THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We are working on a blog article examining the astonishing list of candidates for Bay Colony's upcoming election for the Board of Directors.

Your blogger is dumbfounded that so many past board members (those who proved themselves to be bad apples and incompetents) are eager to run again.  This does not include all past BOD members who are choosing to run again.  But, given so many wonderful opportunities to remind BCC owners of disastrous past performances, we are temporarily left speechless.

We know that those of you who pay attention to BCC's operation would love to comment on the election and the candidates.  Please feel free to comment here.  Remember, a signed comment carries a lot more weight then anonymous ones or those using a fake name.

GO TO IT!  (and stay tuned for the blogger's update.)


Charles Pukit said...

The comment on Ms. Burkhart was a bit too vague to be useful as a voting guide, could be regarded as a personal attack and therefor has been removed.

What would be more useful, for example, would be a re-listing of Mr. Slota's past actions as BOD President, i.e.:
1. A $121,395 contract with a "Cable TV Consultant" that was signed without the knowledge of the other BOD members or the BCC owners, and;
2. Signing a 5 year contract with Comcast which defies all reason, and;
3. (Plenty more could be added. Lets get a little help with this.)

Anonymous said...

Charlie Check to see if that contract was for 10 years, not 5 years. Rochelle and Jason Katz voted for it WITHOUT READING the contract and immediately quit the board after they were told the residents would go after their Real Estate and CPA license.
Mr. Katz is running again! Rochelle works in the background.

JimBoy said...


You probably don't recognize the name, but Jason Dorfman is the guy who's using our BCC property as his cheap (FREE) used-car parking facility!

He's got his used cars parked all over the BCC streets at various buildings while he tries to sell them on the Internet. Complaints to the Office and Security are ignored.

Now he's running for the Board while breaking our Rules! What colossal nerve! (Guess he figures that being a Board member would give him immunity.)


Anonymous said...

Charlie, that contract was for ten years.

Arby said...

JimBoy, thanks for the Heads Up on Dorfman (who has NO Board experience). Here are a couple more to add to your list of Candidates NOT to vote for -

DiFINIS, Geordano "Bruno" - he is a part-time realtor who specializes in selling dirt-cheap foreclosures to investors from Italy, who turn them into MORE rentals (like we NEED more rentals in here?!). He bought in here only last July (July 29, 2011) - he has NO Board experience. Maybe he thinks that as a Board member, he'll get first crack at listing units that are in arrears?

Another NO vote is DiPRIMA, Paulo - he is a friend of DiFinis, who sold him a unit (1 BR foreclosure in Building 17); he closed on this unit Dec. 2, 2011 - only a month ago!

Both these guys have NO EXPERIENCE.

Kevin said...

What a motley crew! It took a LOT of thought (and remembering from years back on past performance) to finally come up with a set of seven Candidates to vote for. I would NOT consider voting for ANY of last year's Board with one exception - what a piss-poor performance!

After 18 years of living in BCC, it doesn't get easier with time. Last year's Board had far too many un-experienced members, who were easily led by a bad president.

It's amazing the damage that ONE person can do in one year. The worst thing was losing Sheila, and it went downhill from there. I've never seen two Boards back-to-back to achieve so little for the community but do so much damage to our infrastructure. Perhaps this is because Bullock led both Boards.

Anyhow, for what it's worth, these are the people I'm going to vote for - Filippone. Houston, Israel, Katz, Lauer, Lauth, Pappas.

Katz didn't put in a resume, but I remember him from years back. Lauer has the makings of a good Board member eventually, but NOT in a leadership role until he gets a lot more experience under his belt. It's nice to see that some of the resumes were well-written, with good sentence structure (they can actually SPELL!). There are only two new people on my list (Pappas has experience on the SRD Board).

If this selection gets on, I see Pappas as President, Lauth as VP, Katz as Treasurer and Houston as Sec't.

I can't support Dorfman - perhaps our demographics ARE changing, but we're NOT a swinging singles community just yet - besides that, he's already breaking our laws with storing used cars in here, and I can't support the two "D" fellows who have absolutely no history in here (one moved in 6 months ago and the other only 6 weeks!?) Unfortunately, Ms. Francis doesn't know when to stop talking!

Sam and Saundra have lots of experience, but have left a sour taste in most residents' mouths. Too much baggage there.

Let's see if I have any gambling instincts! How close will I come?

Anonymous said...

BCC residents please disregard comments who bash,denigrate and judge candidates without personal knowledge and material facts.
`let s invent that justice that absolves anyone besides the ones who judge.

Anonymous said...

We are surpised that "kevin", a/k/a Houston did not jump on Isreal for walking a dog on the dock. Does he want special treatment after he gets on?

Charles Pukit said...

Yes, the Comcast cable contract has Bay Colony Club tied to a TEN YEAR term! Thanks for the correction.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous - why didn't the person who NOTICED Jack Israel walking his dog on the dock report him to Security? Oh yeah - I forgot - we don't have any updated Rules & Regs, thanks to Joyous Burkart!!!!!

BTW - isn't that dog illegal? Israel wasn't living in here when the pets were registered back in 2001 or 2002 .........

ANOTHER BTW - SOMEONE - Manager? Board of Directors? - told Security to ignore Jason Dorfman using BCC as an illegal parking facility for all his used cars.

Guess we're going to have TWO future Board members - Israel and Dorfman - getting away with murder once they get on the Board! Guess they figure that being a Board member gives them immunity and they don't have to follow the rules that everybody else does!