We have contacted BCC’s office many times over the past year via email and
phone. No one ever picked up the phone. We always have to leave a voice mail message. We have never had any response to phone calls or to emails.
Although received and read receipts
are always requested when I send emails to the BCC office, the office has never
acknowledged receipt of or reading the email.
The tree outside our apartment has been leaning for over a year. The office was first contacted Oct 31, 2011 with followups October, 25 2012 and November 9, 2012. There has been no response from the BCC office and no action taken (not even putting the support stakes back in the ground.) Jack Israel did email me November 10 that he was looking into it. Meanwhile, nothing has been done. The next good blow from the East will certainly take this tree down and be an additional and unnecessary expense for all of us.
Has anyone else found it impossible to get action or a response from the office? Am I being singled out for special attention or are other owners being ignored?
As far as we are concerned, performance by the office staff has been totally unsatisfactory. I would like the
hiring of a new manager or management service to be an agenda item at the NEXT
BOD meeting. If you feel the same way, contact the Board members (and remind them of the upcoming election.)
A couple of years ago when the interviews for a new manager were happening, it was done secretly in Rec #2 with none other than Wilbur doing the choosing. This manager's past wasn't looked into, her credentials weren't checked, and no one contacted her past employer to ask if they were satisfied with her work. We are now experiencing the result of that shady deal. $64,000 to do what?? she doesn't run the office or even try to run it. She puts in "appearances". Jane is no better. What does she do all day if she isn't answering the phones or making sure notices are correct? It is high time we hired a management service who will run the office as professionally as it did when Joanne and Sheila were there. Oh sure, it's so easy for this manager to put blame on employees who aren't here to defend themselves on her ineptness. "Joanne must have done that, or Sheila must have taken that", that amounts to the dog ate my homework! Take accountability and own up that as a manager, she is surely lacking! In this economy, that $64,000 could bring in some real good management. A new manager only commands about $45,000 so why are we paying dumb and dumber more?? Wake up residents, we are being robbed, simply robbed every time payday rolls around. I am all for change!
I was musing the other day about the way things USED to be here in dear old BCC, specifically the past managements.
I HATED United Community Management with a passion and thought we had got the short and pointy end of the stick from them, but thinking about our current management, United Community is now looking pretty good in comparison!
At least grumpy old Esther answered the phone promptly (she wasn't standing outside several times a day smoking), and she turned out nice-looking and accurate typing (this Jane can't find the keyboard with both hands! she doesn't even know that we are zip code 33308 and not Boca zip code!)
Although Becky didn't have the office open except between 1 and 5 PM, she at least knew a hell of a lot more about condo law and how to run a place (after all, she was running 11 OTHER condo properties from our office in the mornings!). Becky DIDN'T "blow off" the residents like this bimbo does.
This manager has outsourced practically everything and just isn't worth a full-service manager's paycheck. In fact, she is now getting rid of EVERYTHING that she's responsible for - she has now appointed dear old BUD as "liaison" with the new Security (which SHE should be looking after!) - does this mean that Bud is now going to allow Jason Dorfman to bring in his many crappy used cars for storage again on our BCC streets?
Is she now delegating OTHER Board members to "liaison" with other contractors?
I mean, WHAT does this broad DO to earn her keep???????? She drifts in after 10 AM and is often gone by 2 PM. Is she working for another management company during the hours she isn't here?
I used to think that handle-bar mustach Maynard Lord was the worst manager we ever had - but he got paid only $35,000 a year. THIS manager is the SECOND worst we've ever had and she's making almost DOUBLE what Maynard did. (oh, by the way, that $35,000 ALSO paid for Maynard's wife to run the front desk and answer the phone).
So you could say that - at $104,000 for BOTH dumb blonds in the office - we're paying THREE times to staff the office than what Maynard and his wife cost BCC.
And I can't see any difference in the end product that BCC got then and what we're getting now.
What's wrong with this Board?
Time for a BCC Election. Let's put in some people who will replace this overpaid, underworked and cerebrally-challenged dumb-blond duo before they do any more damage to BCC.
The Maynards LIVED HERE FREE, Bev Houston. What do you think the apt was worth..........tell it like it is.
You HATE everything and everybody.
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