THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Bay Colony Club Codo - House Cleaning?

Some long time employees have recently been fired to the dismay of many residents.  It is very hard to find reliable help who show up when scheduled and put in a days work.  Were these firings justified?  Is there some hidden agenda being pursued?

What's your opinion?


Bev Houston said...

I am shocked and saddened:
Ifrene was with BCC for 11 years.
Vinnie was with BCC longer than any other employee - 27 years!
He joined BCC when the community was only 13 years old.
After 27 years, he is NOW regarded as "incompetent"??????
WHO was "competent" enough to make this assumption?
I am thoroughly disgusted with this Manager and this Board. FIVE beloved employees fired in less than a year and a half.

Anonymous said...

The only one that is incompetent is none other than
Colleen the manager.
It is time for her to GO.......
She is lazy and not too bright.
The "boys" on the board need to
see through her antics. This is not
high school. It is business. She is not
a damsel in distress, she is cunning and
spiteful. Wake up.

JimBoy said...

Well - so much for thinking that this Board was something "special".

They've REALLY covered themselves with shit now, thanks to supporting a totally inept Manager with absolutely NO PEOPLE SKILLS.

People in here don't like change. They'd much rather put up with a situation they can complain about rather than see DRASTIC changes made.

Bev Houston is right - TOO MANY FIRINGS of beloved employees in less than a year and a half. What's the "common denominator"? The Manager.

I don't think this Board stands too much chance of getting re-elected next February. I think ANYONE who runs who promises to get rid of that Manager will win in a landslide.

Even though the residents HATE "change" - there are TWO changes this Board could bring about that would make the community forever grateful: get rid of Strike Force (and make them take Orlando with them!) - and FIRE this over-paid, uncompassionate, DUMB blonde Manager. But I guess the guys LOVE those jiggly boobs with plunging necklines, tight swaying tush and long flippy bleached-blonde hair and that cutesy "little-girl" squeaky voice. What a pity to see grown men reduced to drooling idiots who let her do what she wants. She's making you guys look BAD.

This Board doesn't seem to know the first thing about being a Board: The BOARD dictates to the Manager - NOT the other way around!

What a waste of our maintenance funds to pay for such stupidity.

Jack said...

One of the comments I have heard repeated at numerous board meetings is: If only we had a REAL landscaper. Well...we got one. Last week, BCC hired Jorge to manage the landscaping team. Jorge has international landscaping, horticultural, and management experience. I conducted a second interview of Jorge and was blown away by his knowledge of plants, and how to take care of them. I asked him a lot of management questions to ensure he wasn't just a smart plant guy--he's the real deal. His work on the exit road is making it look better than I've seen it in years. This is just the beginning.

Earlier, BCC hired a painter to replace Tommy. This young man did a fantastic job on the laundry and garbage room doors. As it turns out, he's multi-talented and is taking on a lot of maintenance tasks and is delivering extraordinary results.

Change is hard, but these new acquisitions bring a vast increase in our workforce's knowledge, skills, and abilities. We need to hire the best people for the job for our stretched maintenance dollars.

Hiring top people is one of the highest priorities of managers. Ms. Clooney discovered these "diamonds in the rough," and deserves all the credit for these valuable acquisitions.

Jack Israel
Treasurer, BCC

Anonymous said...

I have lived at Bay Colony Club for over 20 years. I have seen managers come and go. If I tend to recall the previous manager sat behind closed doors making $85000 a year! and did NOTHING! and let this nonsense go on. The Landscaping is overgrown, the roofs never cleaned, tennis courts in disrepair and must we mention the seawall. I have seen such an IMPROVEMENT in the overall BCC Community since the "Blonde Bombshell" as you like to call her has been manager here. Have you even looked at the landscaping this past few days of what an improvement we have had? I do not think that 27 years of working doing nothing deserves full time lasting employment. You must consider that we have 640 residents and on this blog is only a handful of people complaining. They complain about the same thing over and over. I am old and I do not like change but as time has told me change is good. The shenanigans that the past boards have done or have rumored have done this is the first board that has been proactive and productive. If you do not like it here I suggest you move with your trashy mouth.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Jim-Boy. Where is Malacky and Paul. Do they have anything to say? Seems as though
this guy Phil, who came from out of no where and this guy Jack, came from out of no where....are running the place. They sounded so caring when they were running for the board...........and look how they "turned" to be rulers...............with an underlying agenda. They are both "rookies" and BCC is suffering. Remember us, you promised us to make our community better and now you are costing us money with your antics of supporting a rookie manager. Who else are you going to kick in the gutter to show how "big" you are?

K.C. said...

I'm directing my comments to "Jack", who seems to be living on a different planet than the rest of us - or at least, in a different condo community.

Mr. Jack - LANDSCAPING has never been a high priority in here as it seems to be with you.

What this community is REALLY incensed about is SECURITY!
Orlando has his favorites - and woe betide someone on his shit list - you get multiple tickets every month.
Security is costing us almost $40,000 more a year than what was budgeted.
It isn't a LICK better than what we had before - and their jack-booted arrogance is scaring some people.
WHY don;'t they do something about all the illegal cars that Jason Dorfman is storing in here, using BCC as an illegal parking lot for his used cars? He now is blatantly using owners' designated spots. Bud Lauer earlier this year, when he was President) told Security to
ignore" Jason's stable of cars (perhaps part of pay-off scheme?)
Why dont we tow them out?
Why are they walking around with guns? Our insurance doesn't cover that IF we had a George Zimmerman-type of accident! What's next - riot guns to keep us all in line?
Speeders are still rampant in here.
We have tons of illegal pets in here - even visitors water their dogs on the resident building lawns in plain sight - Security is blind and ignores this - and allows visitors in with animals.
Loud middle-of-the-night party-people use foul language in the middle of the street.
Guests use our hedges as urinals.
The gatehouse is rude to the point of insolence, forgetting that we, albeit unwillingly, pay their wages.

Clean up Security - REPLACE THEM! -before you fire one single more Maintenance guy.

So our Manager is responsibe for finding you the "diamonds in the rough" eh? Have you forgotten that SHE ALSO is responsible for FIRING FIVE EMPLOYEES - and she hasn't been here more than a year and a half. Sheila was the first to go - and look what replaced her in the Office - someone who can barely find the keyboard, let alone put out something that's eye-pleasing, correct and legible.

Sorry Mr. Jack. You bought in here three or four years ago. You're a relative newcmer. You have no "history" in here. Your "logic" simply doesn';t make sense to those who have seen better times.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Treasurer always starts out gung-ho and then starts meddling in things other than what he's supposed to be doing?
We saw this with Brady - he got so involved with things other than what he was supposed to be doing, that we ended up with NO Treasurer's Report for a full year.
Is the current Treasurer going to get so involved in Landscaping that everything else is going to go down the tube?
Personally, I think Bud had the right idea - NO BOARD MEMBERS INVOLVED IN COMMITTEES.
Jack, go back to what your elected position is and appoint a separate Landscaping Committee - and keep your paws off everything else.
This would apply to all other Board members - NO "liaison" groups - Committee heads report directly to the whole Board. It looks too self-serving otherwise.

Jack said...

I think getting out information to residents is important. I can take the shots, and I learn a few things from them.

Phil and I put a large amount of personal time into work on the board. BCC did not get Internet in Recs 3 & 4, and a lower phone bill without a lengthy effort. I worked over several months on that. ATT is like dealing with the mob.

Phil is a master at negotiating contracts, and his proactive work has saved this community over $130,000. Besides the savings on insurance, we've had big savings on trash removal, accounting, tree trimming, and others. We've been after deadbeats, and we're finding that 2/3 are paying up after we find them and have the lawyer send letters. This takes an enormous amount of time. I take the budget job seriously and already have a draft 2013 budget. This took weeks of building my own spreadsheet, which compares numbers from 2011 and projects forward this year's expenses. I've been going to sites like FPL's to determine what increase we might have next year based on how many megawatts we use. This eliminates guesswork. I hope this will be a serious and thoughtful budget.

The seawall has also consumed Phil's and my time. There are dozens of decisions and ways to look at the problem. This was a disaster in the making and required a ton of work to get it shored up quickly. Maybe we should just sit back on the sidelines and watch things happen. Instead we are proactive on many fronts, which is what I thought I signed up for. Running BCC is larger than a single manager and requires multiple kinds of expertise. It's a team effort.

Landscaping was part of my portfolio, but with the hiring of a guy who knows 100 times more than I do about it, we are in good hands from here on out.

We ARE looking at security, just as we have reviewed all of our contracts. No decisions at this time, but carefully analyzing residents' issues and current performance. Board members aren't deaf to what residents say, we just move at a more deliberative pace.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said that we need committees like Joyous had for years. They did a great job with 5 on the committee. If you did not want your shrubs cut back severely, they consider your feelings. Its all about considering your neighbors instead of doing landscaping the way Jack likes it.
So anonymous, even it there was a committee and everything had to be OK'd by the Board, do you think Jack would agree? He would have someone else to boss around and then they would give him the Italian Salute!
Where the hell did he come out of the woodwork? I do not go to the meetings but I will go to this one coming up, you can bet. I want to look him and Colleen in the eye and let them know what I think of them for firing Vinnie and his brother.
No he is not qualified to have anything to do with our plants and trees.

Seasoned Resident said...

This new man Jack Israel is a smooth talker (so is Obama). To hear him talk you would think he is doing the community a service by him and Colleen getting these wonderful replacements. Do they care what lives they ruin in the wake?
They had to fire the supervisor's brother besides. Couldn't have his brother keep his job and fire Vinnie, so he got the heave ho also. Two families heart break.
If this "man" Jack is such a "wonder boy" with our money, why didn't he and "hot lips" come up with a plan to ADD this guy to the maintenance employees and spare Vinnie and his brother their jobs! After all, we are short employees and they can not keep up with this aging community. What a disappointment THEY BOTH turned out to be.
Mr. Israel, please stay away from my terrace, I have seem yours and know what you like.
The manager is suppose to direct the employees what should be done and when she does not bother actually leaving her buddy "Bud" in the office to show them. THEY GET FIRED.

Anonymous said...

Whoa nelly.......I normally do not respond but this is horrible to read. I cannot believe that my neighbors act and talk this way behind their computers. i have to commend Jack for responding on the accusations, yes accusations. Anonymous said that the manager is incompetent, really? and you know this because of? if you do not like what is going on in your community run for the board. maybe you did run for the board and you did not get elected or you are to embarrassed to run because you know you are not well liked in the community and you do not want to be labled a loser. Yep I said it loser. For you who are name calling the manager such evil names why don't you say them to her face? oh that's right you are a loser that is why. Have you ever asked your neighbor these same questions and they will yes you to your face but behind closed doors I bet they call you something not so nice. I voted for Jack and phil the current president and i am happy to see the way this community is evolving. I suggest you haters go make an appointment at your doctors and ask him to give you a prescription for happy pills. You all need them.

The shadow knows said...

Anos wrote that the other Anonymous said they were all LOSERS..........WHAT ABOUT voted for Jack WHY DIDN'T YOU SIGN YOUR NAME.....welcome to the LOSER did not want your plants pulled out either................or you work herre and fear for your job.......................

Anonymous said...

Jack and Colleen letting good employees go.but keeping a Security Guard that wracked the golf cart.
Anyone interested in knowing why? He has NO LICENSE! iS CHRIS RICHARDS so wonderful that the co. is keeping him?
Does he drive the cart anymore? If he does not, he should not be a guard if he can only work at the gate. Who needs him so bad? Why was he hired in the first place? Keep this in mind when you vote Strike Force in again. Colleens friend from New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Why are the security guards allowed to play on their i-phones? Came in the gate and lingered at the gate to watch the guard sit there and never look up and just kept playing on his phone.
This is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

OMG - I just saw the Agenda for this weeks meeting on the bulletin board and it looks like the rest of the maintenance guys are getting the axe too!!! It lists an irrigation subcontract - thats Lennys job and a landscape contract - could this be for lawncutting and hedge pruning? Time to outsource Management if thats true - we dont need to pay somebody $64K to do nothing.
What the hells wrong with this Board that theyre going along with all this outsourcing crap???????? Guess they dont plan on running in the next election - cuz they sure as hell wont get MY vote!