In the twenty plus years your blogger has lived in Bay Colony Club, the office personnel has come and gone with bewildering rapidity. Perhaps some blog readers can help us out here:
- Why can't Bay Colony Club attract and hold on to competent office help?
- Are we looking at anoher law suit resulting from this termination?
- If directors' liability insurance won't defend an illegal action, who pays?
- Was this action justified and reasonable?
- What's the general consensus among the board and owners?
Let's have some (civil) comments and discussion on this please. Thanks for speaking up.
I fully expect to see some legal action judging by the content of the emails that are flying around. We all know that rumor about Wilbur saying inappropriate things to her were true. How deep does that story go? I enjoyed going into the office and seeing Sheila. She assisted me and others with a smile, and now I hear all these terrible things she endured and never even mentioned what she was going through. How could a Board do this to an employee? Aren't they supposed to be held to a higher standard? It's a sad day for BCC when they fire a good, competant employee. Who's next..Steve? Arty? Lenny or Vinny? Shame on you Board members, shame on you.
You've raised some rather pointed questions, Charlie. I'm no expert, but my opinion is as good as the next fellow's, I reckon.
1. Bay Colony Club is a 2.7 million dollar corporation, but it's being run by amateurs (I would never buy stock in this company with such leaders). This in itself is not a terrible thing - IF you have competent management that is not micro-managed to death.
From what I see, my opinion is we have NO competent management at this point; perhaps we will re-live the sinking of the Titanic for the second time.
2. You bet your sweet life we will. At least, I hope so! It's about time that Boards get a real shake-up in the way they treat employees. Every decision they make reflects back and affects every resident who owns or lives in here. Maybe if through their gross incompetence, they subject us to a hefty pay-out, the residents might be a little more involved and think carefully who they elect in future, so that we won't be at risk. It would be worth going through something like this to wake everybody up to THINK about who they elect. When it hits you in the pocketbook, you pay attention.
3. If the directors aren't covered, then they have to pay out of the own pocketbook. You make a bad decision (or a stupid one, when you're in a position of responsibility) then you should also have the responsibility of paying for your own mistakes.
4. From what I've learned, heard and researched, this termination / firing was NOT justified OR reasonable. This incompetent Board has left our Office in the hands of someone who has NO idea what's she's doing and is being paid $60,000 a year to (not) do it. How can she train someone to take over Sheila's job when she can't even do the job for which she was hired?
5. From what I've seen, at LEAST two of the current Board were instrumental in causing this fiasco (the THIRD Board member resigned). We're looking at Wilbur Bullock, Bill Brady and Joyous Burkart as the main instigators. I believe that Bud Lauer inherited a situation that he is powerless to control - at least I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt until I can dig deeper - or HE makes a big mistake to further compound the matter. I don't envy him the position he is in. Danielle Harrell was the "whistle-blower" and is clear. I have no idea where the other two Board members stand, since they are like the proverbial bump on a log and don't open their mouths.
As I said, this is strictly MY opinion - and I'm sure there are others out there who have a whole different slant on things. In fact, I'm almost 100% positive that I will receive a severe tongue-lashing from Ms. Burkart that I know nothing about the situation. Her e-mails are getting wilder and I hope that they can't cause BCC to be sued for libel and slander because she is a Board member! She is not acting responsibly, nor in good taste and is most unprofessional as a Board member representing this community.
When the blind lead the blind, everyone falls off the mountain.
Anonymous #1 - you obviously got the same info as my friends and me got. When the Informer listed all the Board members e-mails, we all wrote to all of them praising Sheila and asking WHY she got fired. NOT ONE of those Board members had the courtesy to answer ANY of our e-mails except for Danielle Harrell who obviously didn't agree with what the Board did.
HOWEVER, Joyous Burkart grabbed off our e-mail addresses and we all got vile filthy LYING e-mails as a result. We sure know who NOT to vote for next year!
But we found out a LOT more of the disgusting story. Seems it all started last summer when Wilbur Bullock FORCED Sheila (or get fired) to write a nasty report putting manager Joanne down so he could blacken her name for the rest of the Board not to renew her contract. (Did you know that ONLY the manager has a contract of all the BCC employees? This means that ANY of them can be fired on a whim if somebody takes a dislike to them!) So Joanne was "let go" - same as being fired.
Those accusations that Betty made about Wilbur's sexual harassment of Sheila were TRUE, so Wilbur AGAIN FORCED Sheila to write a letter saying that Betty lied. Betty resigned off the Board out of embarrassment.
Sheila wanted Joanne's old job but was "not considered" and told NOT to apply. The Board settled on one of the the applicants - some guy named Paul - but Joyous had Colleen immediately send in her application and Wilbur took one lecherous look at her and decided THIS is what he wanted in the Office.
Apparently Colleen took an immediate dislike to Sheila and that made it "game over".
Wilbur, Brady and Joyous have now carefully "cleaned house" of everyone who knew all the sordid details. Joanne is GONE, Betty is GONE and now Sheila is GONE - all because Wilbur has a lecherous eye and sits on his brains.
BCC loses. Again.
Wonder if she will now make a play for Bud, who is the only available male Board member now that Wilbur has resigned?
Can't wait for Election time - but 6 months is a LOOOOOONG time off!
Isn't it AMAZINGLY curious that Joyous hasn't made any comment on this particular Blog item??? Especially after she supported Sheila all these years, then suddenly helped Wilbur, Brady and Colleen throw her to the wolves?
Naw - she's not embarassed - she wouldn't know HOW to be embarassed - she's probably plotting and planning to get rid of Steve or Artie now!
I guess a "shelf life" of four years is about "it" for Office employees - they get to know TOO MUCH about what's been happening behind closed doors.
Gee - Steve should be careful - he knows WAY too much about this place. He knows where all the bodies are buried - AND WHO BURIED THEM!
Amoral people with guilty consciences - that's our Board!
I wonder if it's too late to recall most of this Board? Me and my friends have been talking and I'm sure we could do it. Maybe leave a couple so we wouldn't have to have an election - like Danielle and Bud, who could pick some new Board members who would SUPPORT getting Sheila back here before someone else snatches her up.
We could fire the current manager for being incompetent and lazy and SHEILA could be the new Manager! Wouldn't that be wonderful? She wouldn't have any trouble training someone to take her place at the front desk.
THEN maybe the damned Board would listen to what the residents want!
I was told you wanted my thoughts on the BCC Blog .
Here it is:
First, we all know the person who wrote the first 2 comments .. No one would know that much information, without working in the office on a daily basis......hint hint.......
Yes, Sheila told me I was her best Friend here and she did not care who knew it. I attended her wedding, baby's christening, and her daughters graduation.
I certainly did support Sheila.
As issues surfaced, and with a heavy heart, I knew I had to make a professional business decision, hence my private e-mail to board members ONLY. Danielle decided to ignore her fiduciary duty to the community and sent it to Sheila and in turn Sheila sent it to the Town Cryer, THE EDITOR OF THE "MIS" INFORMER, Bev Houston.
In my private e-mail, I stated, as an IBM'er and Corporate person, when a decision has to be made to terminate an it immediately, to avoid the employee destroying legal documents, misplacing them and generally leaving the post in an upheaval as a payback...............
Well, much to my chagrin, that is exactly what happened. So instead of the usual "raggers' on the blog saying I have caused 3 law suits.................
The investigation proves that there will be no law suit.
I was not surprised, that NOT ONE PERSON ASKED WHY OR COMPLAINED, when the letter from the attorney was read at the meeting, concerning the termination of Sheila. I also was not surprised that Bev or Danielle did not attend........very unusual, but they both had egg on their face.
Joyous Burkart
All of this misinformation shall be rectified in due time,in accordance with the laws of this state and the employment laws. Not much has been said about the accountability of those involved with this process, and the outcome and validity. Please be patient. Signed Baretta
Joyous: there are still a few of us old-timers left here that know your history.
You state: "as an IBMer and Corporate person" ... sounds really impressive to the uninformed but what most people DON'T know -
YES, you DID work for IBM ... as a lowly TYPIST in the STENO POOL!
Get off your high horse, you phony!
My dear JoyLESS, you are quite clever in renaming it the "MIS"Informer - but at this point, it's the only game in town and people ARE reading it.
However, that's not why I'm writing - I'm answering your assertion that I "had egg on my face" and did not attend the Meeting at which the lawyer's letter was read out concerning Sheila's termination ...
Have you TOTALLY "LOST IT", girl?
How could I attend such a meeting? - have you totally forgotten that I AM NOT ON THE BOARD??? (Thank god I'm NOT!) I have attended every single meeting that has been open to the residents and I tape every meeting for my "Mis"Informer. But so far, I have not received special dispensation from the Pope to attend a closed Board meeting.
NOW WHO HAS EGG ON HER FACE??? (at least the egg on YOUR face hides that self-satified smirk you've been wearing lately). But gee whillikers - it sure does sound impressive to point out that I MISSED A MEETING ...
Get your stories straight, girl. Your slip is showing ...
Bev Houston
What's with this crazy Board and this new Manager? She's really scarey! I dropped into the office to get a copy of the financials and I was wearing my iPod, so maybe she thought I couldn't hear her while she was talking on her cellphone - but I had turned my music off. She was saying "yah, gonna whip this place into shape. I got rid of the bitch and next to go is Security - going to outsource it and then the maintenance crew goes too and then I won't have any damned employees to have to look after." Is the Board going to allow this and let her get rid of all our loyal employees? What's this place coming to? How can we stop it? And how come nobody answers the office phone? All you get is a canned message, but nobody gets back to you. This is even worse than when we had United Community in here!
MONDAY AUGUST 15, 2011..........
Now THAT really annoys me - missing a meeting!
I guess we residents been used to being thoroughly SPOILED by Sheila. We now have to get used to a whole new "No Notice" regime. What a pity. I thought we were all "worth it" (being spoiled) but I guess this Board and the new Manager don't think so ...
NO Reminder Sign at the front gate - NO notices in the laundry rooms (or someone removes them) and NO e-mail blasts from the Office. Guess I'll just have to keep an eye on the locked Notice Board at Rec. 2 (and maybe a kind-hearted resident will send me an e-mail or call to see if I've picked it up!)
I stand corrected. Thank you, JoyLESS. You can bet yer not-so-sweet bippy that I'll keep an eye on the Notice Boards from now on.
Incidentally, when might we see some action on the Rules and Regs that we put so much time and effort into?
If this blog is a business, it's certainly a non-profit. Probably better to regard it as a charitable effort towards general education and enlightenment. Certainly slow going in those areas.
Isn't it interesting that our new manager and Joyous supposedly have only known of each other in an acquaintance sort of way and Joyous had absolutely no pull in getting her hired, yet Joyous professes to know that Colleen "would NEVER say that"? How does she know that Collen wouldn't say that if she doesn't know her all that well? Somthing isn't kosher in the pickle barrel. The amount of time Joyous puts in at the office also speaks to that lie. Enquiring minds want to know.
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