THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Monday, March 12, 2012


The following letter is being passed around with a signature list for owners.  The originators are correct about BCC’s “Security” being totally inadequate.  It has been inadequate for many years as evidenced by the numerous thefts of bikes and outboard motors and the acts of vandalism against boats and cars while in BCC.  Very recently, ANOTHER 2 outboards were stolen off boats at BCC’s docks.

The only way to solve these problems is by installing security cameras that will:
1.    Record license plates and date and time of entry/exit
2.    Include night vision, motion activation and a link to the security shack for high risk areas (bike racks, docks, rec rooms, etc..)
3.    Have at least one or two cameras on the exit and entry roads to record speeding and other traffic violations.

The traffic violation cameras and ensuing fines should rapidly repay the cost of installation and provide a tidy profit thereafter to reduce our maintenance charges.  

In addition, it may reduce or eliminate the Association’s liability for failing to take action while in full knowledge of our inadequate security.  See:

“March 12,2012
ATTENTION:      Manager, Bay Colony Club
Board of Directors, Bay Colony Club
RE:                SECURITY
On Saturday, March 10, 2012, 30-40 people were in the pool at Rec 2. The light in the pool became disengaged from wall and the pool was closed. These people were sent to Rec 1. A lot of these people walked barefoot from Rec 2 to Rec 1 and got into the pool. The people involved were apparently guests of an owner or a renter. As per the revised edition of the Bay Colony Club Condominium Rules and Regulation (June 2005) there are only 6 guests allowed to use the recreation facilities per owner (pg 9) and there is no walking in bare feet on the pavement (pg 3). Furthermore, upper fences were broken or fell down behind the mailboxes at Units 11-12 and 12-13.
We are questioning the security team the following:
1.                 Who let all these people in?
2.                 Why did they not follow the rules of shoes on the pavement?
3.                 Who pays for the light repair?
4.                 Why wasn't someone called in to repair the fences before night fall and to check the
power supply to the light?
5.                 Why isn't the furniture straightened up after the people leave?  This should be done
in the early evening.
6.           In addition, these people entered a private party at Rec 1 and were asked to leave
after the security was called.  They left the rec centre but not the pool area.   Why
were they allowed to stay when they were clearly over the allowed capacity as posted by the entrance to the pool?
Furthermore, on many occasions, it has been observed that people are coming through the gate off the street. When questioned by members of Bay Colony, they have stated it is a quiet place to walk, fairly safe and is a pleasant neighborhood. They just walk in and are not stopped.
We have chosen to live here as owners and residents because we wanted a safe, secure home in a beautiful area. THIS PROPERTY WAS TO HAVE 24 HOUR SECURITY AND THERE WERE RULES TO BE FOLLOWED. Consequently, we no longer find the safety at Bay Colony Club up to the standard that we envisioned or what we have had in previous years.
In the past, bracelets were used to identify owners and residents. Should some form of identification method be reintroduced? These bracelets, etc. would need to be displayed or the people would be removed from the area until these bracelets could be produced. This type of identification could also be displayed and checked at the gate. In addition, the management team could have a member here on the weekends to prevent this type of situation from reoccurring again. Security must consistently check the rec and the pool areas and follow the regulations. There is a sign posted at all rec's "13 PEOPLE POOL CAPACITY". On Saturday, there were far too many people in the water.
Our Security Guards MUST know the rules of this community, follow these rules and enforce these rules, not wait for someone to complain and then react.
It is paramount to bring our community up to the level it was supposed to be.
Thank you,


cc:        Strike Force Security”


Kevin F. said...

Our BCC Security is a sorry mess. Just like many of our Federal Government programs, "It's broken".

When I moved into BCC in the early 90's, we enjoyed an enviable Security system that really "worked".

WHY did the old system work and why is today's Security system failing miserably? Very simple: we KNEW every single guard's name (even their shifts!) and we felt like they were a part of the BCC "family". On the other hand, every guard KNEW every one of US, no matter whether we were full-time residents or seasonal snowbirds.

They would stop to talk to residents while on patrol. They would ask about our families and we would ask about theirs. They helped little old ladies who shopped at the Publix on the corner (without cars) to carry their bags to their units and carry those bags in for them.

I must confess, other than Steve, and later Gloria and Orlando, I haven't known ANY of them in years.

In those days, Steve trained his staff extremely well and they KNEW all the Rules and Regulations inside out. That hasn't been the case since Steve left and then reappeared months later to demand his old job back, ousting Dawen who had been promoted to Chief. (Incidentally, Dawen ran a tight ship just as Steve had done prior to leaving.)

Steve returned much changed and it was soon noticeable that he was much "meaner" to his staff. The guards started leaving, and many of the replacement guards didn't stay long.

Right after Christmas 2003, most of the staff quit en masse and Securitas was hired because the Board couldn't find guards who would work long under Steve.

Each year, our Security has deteriorated. Later Boards insisted that the guards no longer "fraternize" with the residents. The guards became nameless faces; we now don't know them and they sure as hell don't know US. That's why we have people strolling in off the street and going for a "pleasant walk" through our neighborhood (perhaps "casing" the cars and bike racks?).

Today's Security staff hasn't a clue who belongs here and who doesn't. They don't even know the Rules and Regulations (otherwise, they wouldn't ignore backed-in cars and visitors' dogs using the building lawns as toilet areas).

This is progress? I think not.
I doubt if it can be "fixed", no matter HOW much money we throw into the pot.

JimBoy said...

Surviellance Cameras?
Any Government building, corporate headquarters - important stuff! - there's a guy who sits at a bank of monitors (he has NO TV, Internet, cell-phone - his SOLE job is watching those screens constantly!) - he sees suspicious activity - pushes the alert button and reports "Block A, 4th Floor, Corridor C - _ Security immediately responds and they nab the perp. Success!

Any bank, strip-mall ceiling, 7-11, jewelry store - cameras record a homeless guy being beaten to death by two kids with baseball bats, a teller being robbed by a guy (masked or otherwise), 7-11 clerk being pistol-whipped, glass showcases smashed and diamonds snatched. Police have a taped record - BUT HOW MANY OF THESE "BAD GUYS" ACTUALLY GET CAUGHT? (even when you see their faces clearly under good lighting?) It sure didn't stop anything - the homeless guy STILL got murdered ...

BCC - Recording cameras. YEP!!! THERE IT IS! We have CONFIRMATION that someone (in the dark - can't see their faces, unfortunately) stealing a bike. WOW! Cameras DO work! Cameras ROCK! Gee - maybe we can put the senseless film on Channel 92 for entertainment?!

Does anyone remember that the $10,000 cameras installed in the Rec. halls were stolen? (along with the recording equipment and film - no dummies!) - the big question is - HOW could they reach that high without a tall stepladder? One of BCC's great unsolved mysteries ...

Cameras for BCC are a senseless waste of money and would give people a false sense of security. Security would be become even lazier - does it REALLY need TWO people in the gatehouse every night? Cameras can easily be blinded with a can of black spray paint. Unless you're going to go to the expense of setting up a monitoring live-time system with a separate "dedicated" operator to monitor screens with NO interruptions like visitors, TV, computer and games, cell-phone for talking to the girlfriends, etc. - but then, we can't afford what the government and industry can ...

How about one of those "radar-beam" lines on the tops of fence walls? Just like the boat-alarm beam at the end of the canal, if it's broken by someone climbing into BCC over the wall, an alarm would sound in the gatehouse. (Of course, whether Security would respond or go hide is another point ...)

Seriously, Charles - do you REALLY think that having some cameras sprinkled around the BCC property will magically conjure up some brains for this Security Force???

Charles Pukit said...

Of course, the system you describe wouldn't be particularly effective, but that's not the system we want.

In a decent system, cameras are all motion activated and, after dark would sound an alarm and come up on the gatehouse screen. Our security, seeing a theft, rape, assault in process, calls the cops. If cameras are high enough and/or concealed, they don't get spray painted.

If you have cameras in another cameras field of view, thefts would be on the screen. What about the traffic violation income we are over looking?

You don't need somebody constantly monitoring the screens. Lets not shot down a good idea based on experience with a half-assed system installed by amateurs.

Anonymous said...

WHAT ticket violation income???

Security has been told NOT to ticket speeders.

Ya know - it's costing us all $25K MORE for this so-called Security (besides giving them our rover vehicle AND a golf cart!), which isn't a lick better than what we had, but NOW they had to fire one of our 15-year employees to save some money to pay for this crap.

Will Vinnie be next (25-years with us) - or maybe Lenny? All to pay for a bunch of know-nothing nitwit numbskulls.

This Board is DEFINITELY penny-wise and pound foolish.

BCC loses. Game over.

Anonymous said...

You can not give tickets without a radar gun. Management bought a gun but she did not know it had to be registered???????????man oh man Money down the drain.

JimBoy said...

We HAVE a radar gun that is registered with the police department (it's a $2500 item exactly the same as what's used by the police themselves with serial number and registration specifically for BCC) - what happened to IT?????

Did the Prez give it away to the new Security?

I was told it's being re-calibrated; - it has to be done at the same place where they do the radar guns for the police. I also heard another story that it was "broken" - those things DON'T break - they get dropped a LOT on roads and sidewalks and can take that kind of abuse.

SOMEONE is ripping us off!!! The Security company? The Prez? The management? Somethings DEFINITELY not "kosher" here ........

Jack said...

Unfortunately, BCC's radar gun no longer meet's Florida's calibration standards. If we were to issue tickets using it, those tickets could be overturned. We have to buy a new gun, about $800, and have it calibrated every 6 months.

Jack Israel
BCC Treasurer

Anonymous said...

The manager told us at a meeting that she just bought a new one few months ago.......another screw up.