Board Members Absent: Bill Brady, Danielle Harrell (Hip Surgery)
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 3 7 (est.)
Approve Minutes: August 15 minutes read. Approved unanimously.
Approve Minutes: August 15 minutes read. Approved unanimously.
Presidents Message: In Treasurer's absence there would be no Treasurer's Report. After consultation with BCC attorneys Lauer called for volunteers for a "Financial Investigatory Committee".
Manager's Report: See BCC official web site.
Unfinished Business:
Proposed Budget- Due to absence of Treasurer no discussion of budget proposed was held. Audience was asked for input on the proposal
New Business:
Rec 4 Roof Replacement - Additional bids less than Deck-Tite's $6,279 to be considered. Unanimously approved
Engineering Proposal for Pool Drains - Engineering services, not tied to pool repair companies will be solicited to provide drawings. Cost not to exceed $5,200. Yes: Burkart, Lauer, Smith No: Barros Motion passed.
Security Contract - An out-source security firm will be selected from among the four bids received. Yes: Barros, Lauer, Smith No: Burkart Motion passed.
Manager's Report: See BCC official web site.
Unfinished Business:
Proposed Budget- Due to absence of Treasurer no discussion of budget proposed was held. Audience was asked for input on the proposal
New Business:
Rec 4 Roof Replacement - Additional bids less than Deck-Tite's $6,279 to be considered. Unanimously approved
Engineering Proposal for Pool Drains - Engineering services, not tied to pool repair companies will be solicited to provide drawings. Cost not to exceed $5,200. Yes: Burkart, Lauer, Smith No: Barros Motion passed.
Security Contract - An out-source security firm will be selected from among the four bids received. Yes: Barros, Lauer, Smith No: Burkart Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10.
Note: What's with our Treasurer? He can't make it to the board meetings or even call in, and is the only BOD member with access to info from the bank. However, he is apparently working hard to replace our accounting firm. Anybody know what's up with this?
Note: What's with our Treasurer? He can't make it to the board meetings or even call in, and is the only BOD member with access to info from the bank. However, he is apparently working hard to replace our accounting firm. Anybody know what's up with this?
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
All corrections and comments would be appreciated
Hi Charley - one correction: on the vote for the Engineering Proposal for Pool Drains - Joyous made the Motion, so she voted in favor, along with Malachy and Bud. It was Paul who voted against the Motion.
(All other voting on other Motions was correct.)
Of COURSE he wants to get rid of the CPA - she's the LAST one of the group that KNEW what was going on with the finances the past two years! Joanne's gone, Betty's gone, Sheila's gone -------and when the CPA is gone, they're home-free with what they pulled off. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize THAT! Killing isn't legal, so you simply fire them (or humiliate them into resigning).
We need a forensic financial audit.
Whaddeya wanna bet that the Treasurer will make himself into the book-keeper? In-house is SO much better - keep the hankypanky right at home. No outsiders at arm's length to keep tabs on what's going on.
Rumor has it..........Bud wants to control" every aspect of the the Treasurer said,
Do It....only the president has no clue about the financials....or much else..........
And dear Joyous - you can't disguise the way you write (rows of dots ".........") and you have no clue about cooperation with other Board members (except for the Treasurer) and absolutely NO idea about how to make friends and influence people.
Let's face it - call a spade a spade and be honest (as if you knew HOW!) - you "have it in" for President Bud.
He refuses to put you back in charge of the Landscaping Committee and Jack Israel (who is now in charge) won't be bullied by you. YOU are one of the biggest "control freaks" living here in BCC!
Thank god we have to put up with you and this Board for only another three months. ANYTHING ELSE will be a huge improvement!
Isn't it funny - every "rumor" that goes around here in BCC is started by Joyous Burkart to further her poison-pen attacks on people. If ONLY Bud WAS strong enough to rein in this stupid Board! From what we can see, he is hamstrung at every turn by Joyous and Brady - THEY are the ones CONTROLLING the Board.
Maybe the Prez has no clue about financials - but then, NOBODY ELSE in here does either since Brady is keeping them under tight wraps.
Joyous, when will you ever learn that we go "ho-hum" in boredom every time you try to "blow the whistle" on good people who try hard? Must be a boring life for you, being a rumor-monger....... especially when nobody cares enough to pay attention to you?
Yes Joyous....we know all about your "rumors'!!!
It was YOUR "rumor" that got Sheila fired....and we'll NEVER forgive you for THAT! I like to think that IF you hadn't been put on the Board (the ONLY way you'd ever get on a Board, since you're UN-electable!) we might still have Sheila with us.
How ONE person can do so much harm in so little time is appalling.....
Oh .... and you ALWAYS sign your name??? You don't need to - we ALL recognize your style of writing!!!
Get a life - preferably OUT of BCC.
Could someone please explain to me just WHY the Board hasn't passed the new Rules and Regulations?
The Committee's report was published on the BCC website and the residents approved (except for that Pet section). It's important for the residents to approve, since we're the ones who have to live with them.
Now the Board's talking about out-sourcing the Security. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? How can you have a new Security force in here without a proper set of Rules and Regulations for them to follow?
I'd like to see those Rules and Regulations brought up at a Board meeting and see who votes which way. I'd like to know who believes in following the law (Mediation Settlement) and who doesn't. After all, we have an Election coming up in about three months. I'd like to know who the dummies are, so if they run again I won't vote for them!
OK, folks, I'll bet you're going to be simply thrilled with the new budget as presented basically without sufficient discussion for an educated individual to comprehend just where our money is going. Legal fees are far too expensive, with what? how many legal firms does an association really require? And now we're being penny wise and pound foolish by cutting back significantly on the seawall repair, which ends up costing BCC far more per foot for this job. A big part of the expense is the set up & bringing in the equipment. Once they are in place, it appears the height of foolishness to then have them breakdown before they finish the job. I am concerned that this board fails to see the big picture, and thus lacks the financial wisdom to properly administer how our funds are expended.
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