THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Apparently I have to remind some folks (again!) that this blog was not created to provide a platform for infantile personal attacks on individuals.  While your blogger may get some chuckles over the twisted imaginations and shear nastiness of some people, those comments will not be published.

Don't see your comment?  Maybe it did nothing to help improve our community.


Jack said...

I've only lived here two years, owned for 7. I have no proof after hearing all kinds of accusations that anyone has done any of the things they are accused of. So, fortunately, I start with a clean slate.

I've worked under two boards. Some people would call them "two sides." The good guys, and the bad. The dark side, and the other side. The evil-doers and the blessed. And on and on. Both boards, from what I see, have the same goal--improving Bay Colony Club. There may be some personalities you like less than others, but from what I've seen, ALL board members are dedicated to improving the community, period. They donate a lot of time to do so.

What we argue about can be boiled down to just a few things: 1) the rules--do we want more enforcement or less? Is rule X legal or not? We get tied in knots over rules because lawyers disagree and like the tax code, rules and laws can be complicated; 2) money--should we have higher maintenance, less, or about the same? Should we spend money on this or that? Are we getting our money's worth?

These are the topics where we can agree or disagree. This is an area where we can have legitimate debate. I like it when residents come to meetings and express their opinions. We need to hear them. Board members are not always going to agree, but that's OK, as long as we keep our eye on the ball--improving Bay Colony Club.

Happy Independence Day Weekend


Anonymous said...

As we remember, when you were accosted by Bev Houston, you and your wife retaliated. Now you have experienced the good, the bad, and Bev Houston. Unfortunately, not all Board members work for the good of the community, but keep up the good work, Jack.

Charles Pukit said...

"Everything is for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds"???

Anonymous said...


Charles Pukit said...

Well, might be just innocent optimism.

Could be sarcastic.

Possibly a mangled panglossian quote from Candide (Voltaire)and a literary allusion.

Take your pick bub.

Inquiring minds said...

Sarcastic would be my guess for this blog.
Have anyone heard about the election fraud? Or did it "go away"?

Baretta said...

Good choice of words Charlie! No sarcasm here.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack. When you became Secretary you promised a regular newsletter for BCC. If your "keeping your eye on the ball" your "batting average" is pretty lousy. In five months theres been only ONE BCC Official newsletter. It WAS a very nice issue with COLOR even! but was that "it" for the year? Have you shot your wad? How come the "Mis"Informer comes out regular as clockwork and the Board cant produce? Hmmm?

Jack said...

A second newsletter should be out any day. I completed it quite a while ago, but we have had problems with the distribution list and have only recently rebuilt it. Will try to make up lost time.


Anonymous said...

And I ask again, where is the official audit that was supposed to be done by the end of March? Fines can be imposed for not having this audit. Jack can produce the newsletter, yet the office cannot distribute it?

Charles Pukit said...

Yes indeed, BCC Association has been fined in the past for a late audit AND signed a consent agreement to abide by FS 718 requirements in the future. If a complaint is lodged with the FL DB&PL we are in hot water.

Anonymous said...

What's all the fuss about the audit? It's in the Office - I went in and got a copy on Monday.

Charles Pukit said...

FS 718 requires that a copy of the audited financials be provided every owner. Consent order signed by BCC (DB&PL case # 2004048352) required that BCC comply with ALL requirements of FS 718.

So, could be a big deal.

Baretta said...

Strike nine!!!! and counting. How many violations of State Statute 718 are they expected to violate??? Tha hits just keep on coming!

Anonymous said...

Yup Barletta - the hits keep coming - and you and Charlie just LOVE it! Your like the news media - fodder for your cannons and if it costs BCC money, you love it even more. Hey guys - your part of the PROBLEM - NOT part of the SOLUTION. Your both like ambulance chasers.

Charles Pukit said...

What costs all of us owners in BCC are the mistakes made by incompetent management and Boards of Directors. The solution is to rid ourselves of both.

Of course there are the other unwarranted costs coming from chicanery.....

Anonymous said...

OhMyGawd! You don't like the new Management????? Youd prefer to have the BimboVirus back?????

Anonymous said...

Chicanery? Care to explain? Why don't you and all you bad boys get up and start a petition and remove/recall these members of the board that do nothing but bring this community down? There is a process in place to recall corrupt, crooked board members. The power is in our hands.

Anonymous said...

If there was any truth to any of these many allegations of corruption, the authorities would have been notified and investigating instead of dismissing them as UNFOUNDED as they did with Bill Delaney's complaint. Grow up and move on or run for he board or MOVE OUT! Stop trying to stir the pot for your own personal amusement or personal dislike of a board member.

Baretta said...

Details of "strike ten" coming up. Only two more for a "perfect" game?????

Baretta said...

WHERE'S THE AUDIT? Just a couple months late. Any Association with a budget over $400,000 MUST have audit completed and given to the membership. STRIKE TEN. They must have slippery bowling shoes!!!!

Baretta said...

Now they want to change the term limits for board members so that at least three board of directors can serve a TWO YEAR TE!!!!!! This they DO NOT need a membership vote. They tried this last year and the majority at that time voted it down, THANK GOD.

history fan said...

The DA "never" told Bill Delaney his findings were never "dismissed" OR

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous of July11, 2013 @ 7:58 AM

Some members of this particular Board in place has violated their committed to this community immensely many times over. And for your information matters occurring in condominiums and homeowners associations are civil matters not criminal, therefore Einstein, "the authorities" don't get involved. It is government agencies that investigate and they are investigating.

Anonymous said...

by the way the previous bimbo virus has been substituted with a stronger strain.More resistant.
In this case it seems to infect only Pompous idiots. Some some of you might be immune.
$100 for who guesses the pompous idiot?

The Messenger

Anonymous said...

Stuck with those 4 crooks for 2 years, sorry 3 crooks and a senile mindless idiot.
They have taken away your rights, they have taken away your voice, they have taken away your privacy and your right to pursuit happiness. They have taken away your choice....people rebel agaist the dictators.
they are the NSA of Bay cc, are they reading your emails? are they taping your phone calls?
maybe not but they are surely checking your files, they know who your heirs are , they know if pay your bills late or if you spent a night in prison.they call it reorganizing the files,
please if you believe in justice there is a state department out there to protect you. there is the law and there is the sword of the archangel.
may God forgive them because i won't.

The Messenger

Baretta said...

Jim "Pompous"?? If I am right, please forward the $100 to Mr. Russ Parrot. God bless Russ in his loss.

Jack said...

Joan of Arc:

I worked for 25 years at NSA. I know what they do and how it is done. Rest assured that there is no electronic eavesdropping happening here. :)

The only bills we care about are whether maintenance is paid. As treasurer last year, we pursued that aggressively. That's only fair to the residents who pay on time. Tne new treasurer has kept up this work, and the results benefit the community.


Anonymous said...

Accusations of arson, theft, etc are indeed criminal matters. DBPR and other over-sight agencies enforce condominium law. Get YOUR facts straight. A complaint does not take 6-7 years to be determined valid or not. Methinks many who spew in this blog should save their pennies and move into a single family house with no association. Ya don't like rules, move out.

Charles Pukit said...

If you don't see your comment, it's because it wasn't relevant,mainly a personal attack or obscene.

Joan and Nose P take note.

Anonymous said...

The blog was suppose to be for expressing your feeling about BCC. All the answers by the usual person..hint hint...says.
If ya don't like it move out!!!!!is that the answer? Or should it be..lets fix it and get rid of the persons who created the problems. Moving is not the answer. That is running away from the problems. Now wouldn't the 4 on the Board love that?

Anonymous said...

It's quite amazing to me that year after year, the same people complain about every board--unless they happen to be on it! Unfortunately rules are created because neighbors can't seem to act neighborly and don't act in the interest the common good of the entire community. You want to accomplish any change, get involved. The problem isn't the board, it's the apathy of the majority of the residents. Much easier to sit back and complain and sling mud......

Baretta said...

Common good? common good? Are you kidding me? Four lawsuits are in and counting. Does this board really stand for "common good"???

Baretta said...

Wake the eff up people!!! If no one cares to respond then that is surely then problem. Go with the flow?...... Then. It is what it is. You all will know when it hits you in the face AND the pocketbooks!!!! Heed my word.

Fly on the Wall said...

Join the Board! Are you kidding? who would want to be associated with "them", who stick together and not share with the rest of the Board. I hope the new Mgr. does not fall for them.
You can be sure they are "organizing" the files. Looking at your Soc Sec numbers like the same ones did when they were on the Board before.

Baretta said...

Proposed amendment changes are a no go, thank God. Let's see if they come up with another lame effort on something else that pertains to their lame agenda and spend ANOTHER $6,000.00.

Anonymous said...

$6,000 TO "THAT" lawyer????I bet he couldn't wait to get back with these SRD people. It is a "cash cow" for him.
Thursday should prove what a waste of money to this lawyer. Where is our Mr. President at the most important meeting of the year?
How much money was spent on legal fees since he got on? Ex. writing letter to people who have permits for their trucks, and now telling them to move them at night. Again, they figure no one will sue, so they can do anything they want. Remember..........?

Anonymous said...

who s responsible for spending our money for those useless unrealistic projects of amendment changes??
I demand a trial for heresy
barely 30% yes when you need 75%.ridiculous
FAILURE, FAILURE, FAILURE.....and all those dumb useless people who were calling people and knocking on are a failure and useless effort. do you want to do voluntary charity work?there are many churches and organizations out there that will welcome you with open arms. maybe you ll get to feed the hungry mouth of a baby instead of lending your work to a fist full crooks/idiots at bay colony club.

the messenger

Anonymous said...

$6000 for this useless project???out of our money
i believe it is more.
but if that is the case it is almost $10 for every unit owner.
there are people here that struggle to put bread on their table.
I can think of many better things to do with $6000 than wasting on a stupid amendment vote.
Can we ask the board for a refund , a $10 check out of their money(the bod) not out of the budget for each unit owner?

Upstanding Resident said...

This board needs to publicly apologize to the unit owners for wasting our time and money for a totally unrealistic/ unobtainable project...the annoying phone calls from their comrade, Rochelle, the attorney fees, management overtime...all to collect less than 35% when you need 75%.It`s ridiculous and foolish.
It shows lack of fiduciary responsibility, poor business judgement. Most Officers on this Board are AMATEURS and we residents will feel the pain in our wallet. More law suits are in the future. Yes, Joan Of Arc, i WANT MY $10 BACK!

Ol Timer said...

It seems that Bev Houston's "know how" in how to teach the Board to get the amendment vote passed HAS FAILED!!!!!!!! She had a meeting and told them they have to FORGE names from out of the country owners! Thank you Jack for coming clean about that meeting. The Board knows there is a committee in place to check EVERY name and call them, so the hanky panky went down the drain this time. Bev Houston should hang her head in shame and never show at another meeting. Now we know who did the forging in past elections. Some on the Board used her. How does she stand with them NOW!

Baretta said...

Not to mention the blunders of not writing the amendment proposals TWICE last year that resulted in having to double mailings and the legal costs, totaling $6000.00 last year, and $6,000.00 this year.!!!! Thank you to our educated residents that didn't fall for it again and again. Glad to know our "Constitution" is still intact. STRIKE THIRTEEN!!!!! Perfect game. Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

An apology from the president and vice president is the least we can ask.Apology for wasting out time and money. Apology for chasing something even a 8 year old would know it is impossible and unrealistic, besides being devious in its real intent.Control the marjory by a minority group. eliminating democracy and the chance of people to decide . CONTROL, CONTROL , CONTROL.
Further more an admittance of incompetence from the senile board member that says yes to whatever the president says without even understudying any of it. Considering the people we are dealing with my request it would be as unrealistic as the amendments vote or even more.
more like a scream in the desert, God will hear it.
the messenger

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

the people of bay colony have spoken:
amendment n 1
restricting leasing of units in the first year of ownership
39% yes 61% no/i don't care
not passing
amendment n 2
restricting number of rentals to 20%
36%yes 64 % no/ don't care
not passing
amendment n 3
34% YES 66% NO/don't care

what a waste of our time and money...democracy winds today
dictatorship losses.....let s not be fooled again by those crooks on the board...

the messenger

Anonymous said...

I will not ask you whom you voted for because by this time you might be ashamed or embraced.
but repentance and forgiveness are God`s virtues.
please redeem your sin and don't vote for them again.

the messenger
to make a mistake is human to continue to make the same mistake is diabolic.

Anonymous said...

today at one of the most important meeting of the year there were six people in the audience representing 640 unit owner and 3 board members: the new guy.miss vice president and the senile guy i don't even bother to remember hi name , he is so mindless.
wonder where was the pompous president with his little hammer telling people they are out of order?
wonder where was the treasurer who loves to tell us how he is saving us money, but hired an incompetent attorney to represent us and wasted our money in a useless amendment election.
where was the secretary that needed to record this failure in the minutes?
And most of all where was the 75% of you unit owners that needed to support those stupid amendments?

the messenger

Baretta said...

What will they try to do next???? Here's a thought that probably passed through their feeble minds...... Collecting everyone's DNA. Not so far fetched for them to try to implement next.

Jack said...

Joan, sweetie,
I was with my wife celebrating our 34th anniversary. I had to choose between the wrath of the blog or my wife. It was a no-brainer.

But rest assured that I was working behind the scenes to manage the integrity of the votes, that they were safe and inviolable, and I will ensure that they are retired safely and promptly to archives.


Anonymous said...

no problem jack you are really excused,
thanks for your service.Managing the integrity here is an hard job.
we all know here you are not the problem here

Anonymous said...

No jack is not the problem or the new guy, Bruno. That Bruno is young and never served on a Board before. He must be so embarrassed when he learned what kind of people he is dealing with. He should not be included in these revelations on the blog. I hope he stays honest. So good.

Anonymous said...

WHO slashed Paul's tires?
The Mafia is NOT your friend.

Anonymous said...

the amendment was a fiasco, but lets` put it behind and fight to eliminate the interviewing committee and the gestapo practices of the board. ill propose sandra for the new car cashing committee.
people that are tired of them organize and create a coalition that will destroy them. i all be easy to spot i Have a white horse a sword and I look like a french Maiden,,,follow me

the messenger

Fly on the Wall said...

Hey, Sandra supporter....are you saying Bruno slashed Mr Paul's tires? That is so typical of the gang..The tires were slashed during the meeting and Bruno walked to the meeting with Paul. Foiled again. Make up another fantasy, bored one with no life

Anonymous said...

The meeting was 10 min. long. You could have done both. It was an important meeting. No one could show their face, except the one with A BLANK FACE, he was there.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Newsletter? Bev always writes it up that very night. Sounds like she was told by the "her new found associates" not to write anything. Now she just does her dirt by entering Anonymous. She just can not resist.

Charles Pukit said...

Is Joan d' getting into the sacramental wine???

Anonymous said...

Sacramental wine? Oh, that's just too funny!
More likely, she's built a sacrificial altar, cuz shes killed off compassion, good taste, cooperation, choice of opinion, reason and brains.
She CANT have a horse - it weighs more than 15 lb - swords are SO passé - and French Maids are usually of the Upstairs variety, wearing skimpy clothes and seen in dirty movies.
Oh this Blog is my laugh of the day.
And Joanie-Baby is the laughing stock of BCC cuz everybody knows who she is.

Anonymous said...

There was no quorum, so therefore, no official meeting and you must have known that.

Anonymous said...

Charles..where is the Informer?

Charles Pukit said...

Glad to see everybody is having a good time. If it weren't for the blog, where would everybody vent? By the way, the Informer has cut me off. So much for that. Pity that most people don't have the stones to use their own name.

The Big Wind said...

The Informer never used her own name Charlie. She is the Anon Queen.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope and pray that this serves as a lesson and motivates EVERYONE that reads and shares on this blog, whether identifying themselves or as anonymous to work hard and diligently, if you REALLY care about this community and from now until February 2014 to vote in a new BOARD of Directors with integrity and decency. Let's eliminate the four that infect this community with their lethal poison forever. A body of neighbors people, REALLY, look at what they are doing. They don't know what they are doing. ... and we the majority that elected them are allowing it.

I encourage all you bloggers to become building captains and spread the word from now until February 2014. Lets keep the cancer from spreading and elect members to make up our board next year with a fresh outlook and sincere intention to promote a happy peaceful community for all of us. Would you bloggers please run for the board next year? Some of you have some serious and valid opinions about the Board in place. You have the power to make a change. Change is in your hands. Peace to all...

Baretta said...

Extremely well said!!! Kudos!

Anonymous said...

SIR. Charles,
thank you for your blog. it s an instrument of freedom of speech, democracy and gives minorities the opportunity to voice their concerns.
I admire your democratic spirit.
your blog is the true voice of bcc since the official board meeting are a farce. a play that is already written and rehearsed.

The messenger

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that WE ARE NOT MINORITIES!

WE ARE THE MAJORITY and we as a community of we pulled together we would not have had to put up with 6 months of this agonizing horror with these snakes. The DBPR has mentioned it MANY times. If all of us would come together we would have brought these clowns down a long. time ago and not have had to stand for this

Remember Aesop's fables?

In unity, there is strength.

Very true wise words and BCC is a perfect example of weakness due to its lack of UNITY>