THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


So, a little less than 40% of the BCC owners managed to vote for our new Board of Directors.

Apparently enough of those who voted are dumb enough to put proven misfits back on the Board despite the misfits' long history of mismanagement, self interest and hanky-panky.

Once again hope dies.  

We can look forward to another year of bitter struggle, deals and legal/moral outrages.

Don't say you weren't warned.


Anonymous said...

Guess those of us that HAVE integrity just have to wait until they die off.

Anonymous said...

We had no choices this time, except maybe for the two new Italians, and I don't mean Saundra and Sam!I hope they will be treated fairly. (HOPE)

Kevin F. said...

I haven't written on the Blog for over a year, but I couldn't let this pass:

On Nov. 7, 2012 you posted under "2013 Proposed Budget" the observation that there was an unwarranted 5% increase in the office staff payroll and called for replacement of the office staff;

On Nov. 22, 2012 you posted under "Orphan Owners?" a complaint again about the office staff not answering the phones or returning calls, nor acknowledging the receipt of e-mails. You underlined in bold red that the office staff is totally unsatisfactory and suggested hiring a new manager or out-sourcing;

On Jan. 10, 2013, you posted under "Security, Are You There? Hell No!" more complaints regarding the office staff and also Security. You opinioned that "The BOD members who hired these folks and defend their lousy performance should be voted out of office ..."

Charlie, there's just no pleasing you! A Board has been elected now that is dedicated to replacing management and YOU'RE STILL NOT HAPPY. You remind me of my mother! She would say "JUMP!" and you never asked "How high?" because no matter HOW HIGH you jumped, she was never satiusfied.

Why are you being so melodramatic (black mourning and tombstone, etc.)?

You're moving out - so get on with it and then you won't have to live any longer in a community that seems to so displease you

By the way, I resent your referring to me and the other voters as part of "a little less than 40% of BOD owners who voted" and "are dumb enough to put proven misfits back on the Board", etc.

I'm trusting this new Board with its different majority quorum to do just what you have been pleading for all along - get rid of the (mis)Management! If it takes what you call "MISFITS" to fulfill what you advocate; then I will feel that my "MISBEGOTTEN" vote was well worth it!

P.S. Charlie - Are you planning to start a Blog at your new place to stir it up too? Ta. ta, Charlie!

Anonymous said...

Charlie, do you remember George Katz?

He was looked on by many residents as one of the worst things to happen to BCC. While he was on the Board, he did most repairs "on the cheap", including the tennis court carpets and as a result, people tripped and fell and there was talk of lawsuits and of locking up the "soft" courts to prevent further accidents.

You and he were great buddies, though, and he supported you as a witness in your rather frivolous law suit against BCC.

Many would have regarded him as you regard the "misfits", as you call them.

But at one BOD meeting, when soundly chastised and criticized by the residents, he commented: "EVEN A BROKEN WATCH IS RIGHT TWICE A DAY."

Be a little more compassionate; give the new Board a chance to redeem themselves. And stop going on about those damned ice machines - the community LOVES them and it WASN'T Saundra who has put them at Recs. 2 and 3.

You remind me of many so-called TV news programs - they "hype and tripe" everything in order to keep their viewers glued ro the screen.



An Advisory notice has been issued by the NPS - National Paranormal Society - that BCC appears to be harboring two "walking dead" zombies of the female persuasion. In fact, shockingly enough, they appear to be actually employed as office staff.

The NPS advises that this could be detrimental to the well-being of the community as a whole, since it is a well-known fact that such persons so afflicted lack two synapses that snap together (i.e. they are virtually brain-dead).

It is being investigated to determine if this is, in fact, a conspiracy and that possibly certain residents masqerading as Board members are also so afflicted, and hired the two fugitives as a cover for more of the group.

Symptoms of the disorder: an uncaring attitude, a blank stare and an answer of "I fon't know" when questioned. They appear to be quite clannish with others so afflicted with the same disorder.

Anonymous said...

how did Paul Barros receive 241 total votes if there was ONLY 239 valid ballots cast??? We're there ballots that were counted twice? The tallies were WAY to high. This as well as the fact that some ballots were altered and should have been voided is enough to have a total recount.

Carolyn B said...

That's sooooooo funny!
More likely ir stands for

Anonymous said...

So, let's see, how many different front office people have we had over years past? Outsourced company, Lowenthal, Clooney, Sheila, Jane etc. We're on a manager hamster wheel. It could very well be that the problem isn't the front office, it's us. It's an impossible job, with conflicting goals, and directors and obnoxious residents who drop in on a whim to complain about whatever is on their mind. God help any person hired to manage BCC.

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you!!! That is so very true. Doesn't matter who is in the manager's office. These "people" that reside here need to know that it takes a great deal of work to run this place, and for just any resident to have the mentality that "they work for us" is just contributing to the problem. I alson blame certain over zealous board members that do not respect the manager and assistant and not actually appreciate just what they do for us are just very ignorant or they just have a personal infatuation for harassing our dedicated office personnel.

I say leave them the F alone so they can perform their duties without the constant harassment that seems only to turn these narcissistic people on. Let them get their personal "jollies" off somewhere else. I am totally discusted with the totally unprofessional and totally disrespectful treatment of our manager and assistant, as they are very qualified professionals that are licensed and well respected in the industry.

In closing, I certainly believe that unless you can prove that you are more qualified to run this mental facility, and have the professional credentials to do so, I suggest you all shut the F up, or I promise you that we can only expect a lot of law suits forthcoming. Back to the same old same old. Get out your pocketbooks.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Charles, SHE has now turned on you! She was your prime supporter of the Blog....
Now that your moving, she is ragging on you. I bet Jack is glad for the brake.
Go to it "Kevin" "she is so displeased like you. Is she moving with you?
Once in love with Sam, always in love with Sam.

Anonymous said...

GOD HELP US ALL!!!!! Jim Pompous as President, and THEY GAVE SAUNDRA THE CHECKBOOK!!!! Paul Barros "made a deal" he nominated Jack for Pres. BUT VOTED FOR POMPOUS.!!!!!!!!!.........Back to the same old illegal activities.......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought Paul was a man of more! He calls for Jack to be President, then VOTES FOR PAPPAS!
What in the he is Vice....that figures. Join their club.

Anonymous said...

No way Paul got 241 votes. I think a recount is in order. The lawyers say no one got that many votes yet signed off on 241. Something is fishy here. The harrassing of the office staff must stop. Face to face confrontations in the office are out of line (which happened today by a board member). Let this new board handle it.

Anonymous said...

So the law suits have now commenced. From illegal election results, descepancies on the part of the election count, to defamatory remarks that are in fact recorded, to sexual harassment. has been corroborated that all of these legal issues WILL I FACT cost BCC TONS of money..... due to the "Dark Side's" involvement and their wrong doings. AND IT'S ONLY DAY ONE!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned. This post is substantiated and confirmed.

Anonymous said...


Southern Comfort said...

They promised they would harrass the gals in the office, so they would quit. That is pretty low, then they will get United Community back and get "their dividend", free maintenance like the last time.

Anonymous said...

I hope the gals turn the buzzards in for harrassment.
Would they like that for their spouse or "boyfriend". Day one and they are swarming like vulchers.

Anonymous said...

Baretta (of COARSE thats not your REAL name) - you need to get a life.

All this "deep. dark" Promises, promises promises of "ooooh gee wait and see what's forthcoming .... SOOOOOON - stay tuned to this channel and see what pops up!"

We're NOT kids in high school sniggering behind hands about the latest boo-boo by the Homecoming King or Queen ... if you think we're "tittilated" to find out More - oh PLEASE - tell us MORE! - youve got another think coming.

Its boring. Its SO passe - its old hat. I mean - who the hell cares about pictures of a fire that happened years ago? We were all there and could see for ourselves. And a lot of us took pictures too. Too bad the other recs didn't burn down too - maybe then they'd look as good and up-to-date as Rec 1!

Are you looking to cover yourself with glory? Make a big name for yourself? If youve got anything worth-while then spit it out - otherwise go pound sand.

Just another BCC blowhard.

Mary C. said...

Joyous - just what are you playing at? WHY did you smugglw Steve Etherington in to your condo the other day?
Are you pumping his brain for items to write nasty things about?
Are you filling his head with ideas about suing BCC - like suing Colleen for giving him a hard time - or Bud for hiring Strike Force that fired him?
Using him for ideas so YOU can sue BCC --- AGAIN?
Or just to cause consternation and confusion and turmoil in your community?
You LOVE to dig up old stuff that people have mostly forgotten about and put your own twist on it to make it current "news".
You are one sick puppy.
If you are SO dis-satisfied and SO unhappy with your community - WHY IN HELL DON'T YOU MOVE OUT? Start your antics in a new condo where no-one is onto your tired excuse for a brain.
Charlie - she DOESN'T sign her name anymore (and most of us can recognize her style even when she doesn't use lots of periods and exclamation marks!) - she simply hides behind "anonymous" - SEVERAL TIMES A DAY! - and she's turned your blog into a mockery and a laughing stock.
What a pity. When you started the blog it WAS a useful forum to vent. Now we read it for fun - to see the latest rants and raves from "The Devil's Daughter" - my, THAT was a great nickname someone gave her!
The blog is no more than a pimp tool for Joyous.
So, Joyous ....."foxtrot utah" - (now THAT was a useful phrase to know!)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On day 1 of his tenure, President Jim Pappas walked into the office, and in front several people, accused Jane of having an affair with another board member. Where is the proof? What more do our employees have to suffer at the hands of nasty board directors and residents just because they can? Now there is an official complaint into EEOC, which BCC may have to defend. Nice job, Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

Get current - that was TWO YEARS ago when Wilbur Bullock made life hell for Sheila.
WOW - someone in here (guess who?) really is back in town. Losing a family member certainly didn't make her even a teensy bit more humble.
Is she Italian? Is she married to the mob? (Italian) - she sure does know how to conduct a vendetta.
Be very careful - you just might get your OWN butt bit!
People have kept track of your doings for years. Someday it'll all come out.

Julie Souchard said...

Hi Charlie - please bear with me (us) for a moment. We are sick and tired of reading Joyous' outrageous lies and twisted thoughts, and a bunch of us got together at Rec. 4 and came up with a list of nasty things that Joyous has done to this community. (Remember - I'm the tenant that was considering buying in here?).

We also have a suggestion to improve your Blog and perhaps help it to regain its sanity and true purpose.

You love to point the finger, especially about "old" happenings.
Here is a finger pointing right at YOU:
WHO painted Beauchamp's car? - "foxtrot utah" - courtesy of Mary C. - she LOVES that phrase!
WHO is still storing all the files that were stolen from the Office back in 2003 (before my time) - "foxtrot utah"
WHO wrote all those lying and damning letters about Donna Turner for Steve Etherington, Carl Dressel, etc. to send? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO wrote the lying letter about Bill Schenden because YOU wanted to blacken his reputation because of his better-than-yours landscaping knowledge? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO wrote the flyers about (then) Wendy Orange, printed them in orange ink and stuck them up in all the laundry and trash rooms? - "foxtrot uitah"
WHO made the glassed-in improvement to what is now Wendy's unit, and did it without a permit and did it out-of-code (with no real support for those glass walls)? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO was the sole recipient of the "Don't Call Lesley" poem and WHO gleefully made sure that Lesley got it (and WHO was stupid enough NOT to remove her own e-mail address so it was obvious who provided it to Lesley?) - "foxtrot utah"
WHO takes "donations for charity" from the community and promptly runs them into the consignment shop for her own bebefit? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO rigged the 2003 election by bringing in a huge black tote bag with 40 phony ballots to hand to Carl between the legitimate ballots? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO has an illegal laundry set-up - a full-size washer propped up on boards over the bath-tub and draining into the tub? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO had Vinnie rip out her sidewalk hedges over the weekend and then swore she knew nothing about it? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO donated all the Rec. 2 furniture to Faith Farm and then blamed Jack Strohm and Bev Houston? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO has been permanently banned from Willowwood because she was caught milking the bank accounts of the ladies there? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO stole all Minnie Rose's belongings (you said she had too many boxes of craft materials), took them to the consignment shop, sold them and pocketed the money, but told Minnie the boxes were in her storage locker? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO lets her dog pee on the sidewalk grass at night? ("Hurry up, Taffy!") - "foxtrot utah"
WHO stuck a nasty note on a respected community member's door late one night, accusing her of sleeping with someone else's husband? - "foxtrot utah"
WHO wote nasty lying e-mails about a young man, accusing him of being a drug dealer? - "foxtrot utah"

... and the list is being added to on a daily basis ...

A suggestion, Charlie, to stop this lying drivel by someone we're all sure is certifiable: remobe the "anonymous" designation and
CHANGE your blog to INSIST that all comments be SIGNED PLUS a unit number added. (It's very easy to choose an alias to write under.

Thank you for your time and forebearance.
Julie S.

Anonymous said...

Voting recounts, illegal organizationl meeting and voting of officers, accusations of TWO insidences resulting in EEOC report filed against the new "president" and it's only been a week or so since the election. Seems we need to have a resignation of the president immediately before we get sued under harassessment issues. Slashing of tires of a board membeer. Pretty shocking stuff. This is serious stuff. All information verfied. Wonder what Bev and her informer will publish about illegal activities by her "picks" for office. Please be sure these accusations have been witnessed by more than one person each time.

Charles Pukit said...

We have asked (several times) that folks sign their name to comments and pointed out that signed comments make a bigger impact. Fear of retaliation has always been stated as a reason for remaining anonymous.

Video cameras would (given a decent security operation) put a stop to years of vandalism.

First we need an honest and intelligent Board of Directors. Just how bad do things have to get before honest, intelligent and reasonable people take charge?

A good start would be to organize in order to keep Sam Slota off the Board.

Anonymous said...

I hear Paul Barros resigned? I think Jim should resign due to EEOC complaint. Time for a NEW board.

Hairy P said...

Charlie, here are the old posts that everyone wanted:

Bev Houston said...
We have no "Money Tree" growing here at BCC. However, leaves from that fabulous tree can be found in every BCC owner's wallet or purse.
Have you ever heard of a "Shoe Tree"? (No - not the type that Grandfather used to keep his shoes in shape.)

There used to be a "Shoe Tree" outside one of the stores at a mall on 17th Street Causeway. You tied a pair of old sneakers together by their laces, then tossed the shoes up into the tree; they would snag a branch and dangle there with a shoe on each side of the branch.
I would like to create a "Shoe Tree" at BCC, perhaps using one of the Black Olive trees at the entrance to Rec. 2.
Pete Shelton with his "creative" funding of his girlfriend Saundra Zubko's SRD, using unauthorized transfers from Association funds, and Sam Slota with his lies about the CCG-Comcast Cable TV Contracts, tacit agreement with Pete's activities, and profligate spending on frivolous legal bills - these two would be our first pair in that tree.

I suggest, that since they've had the BCC owners by the "short-and-curlies", each have their hands tied behind their backs, then be tied firmly to each other with a long rope attached to their "privates' - and slung over a sturdy branch - one dangling on each side of that branch.

A rather fitting revenge, and I'm sure it would provide many hours of amusement for our residents! We need some laughter in here and these two amoral rogues have made us cry too many times in the past two years.
September 13, 2009 2:45 PM
Bev Houston said...
How funny! My imagination immediately conjured up an image and I howled with laughter! (Yes, we need something to laugh at - and this Board's feeble attempts to govern BCC properly IS laughable - but NOT in a funny way.)

HEY! I want to suggest a SECOND pair for our "Shoe Tree": Saundra Zubko and Rochelle Bisaillon - they were responsible for bringing United Community Management to BCC - another HUGE waste of money.

Of course, Saundra and Rochelle have no "privates" to tie the rope to, so I suggest an "alligator" clip on a prominent part of their anatomy (no! no! NOT the nose ...... think LOWER ...... about a foot lower! LOL)

Then they can "make a clean breast" of things (ooooh - dontcha just LOVE puns?)!

September 14, 2009 12:42 PM
Blogger Disgusted said...(Bev)

This is an asinine and ridiculous section - but I'll play this stupid game.

MY choice for the third paiR for the Shoe Tree is Charles Puckit and Beverly Houston - two of our biggest BCC trouble-makers.

September 14, 2009 2:36 PM
Blogger Bev Houston said...

What fun!

FOURTH pair for the Shoe Tree:
Leslie Lombardi (you can hear her down at the Intracoastal when she starts screaming at Rec. 2 - without a microphone!) and Jason Katz (that little know-nothing wimp that's controlled by Leslie and Saundra Zubko).

Leslie will hang upside down by her feet. Jason will hold the other end. When he gets tired and lets go, Leslie will land on her head. Oops - one less problem for dear old BCC.

I LOVE this game! Let's keep it going - it's a GREAT way to vent!

September 14, 2009 4:04 PM
Blogger catnip1 said...

Bev's reply to "Disgusted":

Charlie and Beverley hung and slowly spinned,
Gently blowing to and fro in the southern wind.
Charlie said, "You know,Bev, we gave it our best fight."
Bev replied, "I never thought we'd end like this ... just because we're WRITE!"

Bev said...

Bev Houston said:
Sept 2009

How funny! My imagination immediately conjured up an image and I howled with laughter! (Yes, we need something to laugh at - and this Board's feeble attempts to govern BCC properly IS laughable - but NOT in a funny way.)

HEY! I want to suggest a SECOND pair for our "Shoe Tree": Saundra Zubko and Rochelle Bisaillon - they were responsible for bringing United Community Management to BCC - another HUGE waste of money.

Of course, Saundra and Rochelle have no "privates" to tie the rope to, so I suggest an "alligator" clip on a prominent part of their anatomy (no! no! NOT the nose ...... think LOWER ...... about a foot lower! LOL)

Then they can "make a clean breast" of things (ooooh - dontcha just LOVE puns?)!

September 14, 2009 12:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Board, no matter WHO they are should have the integrity to demand for his resignation. And if he does not then he not only does not have the integrity to do so, he also will prove that he is the lowest of the lowest slime that ever inhabited the the deepest scum caverns of the earth. What's right is right, but yet again, how would they know, they are below the lowest of the lowest.

Disgusted said...

September 14, 2009 12:42 PM
Blogger Disgusted said...

This is an asinine and ridiculous section - but I'll play this stupid game.

MY choice for the third paiR for the Shoe Tree is Charles Puckit and Beverly Houston - two of our biggest BCC trouble-makers.

Don't bother with "privates" and "alligator" clips - just make a NOOSE at each end of the rope.

After all, they both have the "WRITE" stuff! (there - I think I managed to hold my own in the pun department).

September 14, 2009 2:36 PM
Blogger Bev Houston said...

What fun!

FOURTH pair for the Shoe Tree:
Leslie Lombardi (you can hear her down at the Intracoastal when she starts screaming at Rec. 2 - without a microphone!) and Jason Katz (that little know-nothing wimp that's controlled by Leslie and Saundra Zubko).

Leslie will hang upside down by her feet. Jason will hold the other end. When he gets tired and lets go, Leslie will land on her head. Oops - one less problem for dear old BCC.

I LOVE this game! Let's keep it going - it's a GREAT way to vent!

September 14, 2009 4:04 PM

Bev said said...

catnip1 said...

Bev's reply to "Disgusted":

Charlie and Beverley hung and slowly spinned,
Gently blowing to and fro in the southern wind.
Charlie said, "You know,Bev, we gave it our best fight."
Bev replied, "I never thought we'd end like this ... just because we're WRITE!"

September 14, 2009 8:06 PM
Anonymous Bev Houston said...

One of the girls who was an enumerator two years ago said that Bunny changed the rules from what they'd ALWAYS done. She allowed envelopes with MORE than one signature to be counted, where before they'd ALWAYS discarded these envelopes. The rule used to be that ONLY the designated voter's signature was acceptable. But Bunny said as long as the designated voter's signature was on the envelope, it didn't matter who else had signed it! What's the point of having a designated voter form if it isn't used?
We both felt this was not right, and it sure turned out to be not good for BCC.
I don't think that Bunny should ever again be allowed to be our Election Supervior - she's not honest any more.

September 16, 2009 4:53 PM

Bev said said...

September 19, 2009 12:42 PM
Bev has left a new comment on your post "BAY COLONY CLUB ELECTION - HARRIET GUSTAFSON":

The-worser-verser sez ...


Harriet's a very pretty "lady"(?),
But it's just like people say:
"You can't have both beauty along with brains" ...
Nope - it just doesn't work out that way.

Oh sure - we KNOW she's a LAWYER
(Book-larnin' and all that stuff).
But what she's missing is PRACTICAL brains -
What you learn from books ain't enough.

"People skills" she's missing when she sits up front;
She's so PATRONIZING when she tries to "explain".
She speaks slowly - succinctly - in words of one syllable ...
Since we're too stoopid to own a brain!

Personally, I think SHE'S the dumb one
To get hooked up with Saundra's crew.
When the lot are trotted off to jail in handcuffs, What in the world will she do?

As a LAWYER she should be smart enough
To KNOW condo law front to back!
Unfortunately I think our dear Harriet
Is an "ambulance-chaser" lawyer - just another "legal hack"!

Unfortunately, she JUST might stand a chance
To get re-elected - she'll get in just by a "scrape" ...
The new Board can make things more pleasant
By sealing her mouth with duct-tape!

January 16, 2010 9:43 AM

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about what happened to Paul, I always liked him, maybe a little misguided but always liked his character. I think that the improprieties and unethical and immoral actions on the part of Jim Pappas are inexcusable and should not EVER be forgotten. My only regret is that the residents ifBCC will unfortunately bear the rath of these unethical people. I love BCC and really feel that the EMEDIATELY future will prove to be the worst for our community. The people have spoken, and they will prove to be the reason for the future of the community. Best to all, and God Bless everyone.


Anonymous said...

I love Bud's opinion on morality, ethics and impropriety against Jim! Bud, YOU were in that BCC office daily drooling over Colleen and did nothing to stop her from all the hair brained decisions she made. YOU helped her. YOU bought her to lunch, YOU went out for happy hour with her, YOU had closed door meetings after hours with no one else around, with her. Talk about immoral, unethical actions!!! These things YOU did should NEVER be forgotten. God bless...God thinks you're a moron.

Anonymous said...

All of the comments made by Bev are just disgusting. She is now "friends" with some of these people after raking them over the coals. A turncoat at least, who cannot be trusted. She's a scarey, scarey person. And to think she has a newsletter she sends to more than 1/2 of our residents and they BUY this garbage. If only more people knew what she was really like.

Jack said...

When you lose a director like Paul, the community has really lost something. Paul had one goal--to improve BCC. He loved to get off work and drive to his piece of paradise. We are ALL worse off with his resignation.

I'm tired of all this. I've lost a lot of sleep. My work life demanded it, but this volunteer job?

I made some mistakes, and have gotten caught up in the rancor. But enough. Let's get on with the business of running the community. That's what we were elected for. I don't care who is in charge.

And at one of our first meetings, I plan to make a motion that the front office set up a voluntary collection to cover Paul's slashed tires.

We cannot tolerate that kind of behavior here.


Charles Pukit said...

Yup, it's really discouraging, unless it was another fraudulent election.

Seems far too many BCC owners have their head up their you-know-what and far too many just don't give a damn.

Anonymous said...

Ilegal meetings, illegal election, YOU AIN'T HEARD NOTHING YET.!!!!! More to come. And to those that think that I am just blowing smoke, you ALL got something coming that will knock ALL YOU'RE SOCKS OFF. From the manager to the absolutely stupid, which is not far off shall know the absolutely documented historical proof of the unethical practices that have been going on here, and supported by documents, ( even provided physically) by Ms. Houston herself, shall shock you all. A class action law suit is already in the works. like I said before, GET OUT YOUR CHECKBOOKS!!!!!!!!!'