THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.
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I'd like to know what ever happened to the Holiday Employee Gift Fund? I guess since we have minimal in-house employees, not much of a fund eh? Unless the Board says it's for employees and takes that too.
Nothing surprises me around here!
when I would see in the eyes of the unit owners the same look of the desaparesidos` mothers of Argentina and Chile then I will know the dictatorship of pappas and zutcko is over. Does human kind really have to go that far to understand the value of freedom, democracy and justice????
every time Sandra Zubko ia on trhe Board, the employees GET NOTHING!
One has to remember the turkeys at Thanksgiving! Nothing from the board. the residents chipped in and they all got a gift regardless.
I bet the money that was left from last year will be spent on the Board!
The Sea Grapes had to be cleaned up by Frankie, from the cleaning employees.
I recall the excuse the board used to get outside vendors was:
IT WILL BE CHEAPER.....less money and less SERVICE. The Seagrapes at the OFFICE are embedded in the grass and is killing the grass which will be replaced by mulch.The Sea Grapes have to be RAKED, not blown away.Do you still think it was a good idea to get Vinnie fired JACK?
Election is just around the corner. Get up get working and stop complaining. It is in our hands.
Do you really think Jack gives a damn?
He has attended only ONE Board Meeting since April!
Maybe it's because of the company Jack is forced to keep with the other 4 nitwits that we ALL want off the board next year. As for Bruno along with Jack, their votes don't count when the 4 nitwit conspirators are in action. They probably have better things to do. Anyone attend the meeting by the way? What happened?
To Anonymous of October 24, 2013 at 10:07 PM
In efforts to help you and those who read this blog better understand, Zubko and Pappas both suffer of "personality disorders". It is that simple. Also, they do not know right from wrong and have NO BOUNDARIES.
Anyone who promises to hold a position such as that on a community condominium association board of directors promises to a fiduciary trust to handle the financial affairs of the property and to do so responsibly. This board, and I mean the tag team of 4 jokers, have done nothing involving handling our community finances responsibly. They have carried out their so-called outlined board member duties recklessly and with complete disregard for the good of the entire community as a whole. They, these 4 on the board do not know better, therefore, should NEVER serve on the board again. Pass it on.
The subject was the Sea Grapes. Would you put this on top of the replies Please.
My husband and I walk in the mornings. Two weeks ago we noticed all the sea grapes in the grass at the office.They were and still are inches deep! But the worst part is: The cement pot that is used for smoking. The pot is "overflowing" with coffee cups, napkins, who knows what else. This morning, after church, we walked by the office again. THE SAME GARBAGE IS IN THE POT FROM TWO WEEKS AGO and some is on the ground. Who is to blame for this neglect? I blame Zubko and her comrades, who tell us we are saving money by getting outside "contracts". She is also denying "renters" with some excuse. Was this done by renters or board members and office who are too lazy to bring their garbage back to the office? Those seagrapes must be racked up. They step right through them and leave their garbage in the pot for WHO TO CLEAN UP AFTER THEM? We have no employees to do that anymore, remember, we are saving money.
Sorry, can't shuffle comments. But, probably time to publish an article just to solicit timely opinions and complaints or compliments that won't fit under the existing ones. Stay tuned.
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