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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The proposed 2012 budget offered by our Board shows an unwarranted 4.5% increase in the office payroll.

Our experience with the present office staff has not been satisfactory.  They do not respond to emails and do not answer phone calls  They have set up an office schedule to suit themselves rather than owners who pay their salary and the Realtors who are trying to make a living.

The office staff's performance calls for their replacement, not an unwarranted pay increase.

What has been your experience and what is your opinion on the pay increase?


Anonymous said...

It seems like a pretty fair budget EXCEPT for the Office staff. A lot of residents - like me - feel that since everythings been out-sourced, its time to outsource management too. I mean - WHAT does the manager have to do? No responsiblities for security or maintenance now, and she sure as hell doesnt answer e-mails or phone calls for residents questions or complaints. When you ask her ANYTHING, she shrugs and says "I dont lnow". Her attitude plainly says "- and I really dont care either".
WHAT does she do to warrant a $64000 paycheck? She comes in late snd leaves early; surely her kid is in full-time school now - not a nursery school.
If it werent for our dedicated board members, the residents would get totally ignored. Board members are in the Office constantly, doing her work for her.
BIG waste of money. Jane isnt much better. She can barely find the computer keyboard, let alone type up something without a bunch of typos. She sure doesnt know the zip code for BCC - we DONT live in the Boca zip code area, as our meeting notices often show. I guess nobody bothers to proof-read anything.
Maybe a new board in next years election will get rid of this inept office staff?

Anonymous said...

Is it a good idea to let the hired help decide that they will only accept buyers applications on Fridays? Why is a blind eye being turned on violations of our Declaration? Scooters and pickups parked overnight and no tickets!

What is going on?

Jack said...

I want to set the record straight. The manager's salary was increased this year to $64,00O by the board. The manager's assistant earns $17.50 an hour, $36,400 per year. The budget projects no salary increase in 2013, but maintains the status quo, $100,400.

BCC Treasurer

Charles Pukit said...

Thanks for the correction. I saw the difference between the 2012 Actual and the 2013 budget and assumed a raise in 2013.

I stand (based on my personal experience) by my objection to total lack of response from the office.

Anonymous said...

Manager's Assistant?? What does one assist the manager with when the Manager has nothing to do? Sounds like a total waste of money to me.