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Note: Your blogger did not attend this meeting but received a report from a usually reliable source. Please let us know of any factual errors. Blogger's opinions, where irresistibly warranted, in red italics.
Candidates Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady (by phone), Joyous Burkart, Danielle Harrell, Betty Francis, Bud Lauer, George Lauth, Sam Slota
BCC Owners Attending: 80
It was announced that there had been a closed Board meeting at the office at 6 PM, attended by Wilbur Bullock, Bill Brady (by phone), Betty Francis, Sean Holland (by phone), Directors voted to unanimously hire Sheila Meadows as acting manager and she was given an (unspecified) bonus.
Bunny Schmitt resigned permanently from the Election Committee and her position as Election Supervisor “due to health issues”. Harriett Gustafson volunteered to be Election Supervisor and was accepted.
Candidate Presentations
Paul Barros: Explained that there was no resume sent out because of miscommunication with the office. He and his wife have lived in BCC 3½ years and are full-time residents. He was a sheriff’s deputy for 13 years and now in the yacht repair business.
Bill Brady: Expressed some irritation with Bill Delaney and Rocco Viola. Stated he will attend all BOD meetings after April 1. Said he spent 6 weeks re-writing BCC’s Rules and Regulations (R&R). (Brady neglected to mention that two other BOD members also completely re-wrote the R&R’s and that NONE of these three re-writes were adopted. Nor did Brady mention that revisions were presented as additions, changes and deletions to the existing R&R’s and were unanimously approved at the November 15 BOD meeting. This action made possible thanks to a temporary removal of Wilbur Bullock as BOD president.)
Wilbur Bullock: Expressed some irritation with Bill Delaney and Rocco Viola. Stated he would not resign from the BOD “no matter who I have to work with.” (Bullock seemed to ramble on for at least twice the allotted time. No surprise. He was not asked any embarrassing questions.)
Joyous Burkart: Stated she lived here 17 years and served on BOD and many committees. Biggest concerns are legal expenses, selective enforcement of R&R’s and lack of proper landscaping.
Betty Francis: Stated she would never write another email. (Thank you Lord! In a 12 day period your blogger received 100 emails from Ms. Francis. That’s an average of 8.33 emails per day with a high of 20 on 11/10/10. Click on "Betty Francis Sampler" in the column to left for a tour through the labyrinth.) She plans to take classes on how to be a BOD member. Apologized for all her past mistakes and poor judgment. (No specifics, but then not nearly enough time to go there.) Promised to work with any new members of the BOD even if she didn’t like them. (But then, with Betty, who knows what tomorrow will bring!)
Danielle Harrell: Reminded the audience that she was BOD President for two years and that she started a Board procedural manual. (Does not seem it was long-lived, we have never heard of it.)
Bud Lauer: Said BCC needs professional leadership, a more conservative budget, less legal fees, competitive bidding. Believes BOD must have a Code of Ethics, security reform, revised Rules & Regs, more committee activity
George Lauth: Said “There is a lot of misinformation flying around.” (!)
Sam Slota: Pointed out his 25 years in BCC, 10 years on the BOD. “I let the buck stop at me.” (Some confusion in the audience at this point about the definition of “buck”; buck as in passing along a dilemma to a higher authority or buck as $? Works either way.) Promises to save money on maintenance and will grant no employee raises until economy improves. (No embarrassing questions asked about top secret CCG/Cable TV contract or illegal ice machine purchase.)
Adjourned at 8:37 PM
MyDocs/Blog Stuff/MeetTheCandidates.docx
I fail to see ANY difference between the Delaney-Viola political propaganda letter and the Francis-Bullock politicial propaganda letter. Neither letter was approved by the Board of Directors in a vote.
(sound of hand smacking forehead)
Oh, how dumb of me! BIG difference!
Delaney-Viola paid for their letter - but ALL of us here at BCC paid for the Francis-Bullock letter.
Personally I could care less if Francis and Bullock have kissed and made up, but I DO strongly object to having to pay to be told this!
Tell us Mr.. Pukit..........if Mrs. Frances sent you 100 e-mails..she must have signed her name.
I did not see ANY e-mails from her. How come
you only print certain residents e-mails and not others..............I think we all get it now.
Just a couple of people playing....
mental masterbation.....................
Ms. Francis's emails were not to comment on blog articles. They were to me personally in my capacity as a Director.
Since you seem interested (although not enough to sign your name)I'll be happy to forward all her emails to you or anyone who provides their email address to cpukit@comcast.net. No phony camouflaged addresses will get a response though.
Almost 7,000 hits on the blog and you think nobody reads it? You and few others could only wish.
Looks like old Anonymous is ASSUMING yet again ...
As a school teacher, I quickly learned to recognize patterns of how people write - phraseology, favorite words, syntax, grammar, ongoing spelling mistakes ... all that good stuff we learned in English Language Composition 101. Anonymous can run but she can't hide. Same old, same old.
Ooooh - I DO love that new phrase - "mental masturbation" (check yer cpelling, Babe!) - sort of rolls trippingly off the tongue "don't it"?
I too can attest to having received tons of e-mails from the same person; I had 978 in my file before I started to prune them - all that in the space of less than EIGHT months.
Some people have nothing better to do than play on their computers.
Get a life, Anonymous! Better yet, go find some traffic and play in it.
NOT hiding behind the "Anonymous" moniker - BEV HOUSTON !
For insight to the B. Francis "thought" processes, click on "Betty Francis Sampler" under "Links" in the left hand column of the blog.
A little history lesson for you: back in 2004, Saundra Zubko, Rochelle Bisaillon, June Scheer, Jason Katz, George Lauth, Steve Dublin and Bill Schenden hired United Community Management.
The night of the 2006 election, the outgoing Board (which included Rochelle Bisaillon, Lesley Lombardi, Jason Katz, Frank LaMorte, and George Lauth) saddled the new incoming Board with a further 6-month extension of the United Community Management contract - even though the Candidates running DID NOT WANT this (the outgoing Board gave them the equivalent of a sharp stick in the eye).
Later the new Board, after finally firing them at the end of this extended contract, found out that UCM had really fleeced us - instead of the $265,000 they were entitled to over the time they were here, they milked BCC for a grand total of $493,000.
As a result of the Cara Beth Walker case (which we all thought was over), we now find that the UCM lawyer is claiming a further $18,000 in fees!
Boards often do pretty stupid things, and SOME Boards are more stupid than others.
Our current Board has done THREE really stupid things in the past couple months - all in the same league as the 2003-2005 Board:
1. They let go a Manager with over 25 years experience in managing condos;
2. They interviewed two applicants - one of which ALL 6 Directors agreed to hire;
3. The President and Vice-President suddenly changed their minds and decided they didn't want the one the whole Board approved of, and unilaterally decided they wanted someone else and tried to ramrod their choice through. It appears that THIS choice has NEVER managed a condo property! - just HOAs (which are vastly different from condos).
They're now castigating those four Board members who do not support hiring an unqualified Manager. Much is being said about these four Board members' lack of duty to the community.
Which ones are the dumb Board members and which ones are the smart ones? Go figure.
For the past many weeks I have spent countless hours addressing the business and problems of BCC, including interviewing both prospective candidates for manager, dealing with legal and insurance issues, addressing false rumors and distortions that folks attempt to spread around our complex. While I look forward in anticipation to Feb 14th, when the new election will replace me, I will continue to devote numerous hours to keep our board honest and accurate. After interviewing both managerial candidates, I discovered that neither will accept a contract at this time from our lame duck board. The concern about our Flood Insurance will easily be addressed by the new board, as will the continuing legal fees incurred by our former management company, (due to an inept contract negotiated by the Zubko board in 2004). This leaves little need for another board meeting prior to the election other than for candidates to self promote themselves. I am sure we are all looking at the prospective candidates and pondering which seven will be in our best interest to elect. Hopefully you wil all choose wisely, and we'll end up with a board having the wisdom of Socrates, the tolerance of Gandhi, the intelligence of Einstein, and the sense of humor of Johnny Carson. I can dream.
Sean Holland
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