- Forged Unit Information Sheets for most of those not returned by the 6th of June.
- Destruction of all the ballot and Information Sheet return envelopes so their source cannot be determined.
- Forged ballots to match the forged Information Sheets.
6/5 Well, here we are and 450 folks havent returened their ballot. Guess there is no overwhelmng support for these new fangled amendments.
There is a committee formed to CALL every person who voted if the 75% is passed.
It is apparent now why Bev Houston and the Zubko "gang" are friends again.
Bev will get her newsletter, The Mis Informer back and be paid $100 a wack for it, like she got when she was on the Board. She received money while being on the Board! Totally illegal. So what is new?
What is Rochelle's job? Is it to keep circling certain directors and residents homes, looking for something to REPORT?
Stay home and cook for your Husband, if he is still there.
The residents here are not concerned about getting 76%. Why is everyone so annoyed over it?
Could be because of some of the members of the board have a bad history of their shenanigans.
We need an interview committee without a board member. Are people being turned away for no good reason because they have a vendetta against the landlord? Good question.
"Fuzzy" math, Charlie - 75% of 640 units is 480 - NOT 505!
Yup, absolutely right! 480! Congratulations math major, yours was the first and only correction.
Pay attention folks, questions will be asked.
Information sent from the office:
Twenty Percent (20%) Cap on Rentals: To clarify, if you currently rent your unit, you may continue to do so. Only after your unit has remained vacant for 60 days do you become subject to any waiting list that may be in effect for rentals.
Does anyone understand what this means.........BCC has rentals for a year at a time, but must be renewed every year. We are told "if the unit is empty for 60 days...you go on a waiting list. This tells me, the landlords ARE NOT PROTECTED like the BCC packet tells us. Anyone know what it REALLY means............Who could trust these sneaky people?
I am considering renting a unit at the BCC; is it a nice place to live? Reading some of the comments here, I am having second thoughts.....
It's a very nice place to live, except for the politics which rival some of the worst 3rd world countries. As a renter you wouldn't be involved in the politics. But, better rent now because some folks are trying to choke off rentals.
I hear there were 3 denials alone, last month.Regardless of what the interview committee says:
Why would you ask such a dumb question Kevin? Maybe they were MORE "parolees" looking to invade our wonderful community! You know, Bud and Colleen allowed a parolee to move in here as a rental. The Parole Officer regularly visits this person - but refuses to say which unit he goes to. Could be YOUR neighbor!!! Do you want MORE of this undesirable type of resident???
We already have undesirable people here that were never "caught", like all the "Misinformation" written in newsletters.
It is a very nice community! Yes! But the Board in place makes it a VERY UGLY community. It is sad that we are neighbors and pretty much enemies at the same time. Really that is what it boils down to. I was at a pool a few months ago and there was a couple grilling. I was just sitting at a distance. The fellow had a drink in one of those foamy holders that appeared to maybe be a beer. There was also an angry old man walking around and paced around the couple a few times. The couple moved from the shelter to the grill a few times. The fellow with his drink in hand. When suddenly here come a very nice lady guard to scold them about glass by the pool and "THE RULES". These people did not appear to be unsteady on their feet or going to cause an accident by dropping the drink and shattering glass on the pool deck. They were only there to grill their food. It is sad that probably the angry elderly man in his quest to feel powerful called security and made a complaint. Now why doesn't he just go to one of those Asian massage joints that are popping up on every street corner and RELAX.
All these RIDICULOUS rules here, the petty rules infringe on everyone's right to enjoyment of their home and property. Let's all move to break all the RULES. Life is to short to not misbehave and get into some mischief every now and again. Be happy and BREAK SOME RULES!
Anonymous of June 15, 2013 at 8:56 PM
Do yourself a favor! DON"T MOVE IN HERE!
You talking "undesirables"? Look at the majority of "undesirables" on our present board!
Those are truly "undesirables"...
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