THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The BCC manager's contract is set to expire.  It is the Board of Directors' responsibility to renew the existing contract or to solicit applications from candidates for the job (including the present manager.)

This is an important decision and I am certain the BOD would appreciate owners' input. 

Your blogger will not venture an opinion on this but owners should feel free to comment.  

Comments are always more significant if the commenter reveals his/her identity.  How about going on the record?

10/13/10 NOTE:  I'd like to remind you folks that the topic here is BCC's manager, not the failings (intellectual, moral, linguistic, genetic) of your neighbors.  Nice to see there is some interest in who manages BCC though. 


Joyous Burkart said...

Kudo's to BCC"s Resident Services Rep.
BCC is very fortunate to have Sheila.
Some of you may not know, but Sheila was involved in a "chain car accident" on her way home from work a couple of weeks ago. It was not her fault and she did receive some "backlash" type
The Dr. ordered physical therapy 3 times a week.
Did Sheila stay out of work.?................NO! she scheduled her appointments on her lunch hour, so she would not miss work.
She is something else. Sheila is always at work 20 minutes before time, hardly ever misses a day of work. With a small child...she is to be commended for her attendance.
Its so nice to go to the office and see a smiling face. She treats us all with respect. Sheila is always dressed in a professional manner...appropriate business attire and well groomed hair and make-up.
This is so important when dealing with vendors and realtors. She makes BCC look "top shelf".
Even with a small baby, she studied for her CAM to be a licensed cam manager.............LCAM....................OF COARSE SHE PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS. BCC must be covered by a LCAM at all times.
Stop in sometime and tell her,... she is appreciated................
I certainly do.!
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart

Anonymous said...

How about Sheila as the next BCC manager???

Anonymous said...

Why not, indeed!
Sheila would be a great replacement to see the end of an era. If we're losing the best manager that BCC ever had (Joanne), why not?
It's either that or go back to United Community. Of coarse, I can't see any hope or improvement for BCC with either one.
United Community paid the Board's maintenance and dockage to keep there loyalty, while Sheila will be overwhelmed by the inmates who will take over. She probably won't last a year.
Our present Board is a do-nothing bunch. All talk and no action. Promises made - promises broken. By dumping Joanne, they've opened the door to Saundra's bunch to walk back in (or people that Saundra can control , like she pulled Sam's puppet-strings).
Who cares?
It's down the toilet for BCC in any case. Everything ends up as the lowest common denominator - and that's getting lower every year. The Glory Days are over.
Just one thing to satisfy my personal curiosity? I would LOVE to demand a head count from each Board member how they voted on the Joanne issue. I'd like to know just who to thank personally. said...

OMG - I just got back after two weeks away and read Joyous' gloating e-mail over Joanne's contract not being renewed!

WHAT IS THIS BOARD THINKING!? The majority of people in BCC think Joanne's done a good job. These stupid people have certainly NOT represented MY wishes - and I helped vote them into office. It MUST be a personal "spite" agenda thing.

WHO on this Board made this despicable decision?

I want to "thank" them personally! I want to be sure NOT to vote for any of them in the next Election.

BCC is definitely going down the tubes, just like our country.

Kevin Flagg said...

I am appalled.

I voted for this Board because they indicated they supported keeping Joanne as manager. Now they've thrown her out like yesterday's garbage.

I'll say only ONE thing in favor of this sad Board - financially, I'm sure they were scrupulously honest and there was no hint of any kickbacks. Otherwise, they certainly didn't accomplish much.

I too would demand that this Board be questioned individually at the October Board Meeting AND that it be printed IN THE NEWSLETTER which Board members voted to keep Joanne (and I'm sure that SOME did) and just who voted to get rid of her.
We all knew that Saundra's Board wanted her out; we never expected such a bad decision from THIS Board.

I will NOT vote for anyone in next year's Election who voted to dump her. I'm sure that a lot of the residents who voted for this Board will NOT vote for those who voted Joanne out.

In the end, the joke is on US - the residents - who voted this sorry Board in.

Chellie Bee said...

Bring back United Community! They were the BEST.

Kendra Campbell said...

Charlie: you haven't given us a summary of the September Board Meeting. How come? Did I miss something here ........??? I don't like what I'm hearing.

Anonymous said...

What a dumb Board this is. They don't know professionalism when they see it. And these people vote in an election? I bet they reproduce too - horrors!

Glena Barnet said...

This Board thinks they'll be elected again this coming February?

kATHY WILLIS said...

I work nights, so I can't ever attend a Board Meeting, but I DON'T remember seeing anything on any Meeting Agenda about Joanne's contract renewal.
When was this decided?
Who voted in favor and who voted against?
Enquiring minds WANT TO KNOW.

Anonymous said...

Joanne won't be manager next year?
What a pity.
There go honesty and decency.
It was nice while it lasted.


Enquiring minds STILL want to know!
I checked with a few residents and one of them claims to have the "inside" dope right from a Board member.
This Board member claims there never was a real "vote" on whether or not to renew the manager's contract.
Apparently Brady and Houston wanted to renew the contract. Bullock and Delaney DIDN'T want to renew it.
So that leaves Francis and Holland - HOW DID THEY "VOTE"?
Was the final concensus 4 against 2? 3 against 3? or could it even have been 2 against 4, and we were lied to?
Time to 'fess up!

Anonymous said...

I feel betrayed by this Board's decision to not renew our manager's contract. I campaigned hard to get them elected. At this point, I wouldn't elect them to pick up dog doo-doo or clean the toilets in the four Rec. halls.

But let's look at this "dispassionately", if that's possible:
Since they didn't do much of anything, I seriously doubt if they would stand a chance of getting re-elected next February. After the momentous decision they've just made regarding the manager's contract, that's a "given" - they don't stand a snowball's chance in HELL of getting re-elected!

So where would that leave our manager if she DID get renewed? Stuck with a Board that probably will be made up of Saundra "Supporters" (and most people have no idea just who most of them are) - "fresh faces" would be a shoo-in next February. If
these "supporters" managed to achieve a quorum of four Board members, then Saundra's group will pay up what they owe on the ice machine, and the four (quorum) supporters will resign, one at a time, voting back in Saundra, Pete Shelton, Harriet and Sam. Now that BCC is firmly in the black, they won't be able to resist getting their filthy paws on the finances again.

The three "outsiders" will probably then resign, since they will then be hopelessly outvoted on everything, and we will probably see Rochelle, Leslie and Jim Pappas taking over as their replacements. FIRMLY back in the saddle, and never again a clean election in BCC!

Nice job, current Board!

I hope that Joanne finds a WONDERFUL non-back-stabbing community to run, but GAWD - we're going to miss her!

Joyous Burkart said...

All the Anonymous' and the phony made up names of one person say:
FESS UP..............who supported (there was no vote) the manager. I have only heard of one Board member, Bill Delaney stand up and say his thoughts.
All the others have not expressed how they feel.
If they supported the manager to STAY.........why don't they put their name behind it....................retaliation perhaps..............................
How do I stand on the manager.
She gave away my social security number to Zubco to give to a private investigator to harass me and 8 others.....she did it when no one was around.............sneaky business.
Three guesses how I feel about her.

Just me again. said...

Actually, it is another very beautiful day at Bay Colony Club and I am excited that we are taking steps to get residents involved in caring about each other. Exciting things coming. I am saddened to learn that all these slanderous negative comments actually came from one person. In reality, everything is fine at BCC and getting better. I personally work 6-8 and sometimes 10 hours a day on BCC issues and I know Wilbur does too. I have learned a lot being on the Board this year about people. This is a job for the the community's benefit, not our own. Discussion over issues MUST leave "ego" out of it.
~~Betty Francis, VP

Joyous Burkart said...

Residents that have been here for years...may remember Betty, our BOOKKEEPER.
It was sooooooo nice to have Betty as the bookkeeper on site. She answered the phone, helped with mailings, do the postings, and payroll and covered for lunch.
If you had a problem with your account, you went into the office and Betty would straighten it out pronto.
Now, if you have a problem, you call, get a recording, an no return call. Many have complained about the Accounting firm.
One may say its too dangerous to have on site bookkeeping...for what ever reason...........I think BCC would have more control..........with it ON SITE.
Of coarse, we all know that bookkeeping does not take 40 hours a week to upkeep our accounting with the Accounting programs. I understand, it is a simple posting and the program does the rest for you.............................
Its something to ponder.....................and it would be a money saver as well.
It worked well for BCC for years..................
Comments please.......................

Charles Pukit said...

Is that some "Embezzling Betty" (famed in song and story) who pay for their job and perks by "taking care" of BOD members' maintenance and dockage?

Or is it some other Betty?

On site bookkeeping and accounting are one reason prisons and bonding companies exist.

Obviously some BCC employees can, and have recently been forced to violate the law. BAD IDEA!

Bev Houston said...

Yes, Charlie - a BAD idea indeed!

Horror Story OBE: When we first moved in to BCC, I wanted to do laundry but didn't have any quarters. I was told you could get quarters at the Office - just "ask Betty". So I went over (Book-Keeping was in the small conference room at the front). Betty went to a legal filing cabinet and pulled out the bottom drawer with great difficulty - WHY? It was FULL of cash - 20's, 10's, 5's and 1's! It would have taken a large pillowcase to hold it all! She grabbed a huge handful of bills and tossed them on the floor to get to the bottom where the change had fallen. There must have been hundreds of dollars in there - maybe a thousand or two!? I got my quarters and she tossed my two ones into the drawer with all the other bills.

Horror Story TWO: Saundra quit Vista VW and brought along Debbie with her. Debbie had worked in payroll - she was to be our new book-keeper, but she didn't know how, as we found out. Saundra had also hired Maynard and Lucretia (?) Lord as manager and secretary. Maynard rode around the complex at 7 AM in the golf-cart - once - then spent the rest of the day reading the newspaper from cover to cover in the manager's office. Lucretia hadn't a clue how to answer a phone professionally and couldn't even type or stuff an envelope to mail out. Debbie took up the slack and did everything.

When Millie Strohm was hired as book-keeper, she opened the book-keeper's desk drawers and found every drawer completely plastered on all sides with LAYERS of tiny "Post-It" notes with a name and a money amount (no date - no unit number). This was Debbie's "book-keeping" system. It took Millie three months to sort it all out and actually ENTER all this "stuff" into ledger-sheets. We had NO idea until then who owed maintenance! Millie was good, but a professional outside agency is the ONLY way to go. They have to follow certain protocols or lose their license. It's too easy for a corrupt Board to "cook the books" if it's "in-house".

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Thank you BOD for taking a stand and not discussing the renewal of the vile troll that we have now. She is a mean person who should not have any contact with people. Big issues or small ones she always seems put out by any interaction with a resident. I for one am tired of it. You have my vote. I certainly hope that you are going to consider Sheila for the appointment. She should work well as she IS the anti Joanne. That IS a good thing. BTW, BOD, I certainly hope you know that all of the previous blogs stating disgust are penned by only one person..... Wink, Wink! All of us here at BCC know who that is too...


One happy BCC resident

Anonymous said...

Why is it that all of these bogus posts by names who don't live here have the same tone as Bev's? Each one uses the same "Oh my GAWD", "inquiring minds want to know", "horror stories","short and curlies", "HA HA HA", and other lines we have seen in Bev's "official" emails? And, many are posted within minutes of each other on the same date??!!! I'm sorry Charlie, but I doubt that many people are sitting in front of their computers at the same time posting to this blog one right after the other. You have the same three people blogging, You, Joyous and Bev. (Well, me too now.) Bev, it's very transparent it's YOU, so why not get out of the house and live a life instead of poisoning BCC? You are not relevant anymore and you supporting Joanne shows your moral character. She gave away sensitive information that after 9-11, was common knowledge to NOT give out!! She is not nice, she treats residents like crap, and is unprofessional. You will do much better with Sheila as every time I go in there, I am greeted with a smile, she offers to help in any way she can, and being newly licensed, I would think she is coming in with NO BAD HABITS!! She does Joanne's job anyway I'm told, as exactly what does Joanne do besides give out SS numbers and bank accounts?? It's time to start treating BCC like the Million dollar company we are.

Anonymous said...

I can't be the only one who has received actual BOD emails going around regarding Manager Contract, constant BOD infighting, BOD hookups, etc.? Very upsetting--being this BOD was supposed to be the "cohesive link to bring BCC back to peace and honesty"! Sooo ironic! No one of them would get my vote for another term!--except maybe Delaney--I don't always agree with him, but he seems to be the only "honest" one on BOD.

Anonymous said...

TO: Enquiring minds WANT TO KNOW--

I definitely agree with Anonymous above regarding the Manager's poor customer service attitude toward most BCC residents, and very sneaky. She makes us all feel like a piece of sh_t, unless she can benefit from it. She is a bossy, insolent micro-manager who does not realize we pay her salary!

On the other hand, no other Manager really 'managed' everything like she does--things like getting all the quotes, checking all contractor references, knows and keeps up with the new FL Condo Laws, keeps excellent records for her Manager's Report, services and prepares all the present BOD Meeting Agendas, postings, proposed motions, etc., and is very proficient on the Computer, very productive, and up-to-date on other electronic equipment. It will be hard to replace her compared to what we've had in the past, but I guess time will tell. A friendly, professional attitude (like Shelia has) goes a very long way in the service business world....(just don't think Shelia would last or could be so productive). I'll bet that's why Joanne's Mgr. Contracts with other Condos on the Beach, etc., were not renewed either.

The following is part of an email sent out to some Residents: Bullock to Delaney which should answer your questions re: BOD Secret Pre-Vote. Hope this helps!
"We had an agreement that no meeting was necessary regarding the manager and that the contract would expire as of Dec. 31,2010 with no vote or action necessary on the part of the Board.

You want the meeting scheduled for Sept 30th; a special meeting. You want my support and want me to vote to not renew the Manager contract. If I vote to not renew the contract the tally would be as follows: Bullock, Delaney and your pit bull would vote to not renew; Houston, Brady, Holland are going to vote to renew.

You changed your mind about letting the contract expire; but it will be my fault if the contract is voted on to renew it.

You did nothing about the ID theft and the managers involvement, did not file a police report, did nothing to protect the Association or its members; but it will be my fault if the Manager contract is renewed.

Your boat is going to be burned if you do not hold a meeting, the police will not protect you; suggestion----put some raw meat on the boat, chain your pit bull to the boat, your dog will protect you.

My suggestion is to hold meeting on Dec. 15th. If you schedule it on Sept 30th, I may or may not be able to attend. If do not attend, and your boat is not set on fire, then everyone will know exactly what a dillusional piece of garbage you really are." ___________________________________

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon about how productive our manager is...she should be with an assistant like Sheila! The office is ALWAYS closed when Sheila is gone. Each time I come in to the office, our resident service agent is a busy little bee. Do you think Joanne writes all of the correspondence that comes out of that office? Who do you think gives Joanne all the information needed for her "excellent " manager's reports? I NEVER see our manager out and about, taking care of business. There can't be THAT much going on that she needs to sit behind her desk all day long. I won't believe it. I think everyone in favor of Joanne is forgetting the girl behind the curtain. I have heard that her contract calls for a 40 hr a week ASSISTANT! If she's THAT good why does she require an assistant to be written into her contract??!! Enquiring minds want to know...

Joyous Burkart said...

Joyous Burkart,
I certainly agree! Sheila does it all BUT DOES NOT MAKE THE BIG BUCKS
I hope the BOD will consider her for Joanne's
replacement...........she has been doing the Mgr. job.
for so long.........and is certainly qualified.
I bet she won't want $85,000 either!
She dresses professionally, uses make up and gives
a great appearance. Sheila always has a smile even thought I think she is not allowed to be TOO friendly.............
Good luck to Sheila, she deserves a promotion.

Joyous Burkart said...

I am really pleased with the SEAWALL work. They did not have to remove the Palms as previously thought.
BK Marine did not interrupt the traffic flow. It seems that
in no time at all, their work as progressed to replacing the dock.
I think they did a great job and also kudos to Gordon Houston for overseeing the project.

Anonymous said...

How about Lisa Farinacci for BCC manager? Doesn't she have her CAM license too?

George said...

The decision to allow the manager's contract to run out without renewing it, was based upon the lack of a majority who supported renewal. Obviously there was disagreement between those who support her, and those who don't. This appears to be comparable to the members of the association, with many on each side of the decision. Seems that it's a no win situation, with disappointment for those who feel betrayed, but at the same time, we need to keep an open mind as to why this happened. Let's hope that they are able to find a competent replacement with a great attitude and a enthusiastic personality.