THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


PoisonSign As previously reported in RESIGNATION, RECALL OR RECEIVERSHIP FOR BAY COLONY CLUB? “Wilbur Bullock has (in your blogger's opinion) proven to be an incompetent, incapable and undesirable Director.”  As a Director, I am fully committed in my fiduciary duty to BCC owners. It’s my obligation, therefore, to inform you that our investments in BCC are threatened and our Association expenses face a significant and unnecessary increase due to Bullock. Residents and owners who care about BCC’s welfare and their own wallets should work for Bullock’s immediate resignation.

Here are some of Bullock’s errors and omissions:

1. Was responsible for failing to file a response in a law suit. [See footnote (A)*] This resulted in an immediate summary judgment of Default. BCC now faces the possibility of paying hundreds of thousands in legal fees and/or fines.
2. Refused to share legal info with other BOD members, preventing them from providing a safety backup for his lack of diligence. (See #1 above.)
3. Prevented extremely well-qualified Gordon Houston from joining the even-numbered and grid-locked BOD. (Bullock is ignoring BCC’s well being so he can continue to control the BOD.)
4. Failed to control BOD meetings, allowing verbal brawls, disruptive out-of-order comments and general mayhem at Board meetings.
5. Ordered all employees not to discuss BCC’s security. This order is in defiance of a unanimous Nov. 15 BOD vote authorizing an analysis of BCC’s security.
6. Failed to provide any BOD leadership, leaving a 9 month history of endless haggling and no resolution. (i.e., BCC’s needed Rules and Regulations update; resolution of AC leaks; and constant repairs to ceilings, etc.)
7. Allowed only his pet items on Board meeting agendas, refusing input from other BOD members.
8. Demonstrated (repeatedly) a lack of emotional restraint and intellectual control. This is a minimum requirement for BOD members managing a $2.5 million annual budget. As one example, you may listen to the 11/15 message Bullock left on an answering machine. Just click on the rectangle with the “>” below. (May take a few  seconds to download, depending on your connection speed.) WARNING: RECORDING CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE. MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

(A)* Footnote available as 1st “Comment”. Click on “Click Here” below.

Blog readers are invited to add to this list of Bullock’s failures in “Comments”.

Please print a copy of this for friends or neighbors who may not have a computer.


Charles Pukit said...

(A) “the board must act in a reasonable manner and its duties must be performed with the care and responsibility that an ordinary prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances and the ultimate responsibility cannot be delegated to a manager, a management company or other third party” Condo Concepts, 12th Edition, page 102 Paragraph 4.12 (contd)

Kevin F. said...

I just found out that BCC residents' civil rights are going down the toilet.

One of our residents received a nasty, rude and THREATENING letter from that despicable lawyer Bauman (who was hired ONLY to do foreclosures) informing this resident that he is NOT to "approach" or even SPEAK to any of his neighbors! If he does, he faces legal action!

How can someone live in a condo and NOT speak to his neighbors? If THEY speak to him, will he still be charged?

No - this WASN'T Pete Farinacci (who physiczlly threatened the Prez) OR Sam Slota (who actually physically "belly-bumped" the Prez) - this was a nice normally polite and quiet gentleman who got angry at being cut off by a car at the gate and protested about it.

What is happening to our community? We are being "governed" by the "Three Bad B's" - Bullock, Betty and Brady. Now we add a fourth "Bad B" - Bauman.

We are rapidly turning into a Third World Country, a dictatorship run by a bunch of Hitler-like Brown Shirts. If our housing sales weren't so depressed, I'm sure we would see an unprecedented flood of sales - people getting out, like rats deserting a sinking ship.

Make no mistake - the BCC ship is floumdering badly. Can't wait for the February election to get these ghastly people OUT.

Anonymous said...

Bullock led the BOD in authorizing Joe Bolton (citing “Owner’s Emotional Need”) to bring in not 1 dog but 2 dogs (citing “Dogs’ Emotional Needs”). By caving in to the Mutt Mafia, Bullock clearly violated BCC’s Declaration and granted an unwarranted expansion of dearly bought court rulings. Now everybody wants 2 dogs? Get ready to be up to your eyebrows in dog poop.

mustang said...

Since Bullock has removed our manager who will he replace her with?

Alice said...

Just got an e-mail from the Office (supposedly from Bullock) saying that we won't be seeing Joanne after this Friday.

Whether this cheers the cockles of your heart, or depresses you, I think we ALL deserve to know what the hell is going to happen after Friday. WHO is going to make sure the employees get their paychecks and all utility bills are paid, and all legal affairs (lawsuits, etc.) are handled in a timely manner?

WHO IS GOING TO BE THE NEW MANAGER??? The Board has had THREE months to find a new one.

Is Sheila going to be the new Manager? Is she going to take over "pro tem"? Does she even know HOW?

Or are we going to have a reprise of when SAM SLOTA "played" at being manager back in 2003?

Is Bullock going to be Head-Honcho-Boss-of-All-BCC?

God help us all ...

Barbara said...


No Newletter in two months ...?

No Board Meeting for December?

No news of a new Manager ...?

No coupon book for Maintenance fees?

No Election this February???
We haven't had a First Notice of Election with Application for Candidate Form - which normally HAS to be in by the end of December to meet the requirements of "days before the election" ???????

With this wacko off-the-wall Board of Directors, NO news AIN'T good news!

Charles Pukit said...

Just as soon as Wilbur Bullock resigns from the Board, we will be up and running. Coupon books are on the way. There will definitely be an election and hopefully this time folks will pay attention. As long as Bullock is on the Board it will be business as usual, that is, nothing gets done.

Anonymous said...

I think hell will freeze over before that asshole Bullock resigns. Maybe his supporters could be "worked" on - maybe THEY might be persuaded to resign? That would undermine his "Other Side" share of the votes?

I simply can't understand that bubble-headed Betty - she votes him OUT - then the next meeting votes him back IN.

What a flip-flopper. NOT to be considered as a Board member for NEXT year!

George said...

It seems that the best result for BCC would be if either Wilbur or Betty resign. This would clear the way for the board to move forward, resolve the deadlock that presently exists, and let the board take action and reach decisions. Otherwise they are simply pissing in the wind.

George said...

It's comical that Bullock, Brady & Francis are now complaining that there are problems, when the only problem is that they refused to appoint Gordon Houston to the board. Now the board is deadlocked due to their unwillingness to add a member to the board. The simplest solution is for one of those three to resign. This will break the deadlock and allow the board to move forward. Rather than continuing to complain, they need to resolve this situation immediately.

Carol said...

WHO on this dysfunctional Board picked out those amazingly UGLY pink (yes - PINK!) reindeer hiding in embarrassment in the bushes outside the Office building? (Probably Francis, with her "artsy-fartsy" pretty-fying ideas!) They are SOOOO tacky!

And WHO on the Board voted (I didn't see a vote at a Meeting) to hire a crane-crew to put up those lights in the tree at the gate? Several years ago, a Board looked into the cost and back THEN it was about $3,000! We are NOT Bay Colony next door - looks like this Board LOVES to waste our maintenance funds trying to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse! Shamefully wasteful - all for about three weeks' worth of glitz and "glamor"?

The condo across the street didn't try to emulate their upscale neighbors and wrapped their palm trees in stripes and the decorations can be admired and appreciated during the daytime - OUR expensive decorations can't even be seen until the sun goes down.

So tacky.
So expensive.
So wasteful.
And all without a discernable Board vote! Time for Bullock and Francis to resign and save us some money (besides what they're wasting on sending our threatening lawyer letters for first offences!) - and WHERE are the forms for Candidates for office - we need some new smarter, more fiscally-responsible people on the Board come this February.

Or WILL there be an election? If those forms don't get mailed soon, it will be too late for a First-Monday-in-February Election Night!

Robert said...

Hey Charlie - you're on the Board. I've heard two "rumors" (???) in the past two days:
1. Sheila has been given a THIRTY_THREE per cent raise to run the office until they find a new manager (and the other side of the coin is that she IS the new manager?), and
even more disturbing:
2. Artie and the Maintenance crew will be outsourced - possibly by Ernie Valdastri and his prison-release convict crew (apparently Bullock is now palsy-walsy with Slota and this will cement the unholy alliance between this Board and the Saundra Zubko-Sam Slota-Pete Shelton group to ensure Bullock's re-election next February)?
Any comments?
Or are the Bullock-Brady-Betty triad keeping the rest of you guys out of the loop, since THEY hold all four Officer positions???
Just wondering what we can expect down the turnpike.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do hope that Robert is wrong! I don't give a damn about Sheila, but to lose Artie and our maintenance boys? That would be the WORST thing that could happen to our community.
Well, that settles it - I CERTAINLY will NOT donate to the Employees Christmas Fund this year - we don't have a decent security system, so why should we reward them for non-performance?
I am getting some of those money-card thingys from the Dollar Store and I will split what I normally give into 10 envelopes - and GIVE IT ALL TO THE MAINTENANCE GUYS! They are the ONLY ones who do an honest day's work around here.


Xmas Carol, Robert, Mustang.....all from you know who!
None other than your best friend THE MANAGER, Joanne, picked out the tasteless "pinky" reindeer....of course, from her chair, over the computer.
As far as the envelope stuffing, it was done in advance of the required time, which is today Dec 14...which is the DATE it must be postmarked...the mailing went out today.
Its such a pleasure to walk in the office for a reason...and find a friendly, smiling face...Sheila!
She dresses neat, wears makup and is shiny clean.
Sheila deserves a raise.
Joyous Burkart
(I always sign my real name)

Bev Houston said...

I just LOVE it when people "ASSUME" - remember Benny Hill? "When you ASSUME ... you make an ASS out of U and ME". Well, in the this case, leave off the "ME" ... "U" don't know what you're talking about.

I happen to KNOW who "mustang" is - AND "George" ... AND "Robert" - and they certainly AREN'T who "U" think! "Christmas Carol" is up for grabs; I believe it was signed simply "Carol". I know of at least seven different "Carols" in BCC. Take "Ur" choice.

I can see now why people use an alias - they don't want to be e-blasted by "U"!

Now that Joanne is gone, who are U going to bad-mouth now? U haven't liked a manager in here since Chuck. In fact, U actively worked hard to bring down Donna Turner with letters written for others to sign (I still have copies).

Perhaps BCC would profit if U were to run for the Board - Ur knowledge and expertise is badly needed. At least, U couldn't do any worse than the current Board. I may have the reputation for resigning off Boards - but I'd rather have THAT reputation than be tarred and feathered by association with one that would compromise my principles and ethics.
(I can sign MY real name too!)

Anonymous said...

How funny! A pissing contest between two women. I thought that was the prerogative of testosterone-laden males like Bullock or Slota? Hello? Sheila's JOB is to smile and be pleasant no matter WHO comes through her door; someone who is so lonely and friendless that she has to go to the office to see a friendly face must REALLY be hard up. Most people go there only once or twice a year when they put in their ballots for Proxy waiver or Election votes. So sad.

Charles Pukit said...

An update as of 12/15:
I don't know if Sheila got a raise and, if so, how much. I don't know about out sourcing maintenance. I wrote a detailed recommendation regarding a new BCC manger and sent it to ALL Board members 11/24. NO response from anybody. No inquiry from Bullock as to what I might like on the agenda for upcoming meeting.

Don't ask me what's going on, it's a one Bullock show. Based on his past performance, I am not optimistic on the result.

Charles Pukit said...

I am (theoretically) a Director with fiduciary responsibility to BCC owners. The agenda for the 12/16 BOD meeting was emailed to me at 11:57 AM the morning of the meeting. I was never asked if I would be available for the meeting or what I would like to see on the agenda.

The manager's contract I was supposed to vote on was emailed 4:13 PM or 2 hours and 52 minutes before the vote!

Wilbur Bullock couldn't get the BCC Rules and Regulations updated in 10 months of trying and yet expects a Director to cast an important vote on a complicated contract less than 3 hours after it is sent for his review.

More proof that Bullock is definitely not Board material.

George said...

The problem here is that we seem to have a power hungry ego centric president, who doesn't have any idea as to the responsibilities of an officer, and a woman who can't listen to any proposal that doesn't coincide with her preconceived perceptions of what is so. These three, (the 3 B's), who are opposed to resolving problems, are now seemingly aligned with the former board that was so detrimental to our association; they were able to prevent installing a 7th member, thus insuring the present stalemate. They have alienated our best engineer who devoted countless hours of free engineering time for the association, run up over $150K in legal fees this past year due to inept inaction, inappropriate decisions, and foolish choices. They used last evenings non meeting, (no quorum-no official meeting), to castigate those who oppose them, and provided goodies for their supporters. It is obviously frustrating for the other board members dealing with these foolish folks. There isn't any means to alleviate the problems, and without a majority our board's hands are tied to take any appropriate actions. Sitting there last evening I was appalled by Wilbur's pontification slanting everything to his favor, as well as Betty's lapdog support now that she seems to be his "Best Friend". It is unfortunate when the inmates are running the asylum.

JIM said...

George, you make some good points. It was an Academy-Award-winning performance (including Best Costume and Best Script)!

But something keeps nagging at me that doesn't quite gibe:

1. Our lawyer Becker-Poliakoff is the best in Florida (that doesn't bother me - we're worth the best!) but it does make them expensive.

2. The President traditionally is the contact between the Board and legal counsel.

3. Bullock says the 5 ex-BOD members' accounts were charged for the Rec. 1 ice machine "with B-P BLESSING".

4. The DBPR says it was illegal to charge those accounts.

5. Don't you think that B-P would have KNOWN this was illegal? So WHY did they give their "BLESSING"?

6. IS IT POSSIBLE that B-P was given a slightly "twisted" version of the story by Bullock so they would say it was okay?

7. IS IT POSSIBLE that B-P has been fed a line of Bullock bullshit to further Bullock's strangle-hold on the Board? The Board obviously has no idea exactly what is said, and B-P has only Bullock's "information" to work with - just like the auditor is "given" the figures to work with (but if the figures are doctored, you get an audit that LOOKS good, but is totally worthless).

8. Has Bullock taken this community for a "joy-ride" on our own dollar?


Anonymous said...

BCC board president Wilbur Bullock personally paid the $750.00 to hire a crane-crew to put the lights in the tree since this was not in the 2010 budget.

Charles Pukit said...

$750 for a crane crew? Well, easy come, easy go.

Alice said...

Let me see if I've got this right ... it's okay to do something if you pay the shot, right? Well, I'd like to paint the front doors of Rec. 2 a nice bright Christmas Red - but it's okay, as long as I pay for it?
Uh huh. Sounds like just another politician buying votes for the upcoming election.

Paul said...

So Bullock paid the $750 out of his own pocket.
True altruism does not exist here at BCC. It's a mythological animal like the Griffon in Alice in Wonderland
Perhaps he will be reimbursed later like Francis was for her out-of-pocket expenses for her soirees?
I'm from Missouri - Show Me - I think it's a thinly-disguised ploy to pander for election votes.

Kevin F. said...

Tut! Tut! Tut! Do I detect a touch of "Bah Humbug!" in people's comments?

'Tis the season for Good Will Toward Men and all that good stuff.

So we have Christmas lights up at the gate; as long as BCC didn't have to pay for it, simply accept it and enjoy. Have another spiced and spiked egg-nog and relax.

We residents get so FEW goodies on our plate from our elected Boards - and unfortunately, THIS Board is no different from the innumerable ones we've been saddled with in the past. Grab what you can and don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Just be aware that no-one gives goodies for free without expecting some kind of payback in the future. Just smile, and say "Thank You very much" and keep your eyes open.

So what if Mr. Bullock IS "pandering for votes"? Say "Thank You very much" for the pretty lights (whether you like them or not) and either vote for him - or don't. Personally, I'll say "Thank you very much" - and I WON'T vote for Mr. Bullock, OR Ms. Francis ... although I MIGHT vote for Mr. Brady, since he DOES hold good qualifications to be our Treasurer. I would like to see Mr. Holland, Mr. Delaney and Mr. Pukit throw their hats into the ring for another effort - they didn't get much of a chance to show what they could do for us. It's too bad Mrs. Houston resigned; she has a lot to offer (and has worked hard before).

I'm very sorry this Board didn't see fit to put Mr. Houston on the Board - there's ANOTHER gentleman who is eminently well-qualified - and didn't chatge BCC one penny for his engineering expertise. I wouldn't blame him if he's disgusted and tells the Board to take a kong walk on a short pier - let them HIRE an engineer the next time.

Here's to loved ones and lots of goodies under the tree; but DO be careful who you vote for in the New Year. I must admit to having a "jaundiced eye" - I really don't expect that we will EVER have a "Dream Team" of a Board - but I do hope we have a better one than the current stale-mated, gridlocked sorry excuse for a governing body.

Cheers, and God Bless us - every one!

Anonymous said...

There's a notice up in the laundry rooms stating that Charlie Pukit, Sean Holland and Bill Delaney had "BOYCOTTED" the Dec. 16th Board Meeting. Having spoken to these accused Board members, I found out that they did NOT get notice of the meeting "a week before the meeting" as Bullock claimed at the meeting - the notice came out only 48 hours before the meeting. Charlie had surgery scheduled for that day, and Sean flew in to Ft. Lauderdale about an hour after the meeting was over. Isn't it AMAZING how facts can get twisted so they appear totally different? Isn't it AMAZING how some people can "use" these twisted facts to further their own agenda?
Not only amazing, but disgusting and totally UNbelievable. What ever happened to the "honesty" and "transparency" that this current Board promised?
So Bullock and Brady are going to run again? (And probably Francis too - she has to be there to "protect" her Bullock!) Guess what - I hope we get a good choice of Candidates - I sure won't vote for THESE three people. What a farce.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Just checked the Blog after Christmas and I see that it's had 6039 "hits"! That's over 100 since the last time I checked it out just before Christmas.
Guess it just goes to prove that it's a popular item here at BCC. There are those who scream and froth at the mouth that it's a bad thing for our community.
I disagree - I think it's a great asset for our community; it allows the residents to speak their minds without fear of reprisal, vandalism, harassment or retaliation. Those who claim it gives our community a "black eye" should realize that IF everything were copasetic in condoville, there would be no complaints.
Maybe the Board should read some of the gripes carefully and they'll see just where some mending-of-fences is needed.
I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but over-all there are some very valid points in most of the commentaries.
Bravo, Charlie - keep up the good work - and may the Blog live long and prosper!
Happr New Year, y'all!

Gail - NOT my Real Name! said...

Anonymous puts it right. You simply can't reveal your real name here at BCC - you don't know where the slap will come from.
It's okay for Joyous Burkart and Bev Houston to sign their own names - they're OLD women - and old people don't care. But us younger ones have plenty to say, but we're very hesitant - even AFRAID to do so. The Blog evens out the playing field for us younger residents.
We can say what we feel without fear of "paying" for it.
Thank you for the Blog. It's nice to know that others in here feel the same as me.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Board hell bent on hiring a MALE MANAGER......At first the board ONLY interviewed Males.......then they were questioned about it being sooo slanted. Then they suddenly found a female to interview. Seems these two worked for the same Management Company......The management company sold and changed hands and let most of the managers.....BUT I'm told...they kept the female manager.........hmmmmm.
That makes me think who has the better qualifications....
I BET THESE GUYS WILL VOTE FOR THE MALE....ANYWAY...Oh wonder they can not get a vote for a new manager. Discrimation is in the air.

Paul said...

No discrimination, Anonymous - it's simply that the female came in $5,000 cheaper - and BCC ALWAYS goes cheap.
Actually, the male had the better qualifications, but there's a "glass ceiling" in case you weren't aware. The men ALWAYS come more expensive.
Personally, if there's only $5,000 difference in asking price, I'd vote for the male.
But it won't make a particle of difference WHO they hire: there are people in here that wouldn't be happy with the Lord God himself ... and I'm thinking Joyous Burkart, Saundra Zubko, etc. - they don't like ANYBODY.
Or, like the six - yep - count 'em - SIX (6) !!! managers that Saundra Zubko hired IN ONE YEAR - they simply didn't like US and beat a hasty retreat.
There's a "cancer" here at BCC - and nobody lasts - or wants to! Joanne outlasted any we've had in the past 10 years except for Chuck - and Chuck didn't have a CAM license, which you now have to have by law.
So the Board will go cheap - and you get what you pay for. Probably NOT as bad as what we suffered under United Community Management, but I don't have any great expectations; if you don't have great expectations, then you won't be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I do not think $85,000 for that last FEMALE manager was cheap.........she was cheap..but not her salary!