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288 valid votes and a narrow 150 TO 138 win for DiPrima*
Looks like a future
filled with 4 - 3 Board votes, but at least it won't be 5-2.
*Stats thanks to Bev Houston's
latest Informer..
News and views on Bay Colony Club Condo, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.
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I wonder how many people would still have voted for this guy if they'd known that he doesn't speak English? THAT'S why he doesn't come out to meetings - he wasn't even there the night of the Run-Off Election! Will he even attend regular Board meetings?
How's this going to work at a Board meeting? How can he vote on a motion if he hasn't a clue of what's being voted on since he "no spikka da english"? Is DiFinis going to act as a translator?
God help BCC - we're back to a lame-duck 6-member Board.
One from the "dark side" was not elected. Surprised was Sam that after all the attacks by Bev Houston's Misinformer on Paolo ...the "kick back" king did not make it. It makes one wonder what will happen to Paolo's car or condo. If the Italian man does not speak English, perhaps Houston can give him lessons and he can teach her how be polite.
It will be difficult to vote on anything that the "dark side" will not share with the rest of the directors.I would be careful about picking on the Italians,they don't get the police involved, they take care of it themselves. Go to it men.We can just see the author of the slanterous insults, walking around with "no choppers" and more wrinkles.
It beats "I only spikka da kickback."
Mr. DiPrima speaks enough English to know bullarky when he hears it. DiFinis will help out with the rest. At least the "dark side" can't fill his ears with poison, he won't understand them if they tried, which is great in my book! I just hope he gets on board with letting dumb and dumber go. Geesh, when will that circus finally end??
So at the last minute JIM PAPPAS decided to cancel a REGULAR board meeting because he couldn't change the agenda at the last minute. He was the only one who wanted to cancel. He is afraid and embarrassed to face the community. It smells to me and is a slap in the face to the condo owners. Jane is gone and now Colleen has 60 days. They got what they wanted, don't see the problem here. We are practically, for all intents and purposes, down to a 5 member board. This year is going to be terrible. Jim is already screaming he has too much to do and doesn't want to deal with it all. Sad, sad, sad.
If the "dark side" of BCC does not have "their" votes to get what they want, they cancel. It is nothing new. The other one the day before was posted as personnel but did not say it was a closed meeting. Here we go again.
Years ago when Saundra, Rochelle, Lesley were on and they got United for outside management. The manager found that their maintenance check showed on the ledger, all three were paid the same day, same hour. Hmmmmm I bet they get "outside management" again. Too bad for us again, they charged extra for everything, must have to make up for the kickbacks somewhere. It is not rocket science.
Me tinks George is right. Rochelle is in the background doing their dirty work.She will get special treatment again when and if she ever sells a condo, no need to have them interviewed, she knows "someone" on the board.
Please do not forget when Rochelle worked in the office and WHY she was fired. She has not changed. Stand by to see if she is "appointed" down the line.
BCC is going way down hill now.
Walked in the office yesterday and who do you think was there ALL day? ROCHELLE, Saundra and Jim. All overseeing what Colleen is doing her last 60 days with BCC. How many idiots does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I foresee Rochelle looking for an appointment to the board once they realize we really only have a 5 member board of people who actually show up.
Notice how you see Rochelle EVERYWHERE.
Her husband ain't nowhere to be found. Is he "gone" again? Will the "dark side" take up the gap?
It seems the more things change the more they stay the same. Saundra is a smart cookie to watch over Colleen. I am not happy about the way this board is turning out, but kudos for getting rid of the dumb squad! Bud must be crying over his beer somewhere.
Why are you guys picking on Rochelle? Oh I know, she deserves it!
Saundra is a smart cookie? You have to be kidding. She got caught stealing from BCC. She bought clothes with the SRD credit card PERIOD. Need I say more?
Saundra addressed that issue and it was put to bed. She carried the SRD debit card on her since she was PRESIDENT at that time of the SRD, and when she went to pay for a blouse, she accidentally pulled the wrong card out of her wallet. She made it right almost immediately. She never tried to hide it. I daresay a blouse is considered highway robbery when you had a manager recently who most likely got kickbacks for hiring Strikeforce, a personal/ex romantic friend of hers, and other board members received thousands in insurance money kickbacks. And yes, she is a smart cookie to look out for BCC's interests with regards to Colleen, when Joanne left, she took money that wasn't hers and two board members knew about it but decided to keep hush about it. No one was looking out for the payroll and BAM! Joanne helped herself before she left. Just ask Wilbur and Brady.
Saundra addressed it because Wilbur caught it and told her about it. Wilbur also caught Joanne making a check out for vacation time and immediately called the lawyer. Say what you will about Wilbur, but he went over all line by line expenditures. It was no secret. She was also reported to the license bureau. Brady and Wilbur were both ready to see her arrested. I guess you were not personally notified.
Wilbur didn't catch a fish!! HE WAS TOLD ABOUT IT FROM ANOTHER SOURCE! Saundra came in and fixed her issue. An honest mistake on her part but because of what was going on, it wasn't exactly the best timing for her to have done that but mistakes happen. Wilbur was told of many goings on and NEVER said a word. He was too worried about his "President" title getting tarnished. Wilbur and Brady had a secret discussion about Joanne taking too much vacation time on her last check and it was decided to NOT say anything! They agreed to NOT tell the board and try to fix it on their own. The only time they consulted a lawyer was to verify that if they went after her, what would happen to them personally? Only thinking of themselves as usual. If one were to request the legal papers that state BCC would NOT press charges against Joanne if she gave a certain amount back, you would see that. They agreed on Joanne paying back a pittance because they knew Joanne knew too much and she threatened to say something. THAT's how they solved that. She still went away with more than her fair share. If you think Wilbur was some stand up guy, there is proof to the contrary!
Fuuny, I knew about, saw the lawyer opinions about Joanne and I was not ever on the Board. Request files and you get them, except if you ask the new lawyer. He refuses to give out any of his letters. I am told by a board member, if you ask to see anything, he cries its lawyer/client crap ..........no wonder they got him again. He is a loser, for us.
These folk are on a power trip. They are on their way out and losing control
Paolo gets elected.
He's been a NO-SHOW ever since.
What great "representation" for those idiots who voted for him!
Makes us think of Pete, George and Zubko and the idiots that voted for them. They rule with an iron hand.
Hey "Ol Gezzer" (shouldn't that be spelled with TWO E's???) - Phil, Jack, Malachy and Bud INSISTED on the lawyers running the election (so ther would be NO rigging) - well, WITHOUT the "rigging", Saundra and the others got the most votes - doesn't that tell you Something? Maybe they got more votes because people WANTED them to win - get rid of the idiots who were supporting the BIMBOVIRUS and allowing BCC to go down the tube.
Live with it.
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