Reportedly 47 people attended the
As usual, the new BOD replaced
management; this time with a management company (Campbell Management). We also, of course, have a new Association
lawyer (Stevens-Goldwin).
Odd how, come hell or high water, we
keep the same auditor. Probably
impossible to find a more compliant auditor who's not behind bars.
Keep an eye on the new management
company's billings. Remember how the
last one charged us for every little task, in addition to their
"normal" fee.
*After clicking on the link above,
you can read Bev Houston's latest Informer for BOD meeting
Awwwwwwww .......
Pore ole Bud ........
The two Italianos were no-shows. Why are we not surprised? I see two resignations from the Board coming up, now that Colleen won't be there to feed them future real estate listings that only Board members have access to. No point in staying on, is there?
I see two resignations also. Why not put Malachy back on the board? He was offerred up as an option to fill Paul's seat and was rejected in favor of Pete. Malachy was a good addition to the beoad before and agreed to be allow to be put up for the board. I think a good meeting with Security is due. They don't seem to know what they are doing. Saw a 4 wheeler ATV on the property on Thursday just driving around!
Colleen does not have to feed them real estate information. Saundra and Pete and Jim brought Rochelle, the realtor in the office to go through our files and see who will go for foreclosure and then she can go for the kill. I heard that one of the Italians, Bruno was in surgery. I bet no one explained that at the meeting. Besides, he may not believe in kick backs so he will not be part of the gang (sters). I believe Saundra is Italian. Jim is Greek, and Jack is Jewish. Pick on them.
I hope those two resignations will be Saundra and Jim and what the hell, Pete. He runs, he pulls out. We hope so before they hire a private investigator for the people who know who set the fire in Rec ! and who stole from the credit card to buy clothes.
A 4-wheeler ATV? That's not all - we now have "Vespa Races" in here - a red Vespa and a black Vespa. Guess ANYTHING goes now, thanks to the inane last Board's (Jack, Bud) interpretation of the stupid lawyer's ru;ling - what;s next, an 18-wheeler? They were SO afraid of being hit by a lawsuit that we ALL now pay for their comploancy. Didn't they realize that we had those rules in place for a reason - and would WELCOME a lawsuit to keep them in force. But no, they just rolled over like whipped puppies.
By the way, just to clear things up, JACK is NOT Jewish. Not that it matters. Where do you get your information in that area? And whoever is giving out personal information on Bruno, shame on you. I don't think you'd want your personal health information out there! Let's not criticize the management company before they even have a chance to start!
Years ago, like in the 40s and 50s, my grandparents vacationed in Ft. Lauderdale. They had to have friends call the hotels to swear that my grandparents were not Jewish. I thought those kinds of days had gone away, but it looks like there are holdovers in BCC. Unfortunate.
Last Friday was her final day.
I remember in the 50's there was a sign where Lauderdale-By The Sea is that said:
Honest.......ask the Sr's...
Very sad.
I bet Colleen said hoorah as well after all the nasty bull crap she took from Sandra and her drinking buddies
I'm sorry Bulldinky,(Bud), but to feel any sorrow for Collen after all she did, or actually-didn't do, at BCC is ridiculous. She outsourced our security, landscaping and cleaning crew so she would have less to do, took kickbacks from Strikeforce, and had a questionable relationship with Bud. She took 64k a year from us to do what? Come in at her leisure and leave whenever? Get nasty with residents? Never answer the phone? Come on.....If that dingbat had any ethics, she wouldn't have done those things. We are so much better off without her. All Saundra did was make sure she didn't leave with BCC property, or anything else. If Saundra caused dingbat to stress out, maybe there were real reasons for her to!! An innocent man has nothing to hide. Good riddance!!
Innocent does not hide?
Sandra is not innocent, she is shady, but never hides.
She stole social security numbers from residents. You have a short memory,Anon
My goodness, people, move on! There are things to do and fix. Let's get our security straightened out so they actually are not afraid to give tickets to people. It's time they started enforcing the few rules we have left here.
Take kick backs, and steal!
Then you tell us to move on.
She loves people like you.
No mention of a vote recount. Rumor has it, it was all wrong and has to be redone. We should demand to know more about this recount.
WE DEMAND A RECOUNT. Bud will be on and Pete will hold Sandras hand.
Rumor has it that Sandra is trying not to have a recount.
Bud had them do a recount and concluded BUD WON AND SHOULD BE ON THE BOARD. Let's not let this go. when we go to the meeting, please speak up. Its always shady deals when these people get on the board.
Saundra requested social security numbers and other information on 9 certain residents in order to do illegal background checks, credit checks, etc. They were informed of this and took steps to prevent it. The lawyers told her as long as she didn't use the information, she couldn't be held accountable. Of course, I've never heard of any one of these 9 to have had problems with their identities, credit or otherwise due to this "borrowing" of information. If management had done their jobs, none of that personal information would be have been in the files! It's supposed to be redacted after 9/11. You can request to see your file at any time, if you see information such as SS#, bank account info, etc. you should demand it be redacted. As seasoned residents and used to the goings on with this bunch, we should know by now to be vigilant with our own information and how it gets out there. Just because they are on the board, doesn't make them God. Good grief, be held accountable instead of crying and pointing fingers at "that bunch". They can only do as much as you let them.
Are you kidding? As long as Saundra does not use the Social Security Numbers, she won't be held accountable! Why in hell did she steal them from the office. How do you know if 9 people were affected. Do you know them all personally? Or are you a Priest in a confession box? She likes to CONTROL people and their lives.
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