- Re-establishing an official BCC Newsletter, and;
- Increasing dockage fees.
There can be no question that a news letter is a splendid idea.
Increasing dockage fees has, so far, been a matter of opinions with no dollar and cents facts or cost/benefit analysis. All parties involved would do better to suspend the windy declamations and do some research.
In any case, our roofs still hang on by a few rusty nails and the Board of Directors slumbers on... along with most BCC owners. WELCOME TO HURRICANE SEASON!
HA! A newletter??? Don't hold your breath. There's no transparency on THIS Board, because the same idiots are controlling THIS year's BOD same as last year's.
I think raising the dock rates is an idea LONG OVERDUE. But this Board is a do-nothing lame duck dysfunctional entity - like old Col. Klinck "I know nuttin' - I see nuttin' - I don't do nuttin" - and nuttin' honey is what gets done.
You're right - I fully expect to see our roofs go sailing off into Port Royale sometime this summer and the cost to make our buildings liveable again will force people into foreclosure.
Welcome to the Good Life at BCC!
I opened my e-mail this morning and lo and behold! A NEWSLETTER!
It's obviously NOT an official Newsletter from the Board. Someone in here is doing it themselves as a service to the community, but there's no editor listed.
Nonetheless, MUCH appreciated!
Wonder if it will shame the Board into doing something they should have veen doing all along? Or will they try to shut down this individual?
Isn't it funny?
The Board got shamed into FINALLY putting out their own Newsletter!
And everything in it appeared in the NON-official edition ... right down to a reminder to pay maintenance, turn off your water when you go away and no fireworks! It reminds me a little of Baywatch - complete with a recipe. Will we see a "fitness" article next too?
Well, if the Board doesn't perform, our mystery Newsletter writer can take over again.
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