THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013


Your blogger was out of state for the September 19 Board meeting.  

I am providing this post for any public-spirited attendee who would care to report on the action and/or comment on it.

Let's keep the snow birds, the shut-ins and the indolent updated!

AND.... please keep comments focused on what happened at the BOD meeting.


Charles Pukit said...

So, NOBODY went to the meeting????


Anonymous said...

I would not be in the same room with those buzzards. Where was Jack and Bruno? What the hell, they have no say anyway. They are worried about Christmas light when the Landscaping is being "raped". The worst thing they ever did was take Joyous out of landscaping. She knew her stuff and I bet got it for an unheard of price.
The board's vendettas are costing us dearly. More law suits coming up about the trucks and scooters. It was all about Saundra and Pete making motions and seconding everything. George said nothing.Bev was there taking notes for Saundra on her machine.

X-realtor said...

At the meeting, Sandra turned down 3 applications. We want to know why???what was the excuse. New state law says you have to tell why now. REALTORS HATE BAY COLONY CLUB. They are starting to steer away. Two months to get approved. Its absurd and totally unnecessary. BCC needs an interview committee, someone who is fare and does not want to run the whole damn community, like Hitler.

Jack said...

BCC is changing. I'll bet that years ago, people wanted to live here full-time or own a vacation home here. That was the majority of owners. Very few rentals.

This is all changing, some due to the economy, some due to the fact that we can't get a quorum to change our condo docs to restrict rentals. I'd be willing to bet that in 5 years, we will be 40% rentals.

So with that in mind, what kind of neighbors do you want? Ones that can barely pay their bills? The increase in rentals here are inevitable. It's on us to decide whether we use credit ratings as a standard to screen people. Personally, I think that's fair.

We have to provide feedback to those rejected starting 1 October.


Anonymous said...

It will ALL end soon.

Yes there is new state law with time limits for approvals and disclosing the reasons why an applicant who would otherwise qualify is denied. Slowly all the nonsense will have to end.

The appearance of the property reflects the board in place.

When election time comes around, we just vote them out.

Anonymous said...

So now Joyous us claiming to be an ex-realtor - besides all the OTHER "credentials" she claims???

Well, dearie - IF you were what you claim, you'd also know that ONLY the person being denied is told the reason - NOT the whole damned community.

It's NOT for public dissemination -only the person who is being denied. That's privileged information and could be quite embarrassing if it were made public.

You are NOT allowed to "know everything".

Incidentally, Joyous, "fare" is what you pay to ride the bus. "FAIR" is what is equitable and just.

Buy yourself a dictionary.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous from September 23, 2013 at 3:48 PM

Anyone can make a spelling error. Are you that PERFECT?

To Jack,

If we want property values to go up and neighbors that can pay their bills, then rent units for a substantial amount and make the property ...

... PRISTINE to demand that kind of money monthly on a lease agreement.

BCC looks like a dump. It has never looked so poor and abandoned.

Back to rental issue...

If I were to lease my unit, I would not rent it for less than $2500.00/month. If a potential renter can't afford that, then he/she does not need to live here. We are east of Federal and across the water from multi-million dollar homes. Our rental units should demand more monthly due to our location and amenities, however, it is so grim to live here and perhaps those who do rent their units and rent to whoever, do it because that is exactly what the BOARD does not want. It has never been pleasant to live here. I have met people over the years that lived here and sold their units because of the board, the RULES, the lousy security we pay for to do nothing.

Anonymous said...

When the garbage room is a mess, I saw who did it. It was a RESIDENT. when I saw the lady with 2 dogs letting them pee under the window, too lazy to walk to the pet area, it was a RESIDENT. When all the tables in Rec 2 were broken down on purpose, the man who bragged it did it, was a board member. The persons who had their kitchen replaced with no permits, board members,resident that pulled up the cables at Rec #4, was a board member.When the fire started in Rec 2, there is a picture of a resident coming out of the building as the smoke was bellowing out the eves, it was another board member. Now Jack, what were you saying about renters?

Anonymous said...

As far as the amendment changes so badly wanted by the Board, the residents have spoken. They do not want the changes purposed.Residents are complaining about rules the board is making up that reflex the rules that were not passed yet or ever will be. Did you ever think why residents are renting out their places? Because they CAN'T SELL THEM! Yes indeed..........wake up.

Shazam said...

Did you hear? New legislature! Disciplinary action from the DBPR for CAM and Board members as well as mandatory Board member certification that expires yearly. Don't think the familiar revolving board members can sign a paper that states "I am familiar with chapter 718' and run on the board" Every year a valid certification is required...

... by law.


Baby steps in the right direction

Anonymous said...

You will never get $2,500 for a condo in BCC. The people who can afford that are living in condos with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, garage parking, top of the line security, views of the beach and a younger age group. We are the poor relation to the rich relative across the canal. BCC is outdated and hasn't changed since it was built. Outdated amenities, disgusting halls, small outdated floorplans and nothing to offer in terms of neighbors. A board that is so old they think it's ok to run it like a concentration camp. This community isn't a million dollar, updated community. It's the grandma that is in the nursing home on life support. Try putting your condo on the market for $2,500 a month. You'll never get it.

Anonymous said...

GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT. See the new law.

Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary action can be taken against community association managers (CAMs) who violate any provision of Chapters 718, 719 or 720 when performing community association management service pursuant to a contract with a community association, as defined in Section 468.431(1).
This is for CAM managers!!!

As far as board member certification, the new law applies to HOA's---condos have had to do this for years. Why do you think Paolo is suspended.

Anonymous said...

The landscaping here is disgusting! Sea Grapes all over the roads and parking areas. Bushes all cut off on the bottom, shrubs cut back to the wood and plants cut in half. The only one that benefited from firing all of our employees, without regard to their service, is the ones that got the kick back.
Jack dug up and threw away $1,000 of trees and hedges. We will not forget that one. Then, his friends turned on him. Who suffers, us, our shrubs are horrible. I am not saying he was in on the kick backs personally, but he agreed to get rid of Vinnie and he can not be forgiven for that. 27 years of service. How does it look to you now Mr Israel?

Anonymous said...

Ok, what happened to Claire, our security guard? Did she get fired or quit because of the abuse from the Board. Does anyone have an answer? Big turnover with security. Maybe it will get better for them with the next election.

Tweety Bird said...

Perhaps Claire requested to her supervisor to not come to work here at this property. Security has expressed their dislike working here at BCC because of the board and the unrealistic as well as absurd demands made unnecessarily by board members making their job more difficult than it needs to be.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Clair exuded politeness and friendliness and some members found this to be ineffecient.She to the time to say please and thank you. She did her job. The company apparently decided to clean house once again. I would guess, due to board members complaints.

Jack has been away or working these last meetings and may miss more. He does sign checks and do miscelanious items for the office. He does not spend unnessary time in the office.Perhaps he is tired of, unwarranted accusations to both him and his wife. Or perhaps he is just tired of the BS that goes on.

Worrying about decorations in September when BCC is in disarry is almost embarrassing.

My guests get hasseled when trying to enter, when they come 3 times a week. Cars backed up on bayview due to inefficient ways to deal with vistors.

Bikers and skaters cannot enoy themselves due to debris in the roadways, even though we seem to have US lawns here every day!

It's time we upgraded and used the money designated for carpet too. Upgrading restrooms should be a prioity.

Many many budgeted items slated this year were ditched. Why do a budget at all?

The heck with the "dark" side. How about a busy side that goes about the work of BCC?

BatMAN said...

Stand up for your rights! Demand to get your money's worth!

Anonymous said...

BCC looks horrible! The grapes are all over the roads and grass! Yet, if someone forgets to take a shower before entering the pool, it is DEMANDED to give them a ticket. Orders, orders, This board needs to get their priorities in order. Control, control, just like jail.
Concerning the renters and foreclosures, the foreclosures were owners who lived here, not investors, but that does not make for a good story.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of hearing the complaints about the sea grapes! That's part of living in South Florida!! Geesh, I see ducks around, you want those killed too? I guess we should put out thousands of dollars to remove those pesky trees. Put a car cover on your car. The millionaires across the way have them and I don't see them complaining. Since some of you fancy we are just like them, act like it! Boo hoo, waa waa. How old are you?!

Anonymous said...

The beautiful Sea Grapes have been here for many years, but were always kept clean underneath at fruiting time. Not each tree fruits every years. The past landscaping employees kept the berries picked up. When you drive past the office, you can see the grapes are embedded into the grass and you can see the grass is dying. this never happened before. what the hell, when it dies you can buy red mulch, no one seems to like flowers anyway. All the flowers are gone around the trees that were once there, Landscapers cut all the new grow from the bottom of the areca's, so now we can see the black dead stumps again. What a crap hole it looks like now...............POOR TASTE. Blame this e-mail on Joyous as well...........

Anonymous said...

Sea wall project processing as planned, 15 pilings included in contract, now we hear that only one will be replaced, here we go again, does something seem fishy ?

Anonymous said...

Sea wall changes equals........$$$$$$$$$ for the 4 nitwits

Anonymous said...

The dock work does sound fishy. No one knows the difference, so they can dip into the contract funds. Sounds like ol' times.

The teacher said...

I am amazed Bev did not correct your spelling of Something a lttle different on your blog picture.