Special Meeting of the Membership: 45 residents attending. Total votes on reserves: 385; Voting against: 374; Voting for 11 Reserves waived for 2012. Special meeting adjourned 7:04.
Board Members Attending: Paul Barros, Bill Brady, Joyous Burkart, Bud Lauer, Malachy Smith
Board Members Absent: Danielle Harrell Recovering from hip surgery)
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Coleen, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 45 (est.)
November 2010 Minutes: Reading waived and minutes unanimously approved.
2012 Budget: Brady’s proposed 2012 budget called for quarterly maintenance payments of $973. Discussion on legal fees being budgeted being too high.
Motion made to reduce seawall budget from $90,000 to $40,000 and do only 100 feet of canal seawall repair. Yes: Barros, Burkart, Lauer, Malachy; No: Brady. Motion passed.
Quarterly maintenance payments for 2012 to be $954
Meeting adjourned at 8:47
Many thanks to Bev Houston for providing meeting facts.
NOTES: Anyone know what the increase in total seawall costs will be by requiring the barge and crane to return again? How does that compare with the $19 a quarter shaved from 2012 maintenance?
All corrections and comments would be appreciated
Regarding the seawall: the manager commented at the meeting that there were 2600 more feet of seawall to do, and at 100 feet per year, it would take another 26 years to finish it.
I seriously doubt if the seawall will last that long. According to BK, they said it was originally constructed about 10 years before BCC was built and completed, and this type of seawall usually lasts only about 30 years. So it seems that whoever built it did a good job - it's already 15 years past its prime. Add another 26 years? Uh uh.
But more to the point - every time they get a Permit for WHATEVER length they're going to do, it costs BCC $2000 for that Permit. Our "experts" in here - the ones in the audience (that are all engineers) that raised holy hell and forced the Board tc cut back - well, all I can say is that they are "Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish".
That's what's totally wrong with the thinking in here - there is NO foresight or long-range thought or planning - and it costs us big bucks. For a measly $19 quarterly - they probably spend MORE than $6 monthly on fancy lattes! - they are willing to stop progress and expose us to added expense down the line - just to save a few bucks immediately.
If we have a "blow-out" as they like to call a seawall collapse, it'll cost a hell of a lot more than $19 quarterly to fix it!
Another nice post.......thanks for sharing.
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