware that there was never any meeting wherein we discussed or voted to pursue legal action against whoever published or distributed the report. Yet it is obvious that actions have been undertaken to request legal assistance without any meeting for discussion and vote to take such action. I am offended that threats are being issued and legal expenses are being incurred without so much as a board meeting being held to discuss this situation.

Because of the obvious acrimony and hostility evident between some members of the association, I chose to remove my name as a candidate from this election.

That certain individuals appear to be upset by information published in a report attributed correctly or incorrectly to the board of directors, does not in my opinion give them the authority to threaten me, nor does it give them the authority to incur legal expenses without a vote of the directors.

I am disappointed that the board members elected with great promise last year turned out to be dysfunctional when it came to accomplishing our goals, yet I am hopeful that the residents will use discretion and wisdom when selecting the seven directors who will be challenged to provide the leadership and compromise necessary to guide BCC in the coming year. It is my further hope that our leadership will discontinue the necessity to constantly utilize our attorney, when simple discourse and wise discussion would suffice.
Sean Holland

Bev Houston said...

Although I am no longer on the Board of Directors, I WAS until October 22, 2010, and can attest to the truthfulness of the facts in that Directors' "Majority Report" mailed out to the community.

In fact, I had a hand in it - I typed up the final version. I guess this makes me an "accessory", so I fully expect to get a threatening phone call too from our illustrious El Presidente, or a letter from the lawyer.

I have never been one to roll over in 'puppy submission' to a bully. Let the games begin!

bill delaney said...

William E. Delaney, Director, Bay Colony Club Condominium Inc. and Rocco Viola, Resident
Dear Residents:
I write to you in my capacity as a Director of BCC.; regarding YOUR MONEY, YOUR PROPERTY, YOUR PROTECTION, and YOUR CHOICE in the coming election. With Rocco,s assistance, this letter is going to deal directly with your wellbeing and your pocketbook.
There is a robbery ring running rampant in BCC. As near as I can determine, residents have had tens of thousands of dollars taken in robberies of their homes. Bullock, the President and, I suspect his supporters on the Board, have deliberately kept this information from the Board and the community. All single women, seniors and disabled need to take special heed. Keep your doors locked, report anyone suspicious immediately to the police, watch out for your neighbor. BULLOCK HAS NEUTERED OUR SECURITY STAFF. HE HAS DIRECTED, THROUGH OUR PREVIOUS MANAGER, THAT RULES AND REGULATIONS NOT BE ENFORCED. AS A RESULT OUR PERSONAL SAFETY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME CALLING SECURITY REGARDING A CRIME. THEY WILL DO NOTHING.
In 2009, The Board of Directors, consisting of Bullock, Brady, Slota And Lauth; as previously reported, made serious errors in judgement that put your financial wellbeing and your property at substantial risk regarding their negligence in the handling of The Flood Insurance for Bay Colony Club. This negligence was not discovered until Feb. of 2010. Our documentation requires that BCC be insured for the maximum allowable amount available. Bullock, Brady, Slota and Lauth made a decision that would have resulted in a devastating financial loss to every unit owner and to BCC had we suffered from flooding. They made a decision to insure for 67% of the replacement cost of the buildings, in direct violation of our documentation. They underinsured the property by $23,000.000.00 and they overpaid by $100,000.00. Your home(individual unit was underinsured by almost $40,000.00. For most residents this represents a loss that they could not recover from. Bullock made declarations to Mr. Viola that he was the lead person on the Board and he was the one that recommended to the Board and gained their support for this debacle.
Mr. Delaney uncovered this issue in 2010 and corrected the underinsurance. Bullock stated to Delaney that he would have never changed the flood insurance, and would never have changed Ins. Agents, and he didn’t care what the documentation of the Association required for coverage. (arrogance, negligence, and stupidity on the part of Bullock).
During 2010, Bullock’s arrogance, negligence and stupidity has resulted in the worst legal mess in BCC history. We have incurred, that we know of, almost $200,000.00 in legal costs. Three other issues are pending that may total in excess of $350,000.00,, not including legal fees. A special assessment is possible for the coming year. Bullock has kept all legal issues and costs from The board of Directors. He instructed Becker-Poliakoff to not give information to the Board. Counsel has been sending out threats to financially ruin residents if they continue to expose Bullock. Bullock has no legal authority for his actions. Counsel works for The Board. The board has given no such authority. There has been no disclosure of the legal issues to the Board and no disclosure of the costs. Bullock has been using Counsel to engage in activities without Board Approval to forward his own agenda with your money. *****additional Article on back

bill delaney said...

Jan 18, 2011
To: Board Members and Legal Counsel
From: Bill Delaney, Director, BCC Condo. Assn. Inc. and R. Viola
Subject: Acknowledgement of technical error In Headline of Recent Mailing
The entire Board was informed of the decision to prepare a Report to be submitted to The Board and the Community regarding the activities of Bullock and his supporters .Bullock totally controlled the Board and all agenda items. We all met with the same result when it came to agenda items. [Not included on the agenda was the result for most of us]. Further, Bullock cancelled all meetings and refused to hold another Board Meeting until a new Board was seated after the upcoming election. We had no opportunity to formally submit the report.
In Third world Countries what Bullock did is called a coup. Betty Francis eloquently addressed this issue in the resume she prepared , a copy of which you all received in the mailing at her request. Bullock instructed Counsel for The Board of Directors to not communicate with me and other directors. This is substantiated by the numerous e-mails generated by Board Members and Counsel; cementing the coup. Again, see Betty Francis resume.
Counsel knew, or should have known, of Bullock’s condition as detailed in the Francis e-mail; which is common knowledge throughout the community and with the Directors, and should have taken steps to protect Counsel’s client, The entire Board, against Bullock. Counsel did nothing to protect the Board.
The substance of the report was reviewed by a majority of Board. Thank you all for the approvals you gave; and a special thanks for Betty for her expose of Bullock in her e-mails and other communications.
We acknowledge the technical error. This error would have been prevented, if Bullock held meetings and allowed the report to be presented.
All of The board Members were denied legal representation because of Bullock’s directive to Counsel to not provide Board members with information. The support and legal advice Counsel for the Board gave to Bullock; effectively resulted in Counsel representing only Bullock and not the entire Board of Directors, as he is obligated to do. The opinion Counsel rendered yesterday was done without Board input, without being discussed at a meeting and without a vote of approval by the Board. Who requested such an opinion without Board approval? Why did Counsel provide it? Counsel must share in the liability of Bullock’s mismanagement.
Regarding the other issues raised in Counsel’s opinion; there are no lies, there are no misrepresentations, there was no malice intended, there was no intent to harm anyone. Counsel misstated the facts in the opinion rendered.
Directors have an obligation to the Organization that they serve. This obligation includes informing all of the members of important facts that have a material effect on their security, investment and future liability related to lawsuits filed against the Association. THEY HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO NOT COVER UP!
The facts, stated in the mailed report; detail mismanagement, negligence and misconduct of Directors and are substantiated by public records, e-mails from directors, documents from directors, conversations and observations of directors and by statements made by Counsel to The Board in meetings at which exact notes were taken regarding the opinions and instructions of Counsel.
Additional article on back

Kevin F. said...

THUNDERSTRUCK is my reaction to the Candidate resumes. It's a good thing that BCC isn't responsible for the veracity of the contents. Unfortunately, most voters won't be able to separate the blatant lies from the truth. So here are my thoughts on each Candidate (remember - these are solely MY opinon - yours may differ drastically).

BARROS - Does anyone know anything about this fellow? Why no resume?

BRADY - Mr. Finance Man, is BCC so hard up that we have to rent out the manager's apartment? What a bad image since it's right next door to our Business Administration Office. By all means, we do need a long-term maintenance PLAN - but how about some implementation of same NOW? WE live here - YOU don't.

BULLOCK - "an open, honest and transparent" Board? After what I've observed this year? A leopard doesn't change his spots; pardon me while I go throw up in the corner.

BURKART - a huge list of "What I Have Done" but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans for practicality and purpose for BCC. We don't need more "beautification and effective planting" - we've got plenty of pretty trees and bushes. What we NEED is BETTER Security; we NEED building upgrading - roofs, balconies, replacement of meter-room switches, new hall carpets, etc. Don't waste our money on frivolous stuff like un-needed landscaping.

DELANEY - I think YOU should handle all the BCC property insurance - better yet, perhaps YOU should be the Treasurer. You served in this capacity on a past Board and seem to know your stuff. But PLEASE, do attend the meetings!

FRANCIS - this gal doesn't have her act together - in fact, she doesn't even remember where she left it. Too much talk - too much "flip-flop". Bad decisions from bad associations. I'll pass.

HARRELL - past record of indecisiveness - too much saccharin explanatory talk - too many rules that are "good for us" and no action. I didn't realize that the BCC Homeowners Group had memberships?

LAUER - impressive credentials. I think we need some "new blood" - you may not have the experience, but you have the desire and I sense you might be a fast learner. In any case, you can't be worse than what is in control right now. Surprise us!

LAUTH - Ah, George. What can I say? I've watched over the years the "use and abuse" you've put up with by various Boards - they use you for a patsy, but you still step up to the plate. I don't like most of your associates, but I admire your tenacity. You conduct yourself with decorum at BOD Meetings and you don't froth at the mouth and scream.

SLOTA - no, you never resigned (but I'll bet your fellow BOD members wished you would!) - but you lie - you boycotted all but 3 meetings out of 14 one year because you were pissed off that they wouldn't let you be President. Tell me, Sam - do you REALLY believe the bullshit you spout? I didn't appreciate overhearing you brag that you "always receive a piece of the action" on every contract signed here in BCC. That's OUR money!

SMITH - another "newbie". You know, I LIKE newbies. They bring fresh blood. You just might be a life-saving transfusion for BCC! (Pun intended) Surprise us, along with Lauer and Barros!

VIOLA - another interesting resume. I think perhaps you should be appointed to do a thorough investigation of our lousy (or LACK of) Security. We all have our suspicions as to the "perp(s)" - prove it for us so we can prosecute to the hilt!

No. I will NOT tell you exactly who I'm voting for. Don't be lazy - do your OWN thinking for once.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin, thank you for your support. My resume reflects that I was on the board of fire commissioners for the township of Cherry Hill, NJ as well as the Vice President of the Glouster Township Special Police Association. I have the "board experience" and do intend to shock everyone with that experience. Thanks to all for your support.

Anonymous said...

In addition, I have already done a critique of our security and have determined that they need proper training and a standard operational proceedures manual. With my experience, I feel that I can contribute to the betterment of our security here at BCC.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about YOU and how you vote? You wanted to get rid of Steve for years...........
Why didn't you do something about it when you were on the Board? You sit up there and say nothing and do your dirty work behind your beloved friend,,,,the computer.
So Kevin his your name this week..............
Next week....Xmas Carol......................
We are all discussed with you and your lies.

Bev Houston said...

Dear "Anonymous" ... or should I say ... JOYOUS?

There you go AGAIN ... you ASSUME (ASSUME - make an ASS out of U and ME) that I am "Kevin".

You "always sign your name"? - HA. You never DID own up to using the alias "dinkychuckle" either.

You are one paranoid sick-o (and I'm being quite polite about this - not that you deserve it).

Signed proudly - BEV HOUSTON!